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  • high levels of antibodies have been found in almost all people infected with covert 19 for a least six months, according to a major UK study.


  • The results showed that 99% of participants retained antibodies for three months on 88% still had them after six months.


  • Scientists say the results should provide some reassurance that swift cases of reinfection will be rare.


  • Naomi Allen, a professor and chief scientist at UK Bio Bank who conducted the study, said that although we cannot be certain how this relates to immunity, the results suggest that people may be protected against subsequent infection for at least six months following natural infection.


  • On Wednesday, a pre print study showed that just one shot of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine provided sustained protection for three months.

    水曜日には、印刷前の研究は、オックスフォード アストラゼネカ ワクチンの 1 回の注射だけで 3 ヶ月間の持続的な保護を提供したことを示した。

  • It showed a 76% efficacy until a second shot was given on higher efficacy.


  • If the second dose was given at least 12 weeks after the first.


  • Now that is really good news.


  • Health Secretary Matt Hancock used this to defend the country's vaccine rollout strategy.


  • Britain has extended the gap between doses on given the shot to people of all ages, whereas France Belgium and Germany recommend that Oxfords vaccine is only given toe under 65.

    イギリスは、フランス ベルギーとドイツ Oxfords ワクチンは 65 歳未満のつま先だけを与えられていることをお勧めするのに対し、すべての年齢層の人々 にショットを与えられた投与量の間のギャップを拡張しています。

  • Director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, Andrew Pollard said the study was also a success for reducing transmission well that could have, ah really important impact in that it reduces the chances of someone who who is exposed getting the infection, and if they don't get the infection, they can't pass it on, so it decreases the risk, all of transmission in the population.


  • The study's findings are only preliminary ons still under review.


  • It may support Britain's decision to separate doses, but it did not give extra direct evidence of efficacy in older people.


high levels of antibodies have been found in almost all people infected with covert 19 for a least six months, according to a major UK study.


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