Butweloseourway, and I'm gonnaputmyselfatthetopofthelist, blamingmyself, allofthosegreatreportersthat I mentionedandthosegreatanalyststhat I mentioned.
I'm puttingmyselfatthetopofthelistbecause I havethisplatform.
I havefirsttaketwohourseveryday, and I gotStephen a swirledand I got N bawithStephen A andallofthisotherstuff, and I haven't talkedaboutDamianLillardenoughnumberoneintheMBAsince 2000 and 12 withclutchpoints.
スティーブン・A・イシュー、ダミアン・リラードに大規模な謝罪:「I APOLOGIZE, IT'S MY FAULT!| スティーヴン・Aがダミアン・リラードに大規模な謝罪を要求した。 (Stephen A. issues a massive apology to Damian Lillard: 'I APOLOGIZE, IT'S MY FAULT!' | First Take)