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And today we're counting down the top 10.
Captain America Fights for this list will be looking at Steve Rogers most captivating and exciting showdowns from the comic books.
Don't let his age fool you.
Zero packs one hell of a punch.
Which fight is your favorite?
Let us know in the comments Ding ding, Let's get it on Number 10.
Captain America versus Tha knows After Thantos obtains the Sixth Infinity Gems and wipes out half of all living beings in the universe, it's up to Earth's remaining heroes to make a desperate attempt to defeat him.
キャプテン・アメリカ対ター・ノウズ タントスが第六のインフィニティ・ジェムを手に入れ、宇宙の全生物の半分を一掃した後、地球に残ったヒーローたちは彼を倒すために必死の試みをしなければならない。
Sadly, Thanasis Power is absolutely immeasurable, thanks to his Infinity gauntlet, and he makes quick work of them.
With the majority of the heroes taken out, Captain America confronts Thanos one on one.
While he doesn't make much of an impact against the Titan and is quickly defeated, you can't help but admire his bravery against someone who's power vastly outweighs his own.
Number nine Captain America versus Baron Blood Captain America has navigated a surprising amount of horror theme stories over the years, including one that saw him briefly become a werewolf.
ナンバーナイン キャプテン・アメリカ対バロン・ブラッド キャプテン・アメリカは、彼が一時的に人狼になったことも含め、驚くほど多くのホラーをテーマにした物語を長年にわたってナビゲートしてきました。
However, the greatest of Steve Rogers supernatural exploits has to be.
The climactic fight against the undead Baron blood caps fight against the vampire came to a gory conclusion when he found himself forced to behead the creature of the night with his shield.
Luckily, the brutality happens off panel and readers air only given the horrified reaction of English ally union Jack.
The action seemed to affect Cap pretty heavily, but we'd honestly be more worried if it hadn't Number eight.
Captain America versus William Burnside In 1964 Captain America was reintroduced to a new generation of readers during his years on ice.
キャプテン・アメリカ対ウィリアム・バーンサイド 1964年、キャプテン・アメリカは氷の上の彼の年の間に新しい世代の読者に再紹介されました。
However, ah lot happened in this 1972 story.
A doppelganger of Steve meant to have been a replacement for the Super Soldier in the 19 fifties shows up, causing all sorts of trouble.
He captures Cap and his allies, after which an extended Siris of action sequences ends with one on one fight between Cap and his imposter in front of a war memorial and a crowd of people.
The doppelganger calls Rogers a coward and a traitor, but Rogers counters that hatred is never what Captain America stood for, promptly knocking the Pretender out with a strong right Hook Number seven, Captain America versus Batman This one might be a surprise for some, but it has happened.
During one of the few crossovers that Marvel and D.
C have taken part in.
Captain America came toe to toe with the Caped Crusader Batman the to have a brief but fun brawl before they join up his allies.
But the fight is what we really want to see here.
The to trade blows and seem evenly matched with Batman's training and strategy.
Countering Caps, Super Soldier abilities This fight may not last long, but it's one that we may never get to see again.
キャップスへのカウンター、スーパーソルジャーの能力 この戦いは長くは続かないかもしれませんが、二度と見られないかもしれません。
And so the little bit of fan service goes a long way.
Number six.
Captain America versus Hulk, The Ultimate Universes version of the Avengers, appropriately known as the Ultimate, got their own blockbuster limited Siris in 2002.
The third issue saw the newly formed team face off against a raging hulk in Manhattan.
After The Hulk tears through the rest of the team, Captain America is the only one that's left to stop him, and Rogers actually manages to beat the Hulk down well, temporarily.
Just when it looks like Steve might get Hulk smashed.
Thor arrives to save his life before Wasps saves the day.
Some of the Siri's dialogue may not have aged too well, but ultimate cap holding his own against the Hulk will never get old.
Number five.
Captain America versus Black Panther Azzurri In 2010, Marvel released a four issue Siri's starring a World War two era Captain America alongside to chalice grandfather and Black Panther Azzurri.
キャプテンアメリカ対ブラックパンサーAzzurri 2010年には、マーベルは聖杯祖父とブラックパンサーAzzurriに並んで第二次世界大戦時代のキャプテンアメリカを主演した4つの問題シリのをリリースしました。
The Siri's involves a mission into Wauconda.
But when cap arrives the way Condon's are none too pleased.
Azzurri and Steve sparring and exciting display of both men's abilities and the to quickly develop a mutual respect for one another, as these things often tend to go in superhero comics featuring gorgeous art.
This Siri's filled out some fascinating back story and gave us an exciting showdown between Captain America and a Marvel figure.
We'd like to learn more about number four Captain America vs Wolverine when the Phoenix Forces arrival on Earth is imminent.
Once again, The X Men and the Avengers are at odds over what should be done when Wolverine, who was a member of the Avengers at the time, disagrees with Cap on how their mission should be handled.
A fight breaks out between the two.
Oh, and by the way, this all happens aboard the Queen Carrier.
The fight on Lee comes to an end when Hank Pym arrives in favor of Cap and they launch Logan out of the back of the jet.
Come on now, Steve.
さあ スティーブ
We all know he has a healing factor, but that seems a little harsh.
Number three Captain America versus Red Skull.
ナンバー3 キャプテン・アメリカ対レッドスカル
When Red Skull gets a hold of the cosmic cube and starts taking over the world, it's up to Steve Rogers to stop him.
The only problem is that the red skull used the cube to de power him.
唯一の問題は、レッドスカルがキューブを使って 彼をデパワーにしたことだ。
When Steve goes after skull, he gets pulverized.
Fortunately for cap, Red Skull's ego gets the best of him.
Evening the playing field where the stakes higher than ever.
A rejuvenated Rogers pounds the villain into submission, Saving the day despite the minor cop out of giving caps.
New Shield powers.
Seeing outmatched Captain America stand up to the all powerful villain was an inspirational and memorable moment for Marvel's American hero.
Number two Captain America versus Bucky.
2位 キャプテン・アメリカ対バッキー
When writer Ed Brubaker revealed that Bucky Barnes had survived the explosion that was believed to have killed him.
It should have been a happy reunion, but Bucky had become a sleeper agent for the Soviet Union known as the Winter Soldier.
And so it was only a matter of time before he and Cap would come to blows.
彼とキャップが衝突するのは 時間の問題だった
Yeah, yeah, the showdown did not disappoint, with Cap trying to bring a mind wiped Bucky to his senses as the assassin brutally fought back.
The confrontation ends when Cap tells Bucky that if he really doesn't remember him, he can just shoot him.
It's a powerful moment that ends a great fight.
If you like this video, check out our Siri's How geek culture became pop culture.
この動画が気に入ったら、Siriの「How geek culture became pop culture」をチェックしてみてください。
Join us as we look at how Pulp Fiction, comics, video games, anime and nerd heroes became pop culture staples.
Yeah, number one.
Captain America versus Iron Man.
Steve Rogers and Tony Stark have come to blows on several occasions for reasons that range from mind control too deeply seated political differences.
The most notable conflict occurred in the Civil War story line when they found themselves on opposite sides of the Superhero Registration Act.
Sometimes sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth, but I don't want to see you gone.
We need your camp.
So far, nothing's happened that can't be undone if you sign.
While Iron Man supported the act, Cap objected and formed the Secret Avengers.
This culminated in a truly epic showdown.
That cap was on the cusp of winning before realizing the awful cost of victory.
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