字幕表 動画を再生する
(upbeat music)
- Alright, let's begin standing at the top of the mat,
feet hip width apart,
just take a moment to loop the shoulders
and come into a nice conscious breath,
just do your best, do whatever you can today,
but breath a little deeper. (breathes deeply)
And then on your next big inhale,
send the fingertips all the way up and over your head,
lots of energy in the hands here,
as you just take a nice full body stretch,
pressing the feet into the earth,
inhale, inhale, reach, reach, reach,
and then exhale, release,
interlace the fingertips behind the back,
open up though the chest,
find a little stretch, little movement,
in the torso, the ribs,
you can check in with the head, the neck here,
and then inhale and again, exhale to release.
One more time, inhale, reach for the sky,
really maximize the stretch here, big full body stretch,
feel your muscles, maybe tight from a run,
and then on exhale release, interlace behind,
maybe opposite thumb on top this time,
the one that feels a little strange,
and we open up through the chest,
find a little movement in the torso and the ribs,
and maybe the head, the neck,
and then take a deep breath in, lift your heart,
then exhale to release.
Beautiful, big inhale to reach the arms all the way up
and overhead, and this time exhale
to Forward Fold, so bring it all the way down,
should feel awesome, bend the knees generously,
(inhales deeply)
shake the head loose (exhales)
Nice stretch through the backs of the legs here,
again bend the knees as generously as you like here,
feeling that nice stretch in the lower back muscles,
and then bring the fingertips to the earth.
We'll walk the feet together,
and bend the knees, plant the palms,
and we're gonna step it back to a Downward Dog,
so just step one foot back then the other,
and then send the hips up high,
and then really press your index finger and thumb
into the earth.
As you lift up from the hip creases
and start to pedal the legs back and forth.
(exhales loudly)
Fire up your breath here, (breathes deeply)
and then the next time the left heel
is reaching down towards the earth,
take a deep breath in and lift the right leg up high.
Exhale all the way up into a nice low lunge,
lower the back knee, open the chest.
If you're looking for more of a stretch
you can walk that left knee back even more,
everyone though open up through the chest.
Then right fingertips, you're gonna come
to the arch of the right foot or the heel of the right foot,
and then just nice and slow you're gonna
take your left hand to the small of your back
and start to open up through the chest here.
Breathe deep, stay here, or you can bend that left knee,
and reach back to grab the toes.
Another option here is to maybe bring
the right elbow to the top of the right thigh.
You're going to squeeze into the midline for support,
for stability.
Wrap your left shoulderblade around, inhale, open the chest,
again you can just be here too or here.
And then on an exhale release your left leg
and come all the way back, hands come to the earth
and we come back to that Downward Dog.
Pedal it out, pedal it out.
Activate the breath and the next time
your right heel is down, inhale, lift the left leg up high.
Exhale, step it all the way up and through.
Now lower your back knee, feel free to walk it back
for more of a stretch,
and just be really mindful here as you explore.
Send fresh breaths and awareness to tight muscles,
and when you're ready left fingertips come around
to the inner arch or the inner heel,
and we lift up from the pelvic floor
and we reach the right hand to the small of the back
or the sacrum, and we open up through the chest,
and you can just stay here maybe pressing into
the top of that back foot,
sinking a little deeper, opening up through your heart,
or maybe you come onto the thigh,
or maybe we bend that right knee, grab the toes,
and stretch it out here.
So again, squeeze, hug into the midline for stability,
for support, breathing deep here,
one more inhale,
and then exhale to release.
Awesome work.
Plant the palms back to your Downward Facing Dog.
Pedal it out. (breathing deeply)
Awesome, walk the feet all the way to the center line.
You're just gonna step the right foot behind the left
so that the ankles are crossed here.
Then let your head hang over, relax your shoulders,
and you can keep the fingertips on the earth
for a little stability,
and maybe even sway it a little side to side,
nice soft easy movement here.
If the fingertips don't come to the ground,
no big deal, you can clasp the elbows here,
as you breathe. (exhales)
Beautiful, and then we'll release,
and we'll bring the right foot back beside the left,
and then take the left toes around.
Crossing the other direction,
and then the same thing, if the fingertips don't
come to the mat here, you can clasp the elbows,
maybe opposite clasp,
and just relax the weight of the head over
as you press evenly through all four corners
of your feet,
and take one more deep breath in. (inhales)
And then nice and slow, bringing the feet side by side,
back together, rolling up to Mountain Pose,
tucking the chin into the chest.
Take your time.
And we rise up, Mountain Pose.
Shift your weight to one side, grab the opposite ankle,
quad stretch, squeeze inner thighs to the midline,
smile, you're amazing, appreciate your body.
So awesome, and release.
Other side, just quick quad release here,
squeezing in, smiling, life is good.
Wonderful, then release, rotate one ankle,
then the other,
and then bring the hands together at the heart.
We take a deep breath in,
and we exhale, bowing chin to chest.
(upbeat music)