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You were taught that this word is pronounced want, right? But listen to how my toddler pronounces it
I want it. Want it. No T. Did you learn t.hat pronunciation when you learned this word?
欲しい欲しいNo T. この単語を覚えた時に、その発音を覚えましたか?
Probably not. You probably learned the wrong pronunciation of so many words in English and it's
not your fault. It's how English is taught. It's so frustrating you were not given the full picture
of English pronunciation when you learned English as a non-native speaker. Because when you learned
a new word, there was a focus on reading, writing, and the letters, what you see not, what you hear.
You have to learn totally different rules when it comes to speaking English.
Because it's not just two-year-olds who say want without a T, in this phrase.
By the way, there are four different pronunciations of the T. Dropping it is
just one of them, and we'll talk about them all. Today, we're going to study
how my toddler speaks English. And we're going to cover the main things you need to change,
the main rules you need to know as a non-native speaker, to correct your pronunciation, to improve
your fluency in spoken English. And as always, if you like this video, or you learned something new,
please give it a thumbs up and subscribe with notifications. I'd love to see you back.
First, let me say, what's wrong with having an accent when speaking a foreign
language? Absolutely nothing. Accents, human diversity, they're wonderful.
But if the way you speak English is getting in the way of your communication, if you're not reaching
your own goals for yourself, then it's a problem. Let's not let this be what holds you back. My son,
自分の目標を自分で設定しているのであれば、それは問題です。 これを足かせにしないようにしましょう。私の息子が
of course, is learning English only by hearing. He doesn't get messed up by seeing or understanding
letters, and how they might relate to sounds. I recently posted a video online of a conversation
I had with him, and one of my students commented how she noticed he was naturally doing all these
things it's taken her years to work on. So she, like you, learned that this letter is
彼女が何年もかけて取り組んできたことをだから 彼女は あなたと同じように この手紙が
pronounced ttt-- T pronunciations, reductions, and linking, are the three main things we'll
発音はttt... Tの発音、リダクション、リンクの3つが主なものになります。
talk about in this video. Sawyer, my son, does it all naturally. Most of my students
don't. I'll make sure you know where to go to work on all of these things. You learned tt--
a true T but I would say that's the pronunciation, 10 maybe 20% of the time, so most of the time,
a true T but I would say that's the pronunciation, 10 probably 20% of the time, so most of the most time.
it's the wrong, less natural pronunciation. The rest of the time, it's dropped, flapped, stopped,
or turned into a CH. We've seen an example of dropping the T in: I want it. I want it.
chになったりしています。tに落とした例を見てきました。I want it.I want it.
I want it.
He also drops it in the word just.
I just want it now. I just want it. It's really common to drop the T between two consonants,
and that's why he drops it in just. The next sound is the W consonant. Just want it. Last summer,
for example, there, also very common to drop the T because it comes between
two consonants. Last summer. I just want it. Let's hear his phrase again.
I just want it now. Actually, just the other day, i told my four-year-old son, Stoney,
今すぐにでも欲しい実は先日 4歳の息子のストーニーに言ったんだ
to brush his teeth. You know what he said? I don't want to. I don't want to. I don't want to.
He dropped the T in want, the T in don't, the T in to. He said that phrase with no T's. I don't
彼はT in wantのtを落とした the T in don'tのtを落とした the T in toのtを落とした。彼はそのフレーズをTを使わずに言ったのですI don't
want to. All smoothly linked together, but all Ts dropped .i actually have a video that goes over
N apostrophe T words, like don't. That's really helpful. I go over all the different ways the T
might be pronounced in this particular word or set of words, so check that video out here, or
by clicking the link in the video description. Stoney, time to brush your teeth. I don't want to.
動画のリンクをクリックしてくださいストーニー 歯を磨く時間だしたくないわ
Sawyer also changes the T pronunciation in the phrase 'can you get it for me?'.
ソーヤーも「Can you get it for me? 」というフレーズでTの発音を変えています。
Can you get it for me? Get it—becomes: get it, get it, get it, linking those two words with
私のためにそれを得ることができますか?get it-becomes: get it, get it, get it, get itの2つの単語をリンクさせて
a flap T. Get it, get it, that's very different from ttt--, get it, get it, get it, get it.
a flap T.ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲット、ゲットとは大違いです。
Let's see it again.
