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cuts down confirmed for service on the surface of a already began speaking the sands of tops life mission managers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory near Los Angeles burst into applause and cheers Thursday as NASA's science rover perseverance landed successfully on Mars, the first stop when he searched for traces of ancient microbial life on the Red Planet.
The robotic vehicles sailed through space for nearly seven months, covering 293 million miles before piercing the Martian atmosphere at 12,000 MPH to begin its approach to touch down on the planet's surface.
Moments after touchdown, perseverance being back its first black and white image from the Martian surface, one of them showing the rover shadow cast on the desolate Rocky landing site, the spacecraft, self guided descent and landing during a complex series of maneuvers stands is the most elaborate and challenging feat in the annals of robotic spaceflight.
タッチダウンの後の瞬間、忍耐は、火星の表面からの最初の白黒の画像を戻っている、そのうちの 1 つの荒涼としたロッキー着陸場にローバーの影を示す宇宙船、自己誘導降下と着陸の複雑な一連の操縦の間に立っているロボット宇宙飛行の歴史の中で最も精巧で挑戦的な偉業です。
The landing represented the riskiest part of a two year, $2.7 billion endeavor whose primary aim is to search for possible fossilized signs of microbes that may have flourished on Mars some three billion years ago.
Scientists hope to find bio signatures embedded in samples of ancient sediments.
That perseverance is designed to extract from Martian rock for future analysis back on Earth, the first such specimens ever collected by humankind from another planet to subsequent Mars missions are planned to retrieve the samples and returned them to NASA in the next decade, okay?