字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント So right now we're on our way to Chiba. 千葉に向かっています Because of Corona, we're staying within the Greater Tokyo area. コロナの為 首都圏の外には出ませんが But we have some fun things planned for this little trip. 今日はお出かけです We're going to stay in a hotel and go to a German Village Theme Park ドイツ村に遊びに行きます It will be very interesting to see. 楽しみです [Life in Japan Theme Song] 速い! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 街中を突っ切る感じだね This is wild. シカゴが懐かしい This is — I love this roads that go flying through the city. 大きなビルだよ It reminds of Chicago. 凄い! Yeah, look at this building over here, Anna. 一回りして Oh my! 今度は逆から見えるよ Now we're going to go around it again. レインボーブリッジ! So you see it from one side, and then you go over here and you see it from the other side. カッコいい橋 Beautiful Rainbow Bridge! パパ達の車だけだね This is such a cool bridge. 4階に行きます OK- we're the only ones here, huh?! 4階だよ! And we're going to be up on the 4th floor. 行くよ! Up on the 4th floor, yes! パパと一緒がいい Here we go — let's go up. 行くよ! I want Daddy to go in with me. 開けるよ Let's go, let's go, let's go! パパと行く OK guys, open up! OK こっちはママよ Bye bye! I'm going to go with Daddy. ベッカ OK, go with Daddy. This is Mommy's. 差し込んで OK Becca. 見てみよう Put it in there and you can turn on the light. 狭い! OK, let's go see. 私が上で寝る It's tiny! 凄いね Oh, I'm going to sleep on the top. ベッカが上段だね Oh my! Oh my goodness, look at that! 向こうも見たいのかな So Becca's going to be on the top. 同じだ! [Knock on the door] Somebody already wants to see. ベッドの位置が違う Oh! It's the same! ジョシュア! But on a different side. Our bunk bed is over here. バイバイ! Joshua! こっちの部屋は? Bye bye! 少し広いね Whoa, here's the other room, huh? - パパ! - 少し広いね A little more spacious. 準備いい? Hi Daddy! Oh yea, it is a little bigger. Hey there! ジョシュア! Well guys, are we ready to go? 気を付けて That guy is... Joshua! イオンモールです Careful! お買い物開始! Aeon Mall, here we go. 待ってる間 ゲームするよ The shopping has begun, huh! "アイ・スパイ" だよ OK guys, we're going to play a little game while we're waiting, OK? 何か緑色の物が見えてる… It's "Eye Spy" alright? - あの旗? - はずれ And we look and I spy something green. あの看板? That flag right there. That flag? No, not that. 正解!あれだよ! The sign right there. The sign right there? 良く出来たね!サラ! You're right! That's what it is! The sign! ラーメンだね? Good job, Sarah! 私の好物 Ramen, huh guys? Ramen! ラーメンが好き? ジョシュアも? My favorite thing is ramen. みんな仲良し? Your favorite thing is ramen? What?! You too? Since when? ご飯が来たね 美味しそう! Are you guys all buddy, buddy? Awwwww. ♪美味しい~ 美味しい~♪ ここで歌ってるよ OK, the food has come. Wow guys, that looks nice, huh? ♪美味しい~ 食べ終わるまで~♪ Yummy yummy yummy yummy... Daddy's just going to stay here and sing... ♪美味しい~ 美味しい~♪ Yummy yummy yummy yummy... the whole time you eat... アナ これ見た? Yummy yummy... もう一杯だけど ママはまだ探してるね What do you think, Anna? Did you see this? ママ これ試着してみて Ha ha! It's full, and mommy is still going at it. Oh my goodness. ママちゃん いいね! Mommy's going to try this on because I want her to try it. 似合ってるよ Whoa! That is chan-chan-chan Momma chan. やめとくわ That looks good on you. Oh my goodness. アナのみたい No thank you. 似てるね! Although that one looks just like Anna's. アナ 見て Oh my goodness, it sure does. 帰るよ Look at that, Anna. 何やら銅像があるみたいです… Here we go — it's about time to go! 綺麗だね Back at the hotel tonight, and I see some statues out front... "綺麗" だなんて ありがとう What beautiful statues... 入る? Oh, thank you for saying "beautiful" to us Thank you! 銅像さん? OK, let's go in? 灯りのスイッチ分かった? Huh statues? Oooh! 使い方覚えた? Did you figure out how the lights work here, dude? ワーオ!凄い! Did you figure out how they work here? ついたね Whoa! Oh my goodness! 次は? Whoa, now we have light, huh? 暗くなったね! Uh oh... then what? ジョシュア 朝食の時間だよ Whoa! It got dark then, huh? - 良く寝た? - ええ OK dude- we're going to go eat. It's breakfast time. - 寂しかったわ - 僕も You slept good? Yea. 