字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Tonight Mario and I are going to check out our favorite home furnishing store. 今日はマリオとニトリに来ました! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 我が家も大ファンの ニトリです! It's time for a trip to our favorite Japanese home furnishing store, Nitori 外資系との違いを見てみましょう to see what makes these stores different from their Western counterparts. 手を… Your hands... ちゃんと消毒した?綺麗? Did you get them nice and clean? Nice and sanitized, Dude? - 綺麗だよ! - いいね! Clean and sanitized, alright! 入るとまずは 寝具コーナーです When you first walk in, this whole section over here is just bedding and sheets and futons, 冬の快適グッズが揃ってます And everything to stay nice and cosy in the winter. 日本では商品が季節別にあります One very interesting thing here [in Japan] is that you buy everything seasonally, 日本で初めて見ました I did not know that until I came to Japan. 春や夏用のシーツ So you have like spring and summer sheets, 冬用もあります And you have winter sheets. 暖かさも違います And you can buy them at different levels of warmth. 保温・極暖・保湿 保湿って何かしら? Warm, Super Warm, Moist— I'm not quite sure why you would want moist, but... 人気あるのかしら? It doesn't sound too cool. That doesn't sound very appealing, does it? 保温や極暖はいいです But warm and super warm are so cool. 日本はベッドのサイズも違います And here the bedding sizes are so different! シングル・セミダブル・ダブル ワイドダブル・クイーン They have the single, the semi-double, the double, the wide double and the queen. アメリカのシーツは 日本のベッドに合いません So trying to figure out my American sheets to the Japanese futon and bedding sizes was a little crazy at first 気を付けましょう But I've got it down now. 今日最初の買い物です 買うつもりじゃなかったのですが I just found my first purchase! I was not going to buy anything here, but... つい買っちゃいます I can hardly walk through this store without buying. マットレスカバーです And this is so soft. It's kind of like a mattress cover. 布団の上に掛けます There — and you can see it here over the futon. "極暖" です And it just adds "Super Warm." Yes, that's it then. ジョシュアに買います We are buying the Super Warm for Joshua. Joshua's going to love it. 日本では床に座ります So another very interesting thing is sitting on the ground. なので床に座る用の ソファがあります Everyone sits on the ground, so now they have sofas that are on the ground that make it a little more comfortable. これ座る! I'm going to try this one! 電気毛布やこたつもあります But they have heated rugs, they have these heated tables that I so want to buy, どうした? Oh, look at you. - 動く! - そうだね It can move. Yea it can. - これは? - 快適? What about this one? Oh, is that comfortable? うん Yea, so are these... 我が家にもいくつかあります If you look closely, and number of these plants are plants that we have in our house. 我が家のカーテンもニトリです All of my curtains are from here. 種類が豊富! They have such a great variety. 窓が高いので オーダーしました A lot of our windows are very very tall so we have to order them 2週間で完成 素晴らしいわ They come in in about 2 weeks. It's great. ジョシュア 行くよ! Joshua, let's go! 触っちゃダメ No touching. No touching, Big J! 全部お皿 綺麗だわ Oh, all the dishes. So beautiful. フォンデュ! Oh! Fondue! フォンデュする? Oooo! Do you Fondue? 作るわよ I fondue. 隙間収納です It's all made for small spaces. 例えばこれは So these things like this, 戸棚用の道具 It goes inside your cabinet so your cabinet can still close, 戸棚下のグッズ But then it hangs underneath. 引掛けられます And you can hang things from it. これもいいです There's a lot of, like this... 磁石で冷蔵庫に付けれます It's magnetic, so it sticks to the side of your fridge. ネイトのお気に入りコーナーね This section is Nate's favorite section... It sure is. 照明! Lights! 照明はいつも見ます So we always come down to the light section. これもあれもあるわ And we have this light and that light 我が家の御用達です A lot of the lights from here we have. 