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  • We start this lunchtime in Brazil... After close to a month of some of the most

  • exciting football the world has ever seen, we have new World Cup champions, Germany.

  • The European team were crowned World Cup winners for the fourth time... with a ONE-NIL extra

  • time victory against Argentina... in the final. SJ Lee has the details.

  • As many fans and pundits predicted, it was an exciting match to close out the 2014 Brazil

  • World Cup. With the match going the full 90 minutes without

  • a single goal scored, the match went into extra time, still looking for a clear winner.

  • It wasn't until the 113th minute, when Mario Gotze scored a brilliant goal, giving Germany

  • the 1-0 lead, and the win. For Germany, this marks their fourth World

  • Cup win,... but first as a unified nation, as the team have only won as West Germany,

  • in the past.

  • For Argentina's Lionel Messi, who shanked his final chance at an equalizer, he was still

  • able to win the Golden Ball award, given to the best player in the tournament.

  • As expected, German goalkeeper Manuel Neuer claimed the Golden Glove Award, for the top

  • goalkeeper in the tournament. Colombia's James Rodriguez takes home the

  • Golden Boot Award with 6 goals in total.

  • And now that the 2014 Brazil World Cup has ended, the baton is passed over to Russia,

  • who will host the 2018 World Cup. SJ Lee, Arirang News.

We start this lunchtime in Brazil... After close to a month of some of the most


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B1 中級

ドイツがアルゼンチンに1-0で勝利し、ワールドカップ王者に輝いた。 (Germany crowned World Cup champions with 1-0 victory over Argentina)

  • 342 20
    姚易辰 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日