字幕表 動画を再生する
this is a meal that you have to have in buenos aires argentina okay
best beef in the world elixirs from the
世界で最高の牛肉 神 からのエリクサー
god a little bit of parsley lots of garlic raw garlic i'm not hearing anything today
少しパセリたくさんのニンニク生にんにく私は今日何も聞いていません 私は狂ってい ます 私は後にデザートを注文することになりました
i'm crazy i ended up ordering dessert after that big lunch
tusso de lecheの 大きなランチ
pancake with the tusso de leche it's like the caramel spread of argentina
well good morning guys it is our final day in buenos aires argentina before we continue on to
cordoba so we thought we would do a little bit of sightseeing today we did start the day a bit
コルドバ に行く前に 、今日は少し観光をするつもりでした。少し
later because we had a big family reunion everyone was gathered telling stories yeah
後 の日、 大家族の再会があったので、みんなが集まって話
that was fun my dad's lost his voice from talking so much seven hours non-stop it was this morning
it was raspy and hard it's getting a little bit better with some holes those little pills
yeah the day before we were sailing uh the real plate yeah and it was windy and cold and
i only had a hoodie so he packed for summer yeah keep in mind that here in buenos aires
私はパーディーしか持っていなかったので彼は夏のために詰めましたええここブエノスアイレス ではいつもあなたを攻撃する
it always attacks your uh you know the throat is the first thing that you're going to feel
ことを覚えておいて ください知っている喉が最初に感じるの
if you catch a little bit of a coal for some reason if it's a humidity i don't know what it is
but it affects you right away yeah we are at the japanese gardens uh you got free admission to
、すぐに影響を受けます。日本庭園にいます。ええと、あなた は 私が退職ええと、ええと、あなたが
the garden i got free for being a senior i'm starting to cash in on the uh retiree uh you
、彼らは私が自由社会の社会は今社会 古い私ええ両端の両方を あなたを負っているために取得してみましょう事のお祝いを知る
know thing congratulations they let me get in for free society society owes you now society
上で現金を始めている先輩であることのための無料ました庭 への無料入場を得ました
old me yeah both both end of the americas yeah argentina and canada i want freebies okay so
南北アメリカのええアルゼンチンとカナダ私は景品が欲しいので大丈夫そう そうええそれは雨が降るかどうかわからないようですそれは
yeah hey it looks like i don't know if it's going to rain or not did you bring the umbrella no no
太陽の光を意味するので あなたは傘を持ってきませんでし
because it's meant to be sunshine so let's go enjoy the gardens while we can okay let's do the
たそれで私たちがいる間庭を楽しみに行きましょう ブエノスアイレスアルゼンチン
japanese gardens here in buenos aires argentina then we're going to go have lunch around here
の 日本庭園を やってみましょう。 ここでランチを食べに行きます。
there is a place that supposedly uh they do the best uh meat sandwiches yeah you can have and
then uh that's gonna be lunch yeah and well in the meantime we're gonna take the the tour it looks
like the british columbia gardens there oh butcher gardens and gardens we saw those a few weeks ago
they also had a japanese section right yeah exactly yeah okay so let's go let's do it okay
彼らはまた、右のええ正確大丈夫うんそれではさんは大丈夫、それをやらせる手放す日本人のセクションを持っていた 数週間前にものが見た
all right you two how was the visit to the japanese garden i liked it it's nice it's very
it's very calming over here it's very quiet they have a very soft music playing and uh you feel
like you really can relax you know yeah it's the kind of place you could linger like if you brought
は本当にリラックスできるように 感じ ますええそれはあなたが 本
a book yeah you can just hang out for the day yeah and i mean there's there's restaurants there's
a tea house here you can have sushi oh yeah i'd like to mention that we offered my dad that option
ええあなたええ、レストランがあり 、ここに喫茶店があり、寿司を食べることができます。お父さん
would you like to have japanese food sushi instead of the steak sandwich we were planning come on
に、ステーキの代わりに日本食の寿司を食べたい という選択肢を提供したことを お伝えしたいと思います。私たちが計画していたサンドイッチがやってくる