時計 Some clocks! これ欲しいわ Oh, I need a set of these. ニトリは片づけの味方です Then most of the times when we come, we're always organizing. ここは収納用品コーナー And that section is all about organization. つい盛り上がります And we can go a little crazy in it sometimes. 行きましょう! Let's go get crazy. 特徴の一つは… マリオが飛び跳ねてるわね And one great thing... Mario keeps popping out over there. 拡張性です Is that everything interlocks. 色やサイズは豊富ですが 組み合わせて使えます So you can get any color, any size but they all fit into certain configurations, which is wonderful. 蓋も選べます And you can buy them with lids or without lids, 便利です Which is also really cool. バスケットもいいです And then they have all the really cool wicker baskets. 我が家に沢山あります But if you have seen our house, we have tons of these. 沢山! Tons of those! この収納も使ってます And we have tons of these shelving units. ジョシュアはどこ? Did we get our Joshua here too? どこかしら Joshua, he was a special purchase. どこだろうね He was a special purchase, that's right. このバスケット! And who doesn't go a little crazy over baskets?! 要らないけど欲しいわ I don't need it, but I want it! 何に使えるか考えてみたけど So I try to come up with ideas of what I could use it for. 大好き!可愛いから It's so hard. I love you, baskets. They're just so glorious! こっちにもあるわ Oh and see, here's some more. 洗面台の下にあるわ I have this actually in my bathroom under the sink. こうやって So I can put it in like this... どこでも使えます It just works great anywhere. これもあるわ Oh, and we have this. そうだね Yea, we sure do. 組み立てはニトリの方が イケアの20倍簡単! And one thing about Nitori is putting together their furniture is 20 times easier than IKEA. 似た商品で迷ったら ニトリがおすすめ So if you have the option of buying at Nitori versus IKEA, buy it at Nitori. イケアごめんね Sorry IKEA. カラーボックスも沢山使います I have more than I can count of these types of shelves in our house. 子供達のペンをまとめたり Because we organize in one all the pencils and colored pencils, クレヨンやマーカーも And in another all of the crayons and markers, 色々使っています And in another stickers, and da da da. 娘達は工作が好きで I have three girls who all love to craft ジョシュアもだから 工作道具の収納が必要です And a little boy who thinks he does too, so we have a lot of art supplies. あの椅子見て! Oh Dude look! Look at that chair! いい机だね! Oh Dude, look at this desk man! カッコいいね That is awesome. これ飲む I'm going to drink some... コーヒーかな?いいね! Oh it comes with some coffee, huh? That's nice. モデルルームもあります They have some fun ways of envisioning your house here. 高さを好みで調節出来ます Adjustable table height so you can get it nice and low. 低めのソファとあわせると 日本では使いやすいですね With low sofas, compact, meant for Japanese houses. Very cool. 何見つけた? What did you figure out here with this Dude? 持ち上げると 下に物が入るね Oh, you lift it up. You can put stuff in there if you need to, or use it like a table. ゆっくり降ろして And then it comes back down nice and slow, huh? とてもいいね Very nice, yea, it's going. 6人で座れるこたつ It's a full-size heated table. We could fit six chairs around this easy. テーブルの下に ヒーターが付いていて So these heated things. It's a heater underneath this. 座って You sit... 下に入って And you go underneath it, 出られない!! And it's just ... game's over! 仕事も全部出来るし I mean, you could work all you want and stay nice and toasty. 寝ちゃうね And find out you have fallen asleep. リモコン用のポケットまであります It's even got like a little pocket or a remote control or something. 何見つけたの? What did we find over here Dude? - 洞穴見つけたの? - うん! Did you find a little cubby hole for you? Yep. ここに物置くの! It has a thing right here to put stuff. 物を置けるかな? Oh yeah. There's a thing there to put stuff? 動物の人形置くの You can only put stuffed animals on these. いいね Oh, ok. 値段だよね? This, look how much this yen. 幾らか書いてあるんだよ Yeah, look how much that is, huh. これじゃダメ This one is hardly not worth it. - ダメなの? - うん It's probably not worth it? Yeah. こっちだよ! But this one is .... 柔らかい! It's so softy! Yeah? 面白い子だね Oh my goodness, you are funny Dude. 