字幕表 動画を再生する
I'm Dr Annie Gray, I'm a food historian. I'm here at Audley End where in 2008 a multimillion
わたしはアニー・グレイ(博士) 料理の歴史家です 2008年 何百万ポンドと資金をかけた
pound project was launched to reevaluate and reinterpret the Service Wing. I was quite
オードリィ・エンド邸の使用人職場 再評価と再解釈のプロジェクトが始まりました
heavily involved. As part of the project a team of costumed interpreters were put in
重い責任を担いました プロジェクトの一部門に 衣装再現チームをつくりました
place. We were in costume, we were in character and we were talking to the public about our
わたしたちは衣装を着て 役作りをし
lives, our hopes, our dreams, as well as interpreting the daily life and chores of servants. And
みなさまに 生活、希望、夢、 使用人たちの日常の家事仕事を語りました
I say 'we' because I was one of them. I played the first kitchen maid Mary-Anne Bulmer but
わたしも '私たち′の一人でした 最初の台所メイド マリー・アン・ブルマーを演じました
I was also in charge of the team, leading up what people were saying, why they were
チームの責任者でもありました 見学者の皆様が 本当に良い経験を得られるために
saying it and making sure that every visitor that came here got a really good experience
当時の使用人たちが言っていたのか なぜそう言うのかを演出しました
and learnt an awful lot too. But behind that project was a lot more work and I've come
辛い仕事であることも学びました 舞台裏は 多くの仕事があり
here today to meet Dr Andrew Hann, one of English Heritage's historians and one of the
今日はアンドリュー・ハン(博士)に会いに来ました 英国遺産の歴史家のひとりであり
leading lights behind the project as it unfolded. Andrew, tell what was your role on the project?
Well when I first arrived at English Heritage in 2007 this was my first job so it was really
「アンドリュー、プロジェクトの役割は何ですか?」 2007年 英国遺産に初めて来て、働きました
exciting to get into the Service Wing exhibition and I was able to look at the servants and
使用人職場の展示は わくわくし 当時の使用人たちを見ることができ
find out a little bit more about them and do a little bit of genealogy research so that
もう少し彼らについて知りたいと思い 系譜を調べました
was my first introduction to English Heritage. And it was quite a big project wasn't it?
From what I understand the whole Service Wing was essentially empty, it wasn't really open
壮大なプロジェクトでしたね?使用人職場の全容は からっぽで、閉鎖的で、
very often, there was a table in the kitchen and nothing else and we didn't know anything
台所のテーブルが一つあって、 使用人が何を使っていたのか わかりませんでした
about the people who had worked in it. Yes we didn't know much about them at all. When
we started the project it was basically being used as a service yard. There was a paint
プロジェクトの始動は 使用人の領域でした
store in the laundry and some of the other rooms were being used as a wood workshop and
塗装されたランドリー部屋と 他の部屋は 木製品の工房でした
that sort of thing so it really was a lot of conservation work that was needed. But
再現するのに必要なあれこれを たくさん話し合いました
also we didn't know much about the servants who'd been there as well. Luckily we discovered
当時の使用人たちのことを 詳しく知りませんでした
that there'd been a fire in 1880 and that the kitchen had had to be extensively reserviced,
幸運なことに 1880年 火事があり 台所は 大金をかけて改修されていたのです
so the 1881 census was the obvious place to start. And so, I took the list from there
1881年の記録簿で明らかです そのリストを詳しく調べることを始め
and just started working my way through it and finding out about the various people as
たくさんの人々の中に エイヴィスがいました
I went along, and Avis was one of them. And that's why it was 1881 wasn't it? That's why
1881年だったのは なぜかしら?
this whole project has always been set in 1881 using recipes from the 1880s and slightly
プロジェクトの全容は いつも1881年と決まり 1880年代のレシピが使われています
afterwards because of that big fire and then the fact that we've got the census. Yes it
ほんの少し後にずれてますね 火事のせいで わたしたちは 記録簿を発見した
was, the decision was taken because we had a detailed record of the fire, we had some
そう、でしたね、 火事の詳しい記録があったため
plans which showed what had happened after the fire in terms of reconstruction so it
ある計画を持ち 火事のあと改修された 棚ぼたを活用したのです
was a win on all fronts really. Tell me a bit more about the characters who inhabited
使用人職場の人々の キャラクターを教えてください
the Service Wing because we're very focused on Avis Crocombe in this set of videos but
制作ビデオは エイヴィス・クロークンに焦点です
of course Avis wasn't alone was she? She wasn't, there were two kitchen maids and there was
エイヴィスはひとりではなかった ぼっちではない 2人の台所メイドがいて
a scullery maid who worked in the kitchens. Annie Chase the scullery maid and Mary-Anne
調理場で働く台所メイドの アニー・チェイスと 最初の台所メイドの メリー・アン・ブルマー
Bulmer of course the first kitchen maid. There was also lots of other people working within
使用人職場は たくさんの人たちでいっぱいでした
the Service Wing. There was Fanny Cowley the dairy maid and also a couple of people working
酪農場メイドの ファニー・カウリー
in the laundry. And then we had all the outdoor servants who I did a little bit of research
on as well, so the gardeners and the gamekeepers because we knew they would have some sort
庭園の庭師と 意外なことに 狩猟師の人たち
of interaction. And of course there were indoor servants as well weren't there because we've
もちろん屋敷の中の使用人たちであって 屋敷ではない 台所が焦点です
always focused on the kitchen and to some extent the laundry, the dairy, some of these
関連して 洗濯場、酪農場、 屋敷の外で働く 狩猟や獲物を扱う人たち 庭師たち
outdoor characters the gamekeepers and the gardeners but indoors there's a whole other
屋敷に住む人たちには 別世界で
world and I suppose it's easy to look at a house like this and see it a little bit like
屋敷を眺める 白鳥のように悠々と
a swan serenely going along but what you've got is this huge number of people underneath
翼の下に たくさんの人々を 抱えていたのです
as the legs. There are, there was about 25 to 30 servants who had some involvement at
1880年代は 25~30人はいたようです
the house in the 1880s and that's when you've just got Lord and Lady Braybrooke. Their daughter
ちょうど ブレイ・ブルーク卿夫妻のお嬢様
Augusta has just left to get married so there's just the two of them there and obviously their
オーガスタが結婚し 嫁いだ頃は 二人の使用人が切り盛りしてました
guests when they have them, but it's a really large entourage to really serve two people.