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What is the latest on Kyrie Irving's return after missing seven straight games to complete the trifecta?
Well, he's expected to practice today, and that's, Ah, good first sign for Nets fans because Steve Nash has said that that is what they want.
彼は今日練習すると思われます ネッツファンにとっては良い兆候です スティーブ・ナッシュはそれを望んでいると言っています
They want to ramp up his on court work because the league allows for players who have been in quarantine after being in the health and safety protocols, which Kyrie was after.
He was found to have violated, um, their rules when he attended a family birthday party and then Steve NASA.
彼は家族の誕生日会に出席した時に ルール違反をしたと判明したんだ その後スティーブ・NASAにも
The hope is that he plays Wednesday in Cleveland.
Now, remember, Kyrie Irving is only ever since he left Cleveland and went to Boston in 2017 has only ever played in Cleveland one time.
So this would be the second time if he does make that expected return that Steve Knapp said that he's hopeful he will on Wednesday.
It'll only be the second time he has gone back and played in Cleveland.
Mallika would have hardened and Durant said about their relationship with each other or with Kyrie.
Yes, with each other.
Um, well, it's something that both of them have said that they are leaning on as they're trying to find on court chemistry without having any process.
Remember, James Harden has now played in two games with the Mets, and he's yet to attend to practice.
So everything was sort of trial by fire.
And so Sean Marks, Kevin Durant, James Harden have also said, um, that they are leaning on that pre existing relationship that they've had, that they have all that is wonderful.
That they were all saying was part of what ended up landing this thing and making this trade happened that they're all leaning on that to build on court chemistry.
And last night, James Harden said, You know, the difference is that in O k.
C, we were young.
Now we're grown men who are looking to do more than just dunk and get our own shots up.
We have higher basketball, I Q Kevin Durant said.
我々はより高いバスケットボールを持っている、I Qケビン・デュラントは言った。
So he said that the blend between the good relationship they have the friendship they have and then also there years in the league apart has allowed them to come back together and still have that.
I'm getting back on the bike type of feeling.
I know this player I know what he's about, but I also have all of this experience under my belt now that is aiding me in being a better teammate to this All Star.
I also think the blend between the coaching staff is gonna be critical to and Steve Nash the time he spent with Golden State that continuity offense in which they played.
また、コーチング スタッフの間のブレンドが重要になるだろうと思うし、スティーブ ・ ナッシュ彼はゴールデン ステートで過ごした時間は、彼らが果たした連続性の攻撃。
And then how important is Mike D'Antoni to this whole process?
Considering his relationship with a guy like James Harden, well, the relationship is definitely something J.
That they're talking about being important, but even more so.
Steve Nash is that over the last couple of days again, it's that integration of James Harden.
And there is a familiarity of just knowing James's game from being around the league a long time from playing against him for many years from being a basketball fan and watching him.
But it's a different level when you have Mike D'Antoni that is sitting on the bench and knows his tendencies, Aziz well or better than anyone.
So as they're trying to work this guy in on the fly without having had the time to see, sit down and extensively dive into and go through it film and in practice, exactly what every single scheme is.
This that and the other.
Mike D'Antoni is that liaison in many ways.
And so he is someone that Steve Nash said again and again.
It's invaluable toe have on their bench as they're trying to kind of make this chemistry experiment work.
Mallika, we really appreciate it will be interesting to see what happens with Kyrie.
Obviously, the next couple of games or against the team that Kyrie knows well in the Cleveland Cavaliers or schedule doesn't look too daunting through the rest of January, either.
明らかに、次のカップルのゲームやクリーブランド キャバリアーズやスケジュールのカイリーがよく知っているチームに対して 1 月の残りの部分を介してあまりにも困難に見えることはありません。
Really appreciate your perspective this morning.
Thanks for having me, gentlemen.
Malik Andrews joining us on the Goodyear hotline will be joined on the Goodyear Hotline by Jeff Passan, ESPN Major League Baseball insider and the author, co author of an explosive piece about the Mets general manager Jared Porter and some inappropriate text messages and selfies that he sent to a female baseball reporter.
Stories exploded here in the last 24 hours.
Porter has been fired largely due to that report coming out, and Jeff will join us at 9:30 a.m. Eastern key.
I gotta ask you, when you really look at the situation with the Nets at this particular point, do you feel like to me, Harden can fill it up?
聞いておきたいんだが ネッツの状況を見た時に この特定の時点で ハーデンがそれを埋めることができると思うか?
But the fact that Durant scored 42 the first night Harden got in with a triple double scored 30 last night.
This is not one of those things where we'll sort of figure it out to Jay's point off to figure it out when Kyrie gets back.
これは、我々はそれを理解するためにジェイのポイントオフにそれを把握するように並べ替えるそれらのものの一つではありません カイリーが戻ってきたときにそれを把握するために。
But for these two, already take me inside the mind of an athlete.
How does he become so seamless so fast?
Well, it was seamless for Katie to begin with, right, once he got back healthy, we knew that he was gonna do with Katie has always done, which is fill it up in the fact that you've added Harden, it's It's all about communication.
ケイティにとっては最初からシームレスだった 彼が健康を取り戻したら ケイティがいつもしてきたように ハーデンを加えたという事実を 埋めようとしていた それはコミュニケーションの問題だった
It's all about knowing one another.
It's all about playing with one another, being around one another multiple times, working out together.
It's it's It's this silent language that you have with one another.
I can go plug in with any quarterback that I've ever played with, and we're not gonna miss a beat Boom.
今まで一緒にプレーしてきたどんなクォーターバックでも プラグインしていけるし 隙を見逃すことはないわ
It's just, you know, when I got Vinnie when I got Vinnie from from with Dallas, I had it with the Jets.
I plug right in with Dallas.
We was cooking because it's you just know what it iss.
I understand you.
I understand your body language is just this this feel that we have for one another, whether it's picking roles, whether it's picking pops, whether it's playing defense and switching off.
We understand each other, and I think that is what you get when you get two guys or maybe even three guys that have played together before.
If the Nets can figure out the answer to this one question, they will win the world championship.
Who manages Kyrie Irving?
So look at this.
Steve Nash is there because K D ultimately gave him the stamp.
スティーブ・ナッシュがそこにいるのは、最終的にK Dが彼にスタンプを与えたからだ。
They have a pre existing relationship.
They worked together in Golden State.
Now Kyrie did at the vouch for Steve National degree, But that's Kevin Durant's choice.
カイリーはスティーブ・ナショナルの学位を証明したが ケビン・デュラントの選択だ
Hey, this is our guy Moving forward.
Mike D'Antoni has spent time with James Harden, managing James Harden, his tendencies, his nuances, how to put him in position to succeed his personality.