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Hello fellow youtube-her-her-hers
Michael Vsauce here
Awkward handshakes.
It's a topic thats very important to me, you know
People pick all kinds of topics
To devote their life to
Maybe to make the planet a better place
My vow, for my life
Is to stop awkward handshakes
I've started a charity organization
stopawkwardhandshakes.org {real website, totally recommend you visit it}
And so far we've got a lot of supporters
Who are feeling the same issues that I have
Of the pure cringe of an awkward handshake
We've all had one
So to lessen the blow
for all of you
that's suffering out there
here at awkwardhandshakesstopthem.org
we're going to laugh at other people
having awkward handshakes
because that helps to release a lil' bit of that stress
that you're going through
don't uh.. don't. don't worry
I know what you're going through
It's going to be okay
Now this one
so many people sent to me
When it dropped
And I gotta admit
It's pretty funny
Okay let's watch
*quality music*
Top of the morning to ya!
Trump's kid, I swear, is going to be the new Jacksepticeye one day
What is happening here? Can we deconstruct this?
I wanna understand where it went wrong
She goes in for the high five
Kid gets rekt
Look at that face, look at that face!
That's the face of
absolutely out obliterated
The kid knows
You know it's bad enough that Trump is his father but this
this is too much!
being humiliated by *HER?* mother
he wont stand for it
She strikes again
Now, shaking, he's infuriated
He knows, he needs to make a move
He does the Jacksepticeye
Bold move, but very effective
Actually no, he looks like a fucking insane person
I even sympathize with this kid
I'm like dude,
this kid's gotta have some issues
Y'know when I was a kid
No cringe
oh I'm really cool
trust me
I am veryy cool
I was even cooler as younger actually
Y'know I took down my coolness level just so
since we're on the Trump topic of handshakes
you know he's been in the public eye a lot lately
and a lot of handshakes don't seem to work out for him
or maybe they are
let's watch
The result might shock you
why am I click baiting you mid-video
that doesn't make any sense
*weird handshake*
this one I don't understand
it says 'Funny and Racist'
Um, excuse me
Those things do not match
You cannot.. disgusting
I'm gonna tell Wall Street Journal about this right now
*alright keep moving along*
So what is so funny and racist I don't understand?
*bitch no*
I dunno
I think I read somewhere that he's not supposed to shake the hand
Yeah he had something in his hand
So he's like *random stuttering*
Although I think that guy put
that thing in his hand so he can blow Trump up
I think that's what happened
I mean he could easily just put it in the other side
But he's like "You know what?"
That's not racist, that's just him not liking Trump
Good zinger there I would say
That was a good zinger
Look at Trump's face here
You can't really make out the pixel
But if you..zoom in
*picture enhancing program.exe
Can we get a facial scan on that please
*ding* Thats right
He absolutely just got s-savaged {?}
100 percent
OHH handshakes
ohhh you ;)
How can you get this so wrong?
Thousands of years of social interaction
and we still haven't gotten past this
Have you opened your eyes yet?
Go and donate to
You can also donate directly to my PayPal
Trust me it's legit
It's a legit charity
We take ourselves very seriously
All the money goes to the organization
Moving on
I'm laughing before I watch it!
I love this handshake
Let's watch.
*give me hug*
Oh it doesn't show it
This might seem like a normal handshake to you
But have you opened your eyes yet?
Let's look at that on another angle
*laughing intensifies*
You can't just BWAH
*laugh* like
You can't-
I mean you CAN
I think we all can learn something from Trump here actually
I dind't think I would say that but
That was an excellent show of-
how to do a boss handshake
*laughing intensifies*
He is such an asshole *dont say that about senpai bitch*
That's such a dick move
He is basically saying "hey my penis is bigger than yours"
oh okay
but THIS
I'm sure you've seen this one
We have america *ayy*
and we have Japan *oyasumi poodiepai-san*
and then we have what I like to call a sexual interaction
taking place
purely by
a handshake
let's watch
did you hear that "shall we shake"?
Trump knew it was coming
shall we shake
this face says yes
yes we shall
Mr. Prime minister
oh my god
little did he know
what he invited himself to
he does a hand slap
i don't know what's up with that
he did THE PULL?
he blocked the pull
very excellent
block of the pull
Mr. Prime minister
you blocked the pull
not a lot of people can pull that off
*background speaking*
he's laughing a lil' bit to hide the Awkwardness
I can really.. - you know that's ... that's also a really good...