come on are you gonna take a steak sandwich away from this guy yeah you're going to
offer an argentinian born in buenos aires sushi when you have all these parillas and
かええあなたはこれらのパリラをすべて持っているときにブエノスアイレス寿司で生まれたアルゼンチン人 を 提供する つもりです そして
the thing is he's never tried sushi if you if you were to have sushi today you would lose the street
correct you know what i if i have sushi today they'll deport me and remove my lose your dni
私が今日寿司を持っているなら私が何を知っているか知っています彼らは私を強制送ってあなたのdni を 失いますあなたは私があなた
you know i'm not the sushi type you know so something i want to point out about this park is
that the last time we came here probably three or four years ago there's hardly anyone here and it's
it's really become quite a popular attraction there are a lot of people today yeah i mean
it's nice to see it's it's not overwhelming but it's definitely busy here there are people really
enjoying this place yeah it's a great location it's in the kind of palermo area on the outskirts
この場所を 本当に 楽しん でいる人が い ます。パレルモ
of palermo we're gonna go walk and work up an appetite so we can go have those meat sandwiches
郊外のパレルモエリアにある素晴らしい場所 です。散歩して食欲をそそり
that are so famous and i'm i'm going with some wine huh one yeah okay okay now we're talking yeah
、有名な ミートサンドイッチ を 食べに行くことができます。
twist your baby finger okay don't push me don't push me you have to force me to have that you know
私は大丈夫ええ大丈夫、今私達がええ 赤ちゃんの指をひねる
話している 大丈夫、私をプッシュしていない いくつかのワインハァッ1でつもりだよ 、私をプッシュしていないあなたは 外国
そこそこ 大丈夫 知っていることを持っているように私を強制的に持っています
食事は、我々はそれがすごい良くある方法で挟み込むてきた到着したも です
彼が雪の時間を無駄にし ている ので、トレーニングでyoutuberはすぐに彼女
well the meal has arrived we've been tucking in how is it well wow wow my dad's already been
は私に 寿司 を食べに行きたいと思ってい た寿司 を
tucking in he wastes snow time no time youtuber in training she just digs right in how's the sushi
掘り下げ ますあなたがこれを持っているときあなたは私をからかって
they wanted me to go eat sushi when you have this are you kidding me never in a million years
this is a meal that you have to have in buenos aires okay best beef in the world with your wife
okay but the steak my steak is the filet mignon okay the tenderloin and is out of this world out
of this world the french fries they're fried in large they taste amazing a little bit of
parsley lots of garlic raw garlic which is just amazing if you smell the parsley in this country
i remember when i was a little guy parsley used to taste like parsley this is elixirs from the god
amazing huh we should let you know the name of the restaurant where we're eating this place is
ロスプラティトスと呼ばれ ています それは小さな料理を意味しますがここの部分は巨大で
called los platitos it means the little dishes but the portions here are massive and they are
best known for their beef sandwiches so we ordered three different kinds here what do we got my dad's
は牛肉でしたdeこれを英語のテンダーロインで何と呼んでいるのか、彼はテンダーロインビーフ サンドイッチ を手に入れました
was beef de lomo which is what do you call this in english tenderloin so he got a tenderloin beef
サムは クアドリルを手に入れ ました英語 でそれは 何ですか私たちはそれが英語で何であるかわかりません
sandwich sam got quadrille what's that in english i don't know we don't know what that's in english
そして私はソーセージであるチョリパンを手に入れました ここで彼は彼自身を望んでいるこの
and i got the choripan which is the sausage so we're planning to just cut them down the
男は彼自身のサム を望んでいることを除いて、私たち全員が共有して少しの水を得ることができるように
middle so we can all share and get a little bit of water except this guy here he wants his own this
それらを 真ん中で切り詰めることを 計画し ています そして私は今日何も聞いていません私が意味しています し、我々は、この
guy here wants his own sam and i will share okay i'm not hearing anything today today i am mean
and then for the sandwiches we have chimichurri how can we describe this
everybody everybody knows chimichurri it's like herbs and spices in oil and vinegar