可愛いわね Oh my, I missed you. Me too. ご飯を取ってきました You look so cute, though. ベッカはサラダ Everybody's got there food... Becca's got salad. 僕はご飯と焼きそば! And Becca's got salad! 給食みたい And I got rice and (singing) Yakisoba, Sushi! 似てる This is just like when we do it at school. 出かける準備はいい? This is just like this. パパとママの寄り道 Getting ready to head out! Where will we go? What will we see? コーヒーとチャイラテ A little stop for daddy and mommy here before we go today ママはお茶 Ok — we've got the coffee, the chai latte actually. 皆は準備いい? That's right. Momma's go to (drink). 昭和の森! And guys, you ready? Let's go? Go where? あれは美術館だね Showa no mori (Showa forest) ここはどう? Oo, that's the art museum. That's the museum. 届かない! You can't mess that up. 細い人じゃないと無理だね How about this place, huh? タイヤの中! Yea because I can't... I can't reach. そこまでじゃないよ Only skinny people can do this. 溶岩流ゲームみたい In a tire... sweet! 逆の手 Not that sweet. Now that sweet? そうよ! It's like "The Floor is Lava." こっちの足 Now other hand. - 逆の手… - 上手だね! Way to go! - 上手! - コーヒー忘れたわ OK now move your foot. 巨大滑り台です! OK, other hand. Good job, dude! 見て!大きい! Good job! My coffee got left... 行くよ! We're going to try this awesome, big slide! ワーオ! Look at that! It's huge! It's huge! これは凄いな! OK let's go! 巨大すぎ!凄い! Whoa! Whoa!! 過去最長の滑り台です Oh my goodness, this thing is huge! 素晴らしいです This is massive! Oh my goodness! 行くよ! The longest! はじまるよ! That right there is officially the biggest slide I have ever done in Japan. 1・2・3! That was incredible. It was huge! ジョシュア 凄いね! OK dude, you ready? Yes! アナがいる! We're going to do this thing! アナ! One, two, three, go! 楽しかったね Oh my goodness dude! サラだね Oh, there's Anna! つかまって Hey Anna! つかまって Dude, that was awesome, huh? 上手だね! Oh there's Sarah — whoa! Alright! ベッカとアナが同時に滑ります Ok, you got it. ちょっとしたレースです Whew! 3・2・1! Hold on! この公園のお気に入りは? Yeah, good job! パルクール OK, now Becca and Anna are going to go at the same time. 障害物コース? I don't know if these are the same distances or not, but we're going to have a little race. - それのこと! - 楽しかったね 3, 2, 1, go! - ジョシュアのお気に入りは? - 滑り台! OK Becca, what was your favorite part there in the park today? パパと同じだね! The parkour thingy. 寝ちゃったかしら Oh, the obstacle course? ぐっすり Yeah, the obstacle course. Yeah, that was cool, huh? 東京ドイツ村に到着です What was your favorite part? The big slide. 東京ドイツ村 The big slide! That was my favorite part. この音楽はアイリッシュぽいな I can hear him snoring. "ライター" も "ブロック" も ドイツ系だね Out. Out. (ドイツ語) ようこそ! Here we are at German Land. It's actually called Tokyo Doitsu Mura... パターゴルフです 凄い! Tokyo German Village. もっと高く持って I'm listening to the music and I'm thinking it's more Irish than German. いいね!最高! The "Reutters" and the "Blocks" — common! Representing Germany, huh? 次はイジーとジョシュア Willkommen 娘たちが頂上にいるようです Look at this putt putt golf course. That is awesome. 皆で登ってるね イジー、ジョシュア、ベッカ、アナ Hold up a little bit higher, OK? Hold way up here. いいわよ!あら! Alright. Awesome! 歩けるの? Next is Izzy and Joshua. 歩くの見せて! 座るのもいいね And what did I see but the girls at the very top of the tower. 歩くかな ママがいるよ Oh look at everybody climbing up. There's Izzy, Joshua, Becca, Anna バランス取ってるわ! Go go go go! Oh my goodness! グラスも Are you walking? Are you walking? Let's see you walk! 風も強いのに Let's see you walk! Oh, Ok. That's a nice place to sit. ドイツの飲み物に ソーセージやチーズ Oh this one's for real. We see mommy, we're going to head — whoa! Whoa! パパと一緒に行って 券買うから Oh my goodness, he's balancing it all! 初めてのジェットコースター! And glasses... - 行ってらっしゃい - ジョシュアの初コースター! And wind, that's got to be hard with the wind! 皆で手をあげてるわ They have German drinks, sausages, cheeses here — oh boy that stuff looks good. - 楽しかった? - 最高! Oh no, you have to go with Daddy. I'll buy you tickets though. 