柔らかい! This one is soft. 娘達のランドセルもニトリです And all three of our girls, we have bought their randoserus here. コスパが良いです They range in price... And quality. 品質もね And quality. ここは季節商品のコーナーで This is usually seasonal and I guess it is because it's showing warm things but, クリスマス前は飾りが沢山 At Christmas time, it is full of Christmas decorations ハロウィンもすごいわ At Halloween, full of Halloween (decorations) イースターも At Easter, Easter (decorations) 今は毛布だけ But right now it is just blankets. 見つけた! I found you! エプロンだわ Ohhh... Ohhh, aprons. エプロンと調理器具 Aprons and utensils. 便利グッズが沢山! And all kinds of goodies. Look out! これ凄いの Those are so great. 小さなフライパン These tiny little pans. 幅を調節出来るから どこにでも使えるわ These you can adjust the width of them so that they fit inside your walls 73-112センチ They go from 73-112 cm. 上に物を仕舞えるわ Then you can stack things on them then hang 引掛けても使えるし Hang things on the side. ママ 押していい? Mom, can I push it all by myself サイズも豊富 They have all different sizes. いいわよ Sure you can push it all by yourself. - 洗濯かご - 一人で押せるよ! All the laundry baskets. I don't need any help. これ持ってるわ Oh, I have this. 寝室にあるね Yep, that is in our bedroom. これも最高に便利よ One thing that has been super useful are these things. 洗濯機の上部を They go over your washing machine 収納に使えるの So you put all your laundry detergent here 洗濯機がここで Your washing machine is right here, 洋服を干すときに And then when you are going to hang up your clothes, 日本は乾燥機をあまり使わないので Because in Japan they don't have dryers, you just hang them up outside, ここで干せます You put your clothes line, clothes thinging here 洗濯機から出して直ぐ干せます And you can just pull it from the washing machine and hang everything up 外にも干せます And then carry your laundry outside. 新しい物干しハンガー欲しいの So, I actually need to buy a new one because もっといるわ I'm running low on mine. 6人家族だから I mean I wash clothes until the cows come home. これは52個もある! So, look at this its 52 pieces. でも40個のにするわ Interesting. I think I should buy a 40 though. 定番だね The classic 40. 選択肢が多すぎて I mean, the options are endless. Look at this. これはコンパクトに畳めて And it all closes, so it's all compact. 個別にも使えるの Or you can hang them up individually if you only have one. ニトリでは長居しちゃうね Nitori trips are rarely faster than 15 minutes. 大体ね Rarely でも楽しいわ But it's so fun to look. 会計です Got our purchases purchased. 買うつもり無かったから マイバックが無いの Yes, unfortunately I wasn't going to buy anything, so I didn't bring any bags. 買ったけど いいわよね? I had to buy them. Had to buy them. That's alright though. 今夜は以上! Alright. That does it for tonight. 行くよ Going down! 寒いわね!ジョシュアは? Yes, we're cold! So cold, huh Joshua? Yea, so cold. 車の匂いが好きなの? You like the smell of our car? いい匂い? 帰ろうか? It smells nice, huh? Alright, should we go home? これはジョシュアのベッド用 Um, this is to put on Joshua's bed. Let's go make Joshua's bed with mommy? マリオのベットよ OK, well I just made his Mario bed. Sweet! 外さなきゃ I've got to unmake it. 外して また付ける Just unmake the bed, to make the bed. サラにもいるわね Oh, we should have gotten something warm for Sarah too. やった! Yes! 僕も寝たいよ Boy, it almost makes me want to sleep on it too. 取り付けやすくていいね Oh, I like how the sides go down around the mattress. 寝心地いいわよ Sleeping just on that would have been glorious. - 新しいパジャマ? - そう Are these your new pajamas?! Yea! いいね! So nice! 宿題ある? Did you have any homework? - もうしたよ - 偉いね I already did mine. Good job. やった! Good job! いい子でしょ? You're a good "studer" どういう意味? A good "studer?" いい生徒! A... a good "student." いいね!暖かいベッドだ Alright, looks great! Big J's got a warmer bed now. まだ7時4分 It's still 7:04. 今日は何したの? 7:04? What did you guys do today? - ポップコーン食べるわよ! - ポップコーン?! Let's do some popcorn! Ah! Popcorn?! ポップコーンだよ! Alright, popcorn time! Wait! まだ話してない! We didn't tell you what we did! ベッカとアナと I gave Becca and Anna a message... テレビ見て And then we watched something. スイッチで遊んだの And then we played on the Switch... "Sound of Music" 見てください!