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  • billie holiday was a global superstar  and she is the godmother of civil rights


  • what makes her life a phenomenal story is that she  had the government against her because she wanted  


  • to sing strange fruit which was a song about  lynching and they told her no black body swings  


  • a song about important things you know things that  are going on in the country strange fruit in the  

    あなたが知っている大切なことを歌った歌 田舎で起こっていることを知っている奇妙な果実

  • black community it's almost like this battle cry  no one would allow us to speak on it the only way  


  • to get into the hearts and living rooms of america  was through song it's really the story of her  

    "アメリカの心と居間に入り込むために" "歌を通して" "本当に彼女の物語を

  • being one of the first freedom fighters because  it was her singing that song unapologetically and  


  • defiantly that reinvigorated the civil rights  movement and that's what they hated her for


  • get her off that stage


  • after seeing strange fruit you know police would  be shooting into her car as she's driving away  


  • anslinger was the director of the federal bureau  of narcotics he wanted to make an example out  


  • of her no matter how hard he tries she still  gets up and she wins the hearts of the crowd  

    どんなに頑張っても立ち上がって 群衆の心を掴む

  • and this infuriates her we've warned her to stop  singing the song if i don't sing it who will  

    私が歌わないと誰が歌ってくれるか分からないから 歌わないように警告したのよ

  • it showed that real resistance existed way back  then it was timely still timely and the naacp  

    それは本当の抵抗が存在することを示していました 当時はまだタイムリーでした そしてnaacpは

  • says billy holliday is the voice of our people  i want people to walk away knowing that you can  

    ビリー・ホリデイは人々の代弁者だと言う 私は人々にあなたができることを知っていてほしいと思っている

  • make a change because that's exactly what billy  holliday did strange fruit hanging you think i'm  

    ビリー・ホリデイがやったことと同じだからな 変わってくれ

  • gonna stop singing that song you grandkids will  be singing strange fruit from the poplar trees

    その歌を歌うのをやめたら 孫がポプラの木から奇妙な果実を歌うことになるだろう

billie holiday was a global superstar  and she is the godmother of civil rights


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A2 初級 日本語 果実 ビリー 歌う 歌っ 歌わ 奇妙

公民権のゴッドマザー|アメリカ合衆国対ビリー・ホリデー特集|Huluオリジナル (The Godmother of Civil Rights | United States vs. Billie Holiday Featurette | Hulu Original)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 02 月 04 日