Can you get it for me? Get it. Get it. It sounds like a D between
vowels in American English, doesn't it? Get it, get it. That's one of our T pronunciations,
and it helps us speak English really smoothly, and that smoothness, and linking between words
is a really important characteristic of American English, and that might be different than your
native language. If you've watched a lot of my videos, then you're probably pretty familiar with
the different T pronunciations. But if you want a refresher, or if this idea is totally new to you,
i've put together a playlist that goes over the different T pronunciations,
and when you would want to use each one. Now, in this phrase: Can you get it for me?
He also did an important reduction, and reductions are another key issue you'll want to study to make
sure that you're having more natural English pronunciation, to focus on English sounds,
and how things are actually pronounced, not words or letters. It was this word,
言葉や文字ではなく 実際にどのように発音されるのか?この言葉でした
you probably learned it's pronounced for. I doubt you learned that it's pronounced fer.
"フォー "と発音することを習ったんでしょうね"ファー "と発音することを 習ったのではないでしょうね
but that's how it's pronounced most of the time. There's a big difference between for and fer.
でもほとんどの場合はそのように発音されますfor と fer の間には大きな違いがあります
Now with Sawyer here, I've slowed it down
so you're not going to hear it as short, but you'll definitely hear it's fur, and not for.
For-- for-- Can you get it for me? You know, I had a student in my academy once,
she lived in the US and she was married to an American. She told him about the academy and
彼女はアメリカに住んでいて アメリカ人と結婚していました彼女は彼にアカデミーのことを話し
that she was training to change her habit to say fur instead of for. And he said,
what? That's not how we say it. Of course, he was wrong. We're so unaware of our own habits.
As an adult, he was also tied to the letters F-O-R even though he himself pronounced it as:
for, for, as if it had no vowel at all. By the way she did catch him in conversation saying fer--
for, for, for, まるで母音が全くないかのように。ところで彼女は会話の中で 彼がフェルと言っているのをキャッチした...
and so she stopped him and pointed it out. She knew more about his pronunciation than he did.
Okay, so for becomes fr, that's a reduction, that means a sound changes or is dropped. This
では、for becomes frは減音で、音が変わったり、落ちたりすることを意味します。これは
word and so many others, we almost always reduce them. Keep in mind, this is not bad English,
sloppy English, lazy English, unclear English, this is actually the most clear English, the
way all native speakers do it. Because American English is a stress-timed language, that means a
contrast between long and short is very important, and reductions help us say these kinds of words
very quickly. There are lots of common reductions in English. You can learn them. You can learn the
reduction. And you can train that. You can be like Sawyer and say: for me, instead of: for me.
I have a playlist that goes over a lot of these and I also have a complete set of videos dedicated
to reductions along with audio for training in my online school Rachel's English Academy. If you
から、私のオンラインスクールRachel's English Academyでのトレーニングのための音声と一緒に還元されます。もしあなたが
want to learn more about the academy and how you can, join click here or see the pinned comment.
Now, let's talk about linking, our third topic today. Many students like to make each individual
word clear and separate. But we don't have a feeling of separation between words in English.
Remember, our example from Sawyer, just want--just want-- instead of: just want, just want,
he dropped the T. That's because it makes it a smoother link. Just want, just want. So we link
彼がTを落としたのは、その方がスムーズにリンクできるからだ。Just want, just want.だからリンクするんだ
words together and we want that smoothness for that American English flowing sound.
If this is hard for you, there are some tricks, like dropping the T in just,
and I've put together a playlist that can help you with this. And actually, reductions, like fr,
とプレイリストをまとめてみましたそして、実際には、 fr.
the for reduction you just learned, these really tie in with linking. Reductions have to be linked
to sound right. You can't say 'for me' with a separation like that. You want: for me, for me,
for me, for me. Constant flow of sound, as if it's one word. So reductions and linking really
私のために、私のために一言の言葉のように 音のコンスタントな流れがありますだから還元とリンクは本当に
work together in American English. In next week's video, we're going to do an in-depth analysis of a
scene from a movie, so we can really study these reductions in real English and how everything
links together. T pronunciations too. So be sure to come back next week for that video.
Now, let's see that whole conversation I had with Sawyer. What do you notice about his speech?
By the way, here are the places where you can follow me, where I
sometimes post things like that video, you'll get to see short videos and photos from my life
occasionally. And you can keep your learning going right now with this video. If you're
serious about changing some of your habits in spoken English, head over to my academy
and check it out, we can help you and support you. Rachelsenglishacademy.com
And don't forget to subscribe here on YouTube.
I make new videos every Tuesday. That's it and thanks so much for using Rachel's English