便利な機能です Look at this — this is the best feature about this. 明るすぎたら調節できます If it's too bright, you can turn that off so it's not a bright light there. 天井に映せます It projects on the ceiling. 寝ながら時間が分かります So the kids can just lay in bed and know what time it is. マリオの時間かな? Hey Dude, is it almost time for our Mario game?! ポップコーン作ってくれる? No, can you please start the popcorn for me? やった! Yea! Somebody? 実況してくれる? We have some announcers for us, huh? 行くよ! Here we go! 気を付けて! Watch out! No no no no no no! 12位 12th (place) ママ 可哀そう Aw, poor Momma-chan. でも前向きです But she's having a good attitude! ポップコーンが出来たね Ohh! The popcorn's ready! ベッカが上手に作りました Beccster's doing her awesome popcorn job! 大好きなポップコーン My famous popcorn! 大好きだね Your famous popcorn! 世界中の皆 私のポップコーン食べたいかい?! Everybody's going to come from around the world to eat my popcorn!! いいね! Whew! Yes! 次のレースだよ! OK guys, time for our next race! - ポップコーン美味しい? - とても Is the popcorn so yummy guys? Yea, it's so yummy. パパも食べよう It looks yummy. I want to get some. いいね Oh yes. - 椅子取った! - パパの椅子を? I'm sitting in your chair! My chair?! Hey! 愛してるわ 良く寝てね I love you so much! OK, have a good night baby girl. キス One kiss. キス?いいよ A kiss? OK. カメラさんにも Awww. And I want to give a kiss to the camera. 可愛いね Aw, that's so nice. おやすみ Night night. Night night. 新しいマットカバーだよ Joshua, we go the new thing for your bed — it's under the sheets. 柔らかくて暖かいよ It should feel even softer and even more warm. どこ? Where? シーツの下だよ You can't see it, it's under the sheet. 見えないよ! You can't see it! It's under the sheet, Dude! もう付いてるから It's already there. りんごジュース欲しい? The big sister can get you Apple juice. おやすみ Night night! - おやすみ - りんごジュース?! Night night. Can somebody get me apple juice? 後でね Get me apple juice! OK, we'll get some for you. 上行ける? I can get it. Can you run it upstairs? 僕が開ける! I can open it! あっ… Oh!!! 子供に疲れる事があるか たまに聞かれますが When people sometimes ask if we ever get upset at the kids, well tonight... 今日は新しいシーツとマットを買ったのに We just got the brand new bed skirt down, brand new sheets down, 早速ジョシュアがジュースをこぼしました And what does Joshua do but spill his whole drink on top of it. シーツを外して全部洗って 新しいシーツに変えて Had to take off all the sheets, going to have to wash them all and put the other sheets on there. 皆さんも経験ありますか? Can any other parents relate? Oh my! 新しい!いいわ! My new thing. It's beautiful! - ジョシュアのシーツ干すの? - そうよ So all of Joshua's sheets are going on this? Yea. 大変だ Oh my goodness! 買っといて良かった We bought it just in time! 日本と西洋の家具はだいぶ違います Japanese and Western home furnishings are very different. 日本はコンパクトで機能的 アメリカのは大きくて安い In Japan, furnishings are compact and practical. In America, they're large and inexpensive. アメリカのお店も好きですが ニトリのような While we do enjoy American stores, we've also come to love Japanese home stores like Nitori お洒落でコンパクトな品揃えも良いです that offer many stylish and compact offerings that help facilitate life here in Japan. 新しいお気に入りよ Add it to my collection. No joke, huh?! 子供が4人いると洗濯物も大量だわ Well, when you have four kids, you have a lot of laundry and some of them spill sometimes... 寒いわ! Whew, it's chilly! Chilly, chilly! 皆さんのお気に入りは何ですか? Did we miss any of your favorite items? コメントで教えてください! Comment below, and as always, thanks for watching, liking and subscribing. また次回お会いしましょう! We'll see you next time on Life in Japan.
B1 中級 日本語 シーツ ジョシュア ポップコーン いい 我が家 収納 日本の個性的な家具店|日本の暮らし 第90話 (Japan's Unique Furniture Stores | Life in Japan Episode 90) 9 1 Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 15 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語