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The European Union is asking pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca to publish its co vid 19 contract on vaccine supplies in the latest escalation of the ongoing dispute over its delivery timetable.
The move comes after AstraZeneca CEO said on Tuesday that the U contract was based on a best effort Claws on did not commit the company to a specific schedule and you official said that the best effort clause was standard in contracts for products that are in development on don't yet exist.
AstraZeneca previously announced that it would cut supplies to the U in the first quarter and you official told Reuters last week that that amounted to a 60% reduction to 31 million doses.
アストラゼネカは以前にそれが第 1 四半期に U への供給を削減することを発表し、あなたの公式は先週ロイターに語ったそれは 60 % の削減に 31 百万用量に達しました。
Vaccine rollouts in the European Union have been slow Aunt fraught with problems compared with other countries, including former U member Britain.