*background speaking*
oh look at me...
he wants to maintain eye contact
he's trying to make it less awkward
but he keeps going.. he's like: HEY LOOK
*background speaking*
Trump: "Thank you everybody" Pewds: AHHHHHH
That was the Climax
pretty much... *laughs* look at Trump..
Why is this so funny to me
I have no idea
*background speaking continues*
Trump: We have strong hands.
Trump, you know... being the Gentleman he is
complimenting the Prime Minister
for having strong hands
Wait.. "the Infamous Donald Trump"
I didnt know this was a thing.
Here it comes... what's gonna happen?
uh.. oohh...
That wasn't too bad...w-what?
No, I don't.. I don't see it.. They don't see it..
Right now I'm just happy..
Trump is President, so I can see him
doing more handshakes.. this is very fascinating.
This is good for a Research for our Charity.
But anyway... I'm not here to just talk about
Mr. Trump. I'm here to talk about
awkward handshakes. That's where my
Passion is. That's where my heart is.
And it's an important cause
that I don't think a lot of people realise.
I've said this before and I'll say it again..
we should bow.. surely you can never fuck up
a bow... That's all we should do..
Just.. BOW!
There's no esfalp... esfolp... esfalp...
esfol... shut up!
EURGHH... *cringe noise*
He shook with the wrong Hand...
obviously it's awkward.
This man needs to be killed.
I'm sorry.
And I know it might seem a lil' bit harsh
but this Charity is not fucking around.
No more handshakes..
Y..You got one strike, okay?
You fuck it up once and you're done.
You know, I may have fucked up a couple actually *laughs*
*laughs* ...but that doesn't matter
Reporter: so thinking forward to the navi game, now again best of five *initiates awkward handshake*
Reporter: *Awkward babble*
OOOOHHHH *cringe noise*
There's no saying "Oh, I wasn't ready"
that's too bad.. It's already done!
That damage is done!
EUUURGHH *cringe noise again*
AHAH! That hurts meeee *cringy voice*
"Oh, I wasn't going for a Handshake
I was making expression
Thank you for adding me to a cringe compilation...
...you fucking moron! *laughs*
He tried to save it...
..No.. no.. no...
No.. Just.. NO
S..Sorry, you both gonna .. again..
You both gonna have to get executed.
I'm sorry. *video speaking continues*
AHAHA! *laughs*
Such a classic...
Oh shit, he's going in with the Brofist
I'm doing the Handshake.. oh no..
How do we fix this? Oh shit!
Ah.. sh.. AHH.. AH SH...
If you get in that Situation
I have a thing installed in my tooth that I can..
...bite on and it injects poison in my Bloodstream
I will be dead. I'd be coughing up...
... my own Saliva and Bubbles
and I'll eventually be dead within
a couple seconds.
You know you can buy this Package
BUY NOW! You can get the deluxe Model
which has Grills in it.. stopawkwardhandshakes.org
I get it.. I'm.. I'm plugging my Show a lil' bit too much
I'm.. I'm sorry.. I'm not a sellout, okay?
It's something I believe...
*video speaking*
There it is... AGAIIIN
and the guy is like...
You fucked me...
You fucked me so hard...
You know... If you're gonna be on a Gaming Event..
How about you do this.. okay..
After the Game is over...
... fistbow.... and then what you do..
... after you win.. you go in for the Handshake...
and basically the other Guy will have to
just die..
I hope you enjoyed this Video and if you did..
... then leave a Like and turn off
the Ad-Sense.. cause apparently my Ad-Revenue
was dropping because YouTube doesn't like me anymore.
So.. ugh..
If you could just.. I don't know..
... do something? I dont know... *hehe*
I'm a greedy... greedy Bastard and I need..
... I need that extra. uhhh.. so
If you.. if you could drop the.. A...
A.. A.... A...
not the.. a...
*That moment of realization*
*mouth noise*
Ad-Sense.. no! AdBlock. *laughs*
So if you can... *laughs*
If you can drop the AdBlock..
that would just be... ahh.. that'd be great!
Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!
And... a... Brofist!