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  • HoM 62: Personality Programming 01 September 2007

  • Hi, this is Jack.Okay, personality.

  • Your personality, I don't know if you have heard, Veno has explained it as well before,

  • is a derivative of your subconscious mind of transferences from your mother and your father.

  • So, when you are born, you are born interdimensionally with a mind consciousness system.

  • So,your mind consciousness system, with your human physical body and you within

  • before two years ago this occurred

  • the human physical body, in the mother‟s womb, as the baby,

  • the mind consciousness systems, and, of course, youdevelop together as one.

  • So, you were developed with a conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind.

  • Now,

  • during that period,

  • the mother matrix system and the father matrix system got downloaded into you within the subconscious mind.

  • So, in your mind you had three layers;

  • you had the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind.

  • Now,

  • the unconscious mind and the subconscious mind were plugged in here at the back of your head,

  • within which all the unconscious mind downloaded information,

  • which is all of this worldtheunified consciousness field‟ –

  • so that you are locked within this entire consciousness system of the world

  • is your unconscious mind.

  • Your subconscious mind is where your mother matrix system and your father matrix system are plugged in.

  • And all of your mother and your father‟s information ofwho they are within the systemas a mind consciousness system,

  • is downloaded within your subconscious mind.

  • So, your conscious mind is still kind of likesubmissiveat this moment.

  • First, the downloaded information is placed within the subconscious mind layer and the unconscious mind layer of your human physical body

  • interdimensionally, as the mind consciousness system.

  • So, then, when you are born and you are kind of walking in this world,

  • you start using the downloaded information from your mother and your father within your subconscious mind;

  • you use it to kind of start developing your own personality.

  • Now, this is done through thinking,

  • through observing your parents,

  • through observing the pictures,

  • and from the interactionyou start seeing and noticing your world

  • from the words your parents speak, etc. – everything

  • you use to kind of develop your conscious mind.

  • From your conscious mind is kind of where your personality starts developing.

  • Once you have kind of started developing yourown personality‟,

  • it starts manifesting as you within your subconscious mind.

  • In other words, children are copies from their parents, direct copies.

  • You know, the saying, „the passing on from generation to generation‟, theSins of the Fathers‟, etc.

  • That's how it's done.

  • So, therefore, why there is so much conflict, usually,

  • between children and their parents:

  • because the parents are seeing the reflection of themexactly.

  • That's why there is conflict.

  • The children are actually showing the parents who they are;

  • the children are showing the parents who the parents are.

  • So, personality

  • your personality consists of words, experiences and memories of your parents,

  • and the parents before them

  • and going back multiple generations because of the passing on of theSins of the Fathers‟.

  • So, what is this information download that occurs in the subconscious mind?

  • It is memories of your mother and you father

  • and their mother, and father before them, and the list goes on;

  • past experiences.

  • It‟s like memories, but these memories are like picturecaptured moments that kind of move,

  • because these moments are certain events that took place within your parent‟s lives

  • that started defining them aswho they arewithin the systematic reality as a mind consciousness system.

  • You know, moments of conflict, moments of joy, moments of lovebut that are of consciousness experiences

  • that has been downloaded as memories as information within your subconscious mind,

  • so that you are able to use that to start definingwho you are‟.

  • How does personality work?

  • Personality is your behaviour,

  • the way you speak,

  • the way you interact, the way you participate, the way you react,

  • what your relationships will become.

  • Usually daughters marry their fathers,

  • and sons marry their mothers

  • it‟s fascinating.

  • I know you probably won‟t see it now,

  • but in terms of, if you‟d started getting to know us more here in the dimensions, we are able to actually show you out the points.

  • So, you know, parents transfer everything of them into their children, and then the children just continue living the parent‟s life,

  • and so the lists continues, and theSins of the Fatherscontinues.

  • So, personality, human beingsyou are the exact copies and duplicates of your parents.

  • You may have a „differentanduniquepersonalitybut it‟s not.

  • Thatdifferentanduniquepersonality

  • merely comes from the way you have constructed your subconscious mind

  • in terms of how youll speak, how youll participate, and how youll react

  • but if you look at the complete essence ofwho you are‟:

  • you are actually exactly the same as your parents,exactly the same as your parents were.

  • So why do parents and children have conflicts?

  • Because the parents see that their children are becoming them,

  • and that scares the living shit out of them,

  • because how many parents in this world say,

  • “I will never have my children live my life and have my life.”

  • Parents have said that.

  • Are your children not today living the exact same thing you never wanted them to become?

  • Why is that?

  • Because of the subconscious mind transference

  • that your children have become exactly as youand parents won‟t say that to their children, of course, because children won‟t „understand‟,

  • but I see it everywhere.

  • It‟s so interesting how many parents say that:

  • My children will never live the life that I had,”or: “My children will never become me,” or

  • even the children. Children, haven‟t you ever said: “I will never become my mother,” or: “I will never become my father,”

  • and what happens? You become your mother, and you become your father.

  • So be careful of the wordnever‟. So, that‟s personality.

  • Personality is derived from subconscious mind transfers of information as memoryexperiences from your mother and your father

  • that you used to define yourself as,

  • and maybe constructed the information differently to seem that you have, a „differentanduniquepersonality, but you don‟t.

  • You have the exact copy of your parents.

  • Thank you. This is Jack.

HoM 62: Personality Programming 01 September 2007


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