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  • I thank the right honorable gentleman.


  • Although we should remain extremely cautious about the timetable ahead.


  • Andi, as was the case last spring, our emergence from the lock down cocoon will not be a big bang on Mr Speaker, but a gradual unwrapping.

    アンディ 去年の春のように 繭からの脱出は 大きな衝撃ではなく 徐々に解けていくだろう

  • That is why the legislation this house will vote on later today runs until the 31st of March.


  • Not because we expect the former national lock down to continue until then, but will I steady controlled on evidence, led move down through the tears on a regional basis carefully, a brick by brick as it were breaking free of our confinement, but without risking the hard won gains that are protections have given us.


I thank the right honorable gentleman.


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