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  • Whatsup guys,

  • Today i'm gonna talk about, what i think, is the best battery pack for your smartphone.

  • The Go Puck.

  • Go Puck is a product that focusses on Lifestyle. With all the new wearable devices these days...

  • people want to charge their product when they need to. With a fully charged Go Puck you

  • can charge your devices up to 5x times! But they also sell a cheaper version which let's

  • you charge 3x.

  • First, let's see what's in the box.

  • - The Go Puck itself - We got the charging cable for the go puck

  • it self - A charging cable for the the devices.

  • - And Various adapters, also really old one's. Like old Sony Ericson, old iPod devices.

  • Now let's take a look at go puck. You can charge two devices with these two USB ports.

  • On the left, a rapid charge port for all small devices and on the right you can charge devices

  • like your iPad.

  • Like I said. With the Go Puck you can charge your smartphone up to 5 times on a single

  • charge. The Go puck is fully charged in 4,5 hours. Your smartphone is fully charged in

  • less then a hour.

  • Now I don't know what it's lifecycle is exactly but the manual says up to a 1000 times. And

  • I think that's way more then enough for it's price.

  • This version costs 99 dollars and the cheaper version costs 70 dollars.

  • But there's one more thing and I think this makes the Go Puck really awesome. For twenty

  • dollars you can buy a really great accessory. It's called an Active Mount.

  • With it you can mount the go puck to your backpack or any type of belt.

  • With this hole in de middle you can even attach your Go Pro or other small camera's. This

  • way you can have the Go Puck near you camera and you can keep recording without the need

  • to replace batteries or recharge.

  • So the Go Puck is a really good charger for someone with a active lifestyle. I really

  • love it. On vacation I strapped it to my backpack and my phone was charging in me pocket. Really

  • handy.

  • Of course their are a lot more options for charging your device when you're on the go.

  • Cases like the Mophie Juicepacks for example. They are way more expensive and give you just

  • one charge for just one single device.

  • So I would definitely recommend the Go Puck!

  • That was my video for today. Let me know what you guys think about the Go Puck. Or do you

  • prefer the Battery packs like Mopie? Let me know in the comments down below.

Whatsup guys,


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A2 初級

レビュー。Go Puck.ウェアラブルデバイスに最適なバッテリーパック? (Review: Go Puck: The Best Battery Pack for Wearable Devices?)

  • 51 5
    Hhart Budha に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日