速かった! This is my first roller coaster in the whole wide world! ジョシュアが運転してます Bye! Joshua's first roller coaster! いい感じ Aww, look at all of them with their hands in the air. 運転してるね! How was it? Awesome! 曲がれる?どうかな? That was the fastest roller coaster! 大胆な運転だな 気を付けて! Joshua is driving! Look out, look out! 次はサラだね There he goes. サラが運転してます! You're driving, Dude! You're driving! どこ行くの?曲がって! Can you turn it? What happens when you turn? Whoa! イジーとエビーも来ました He's a little bit of a crazy driver. Look out, don't crash! Ah! You crashed! イジーとエビーは降りちゃった! OK, now it's Sarah's turn. まだ乗れるのに Sarah's driving, Joshua's holding on for dear life! ベンが乗る! Where you going to go, Sarah? Turn! Turn turn turn turn. Ah! ワーオ! Oh my goodness! Here's Izzy and Evy! ぶつかる!ぶつかる! Izzy and Eve, oh they bailed out. 大きなウサギだね! They bailed, on a live vehicle! - 飼ってもいい? - 難しいよ Uncle Ben's taking over! ケンカかしら Whoa! Oh no! ブタさんだね I'm going to crash into you! I'm going to crash into you! あそこにも Oh! ブタさんだよ That is a massive bunny! Oh, wow, look at that! That's a huge bunny, Dude! 触っちゃだめよ Can we pet it? I don't think you're supposed to pet it. 来たね! Oh, they're fighting. ハムは何かわかる? There's pigs in there, Dude. - ブタ - 知ってた? Oh, there's one right here. - ハムってブタなの? - そう Oh, look! There's a pig right there. ヤギがあんな所に Don't put your hand in. ヤギさん Oh, here they come! サラ!ドイツ村で一番の丘だね Do you know where ham comes from? 大変だ! Pigs. Did you know that, Becca? 富士山より大きい! What? Ham comes from pigs? Yep. 富士山より? そこまでじゃないよ There's a goat up there! What in the world?! ジョシュア これは? Hey Mr Goat. 大きな恐竜! Oh Sarah! I think we have the biggest hill in all of Germany here in Japan. T-レックス! This is a beast. This is a beast! ワーオ! This is bigger than Mt Fuji. ライトアップです! This is bigger than Mt Fuji?! Well maybe not quite, but pretty close. エビー見て!取って! Whoa Joshua! What do you see, Dude? すごいね!見て! A big dinosaur! A big dinosaur? - 凄かったね! - 本当に! A T-Rex! 夜は雰囲気が変わるね Whoa! ご飯の時間です They're turning on all the lights here. - レモンジュース - そうだね Look at this Evy! Look at this! Get it get it get it get it! 美味しい?どう? Wow! Oh it's cool! Look at that! ママは焼きそば That was awesome. That was awesome. そうやって食べるの? 大きなポテトフライだね This place changes at night, doesn't it? It sure does. ベッカ 美味しい? Now it's time to see if we can find something to eat. いいね!パパも食べるよ There's lemon juice there... Lemon, yeah I got it, huh? 明日食べれない位 食べてるね Whoa, is it yummy? How is it? Good? 今夜何食べた? Whoa, Momma got Yakisoba. 焼きそばとホットドックとポテト Whoa, is that how you're eating it? It's like a giant French fry, looks like. ベッカは? Is it good Becca? Yeah? チキンとホットドックとポテト Awesome guys! Daddy's going to eat his too. - いいね! - 私が一番! This girls have been eating like food will be gone tomorrow! 私だよ! What did you have to eat tonight, Anna? とても綺麗だね Yakisoba, hot dog and French fries. ここで写真撮ろう What did you have Becster? 綺麗なライトアップ! Chicken, hot dog, French fries. 魔法の世界だね 丘の向こうまで散歩だね Nice! I ate the most! 凄いね No, I did! 丘の頂上に行きます This is so cool in here, huh guys? ドイツっぽかったかは別にして I want to take a picture of you guys. Right there. 楽しい時間でした! イルミネーションは格別です Whoa! Look at this crazy light display! - あれ分かる! - 最高な景色だね OK, we're going to do the magical walkway. It goes down this hill and across there to the other side. OK, let's go! Come! This is so cool, huh guys? We're hiking to the top of this mountain here to get the view... I'm not sure there's much that's really German at the German village other than some buildings and drink, but we still had a great time! Nobody does illuminations quite like Japan, and it was well worth the trip. I know what it is! What an awesome view. Very cool!
B2 中上級 日本語 ジョシュア ベッカ アナ 凄い パパ ドイツ Did We Find Germany in Japan?! Life in Japan Episode 89 19 1 Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 11 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語