yeah it has salt and you just put it on your meat and it transforms it completely
ええ、それは調味料ですええと、ここアルゼンチンで作られてい ます。 通常、すべての家庭で作られてい
yeah it's a condiment that uh it is made here in argentina usually it's made in every household
yes the people they make their own and it's a mixture of herbs and spices and oil and water
ここにあります。ええと、肉に特別な風味を与えます。そう私はつもりプットロット に よ
i have it right here and uh yeah and it gives the meat a special flavor oh yeah i'm gonna put lots
私のチョリソの人は、少し 辛い ことがあるので入れすぎないように言っています
on my chorizo people say you shouldn't put too much because sometimes it can be a bit
が、正直言って私は味が好きなので、チョリパンに それ
spicy but honestly i like flavor so they try it there you have it to the choripan
it's a spot
は彼女が寿司を求めてい た場所です 彼女に教えてくださいいつの日か
she was pushing for sushi let him know tell her tell her now who was right one day
my dad should try sushi yes not in buenos aires listen
赤い血の肉を食べてアルゼンチンを 聞いてください あなたは 私が十分に空腹で何もない場合は 寿司 またはこのようなもの
red blood meat eating argentina you're gonna have to do a lot of convincing to switch sushi
を切り替えるために多くの説得力を持た なければならないでしょう周りに行きますが、
or something like this okay if i'm hungry enough and there's nothing around i'll go for it but if
this is around you'll never get me to go for a sushi instead of pizza in a million years and
i have nothing against sushi people don't start screaming against wow you know he's never tried it
also i want to mention the choripan it's something that you can buy as street food so right now we're
ウォーターフロントにあるレストランで食べてい ます。
eating on a restaurant that's along the waterfront and usually along the waterfront you can also find
通常はウォーターフロントに沿って 、その場で新鮮な小さなフードカードを
little food cards where they make this fresh on the spot they also have the chimichurri the salsa
見つけることもできます。 彼らはまた、チミチュリサルサ y を 持っています
yoda and all the different toppings so you can eat it at a restaurant or you can have a
odaとさまざまなトッピングでレストランで食べたり、 屋台の食べ物 を食べたりすることができます。 おいしいおいしいものです。クアドリル
street food either way it's delicious good stuff huh yeah so we've got sam having the quadrille
mine is actually the thickest piece of meat out of all the sandwiches yeah and apparently it's
supposed to be fatty and delicious the waitress recommended this one yes so i'm excited she said
私の父が持っていたものと比較して彼女のお気に入り だと言って興奮し
that's her favorite in comparison to the one my dad had like my dad is very lean and no fat
ています私の父はとても痩せていて脂肪がありません ああ私の神はプライムカットステーキサンドイッチの本当に良い品質のパンこれはとてもジューシーです私は
oh my god a prime cut of steak sandwich a really good quality of bread this is super juicy i asked
それをジューシーにするように 頼み ましたええそしてそれからええ一口 食べて くださいそしてあなたはそれをする必要はほとんどありませんそれ
for it to be juicy yeah and then yeah take a bite and you barely have to do it it's not so
はあなたの口の中で溶ける のはそれほど 良くあり ません それは基本的に口の中で溶けますええすごい信じられないことですが、
good melts in your mouth it basically melts in the mouth yeah wow that's incredible this is our
この種のランチを正直に言うの は 初めて です。そうですね、これは 視聴者の1人から
first time to have i think this kind of lunch to be honest so yeah i mean this was a recommendation
の推薦でした。 彼らは、この場所に来たと言っていました。素晴らしい雰囲気、本当においしい料理、
from one of our viewers they said you got to come to this place great atmosphere really good food
素晴らしいサンドイッチ、ステーキみたいアルゼンチンのステーキとええと、それ は誇大宣伝に 生きてき
excellent sandwiches with the with the steak like argentine steak and um yeah it's uh it's lived up
ました素晴らしい方法あなたはそれをやっています私はクレイジーです私はその大きな昼食の後にデザートを注文することに なりました 私
to the hype awesome how are you doing it i'm crazy i ended up ordering dessert after that big lunch i
went for the classic the uh the pancake with the tulsa de leche it's like the uh
基本的に、アルゼンチンのキャラメルスプレッドは、 ここの あらゆる種類のデザートの私のお気に入りのuh成分の1つであり、
basically the caramel spread of argentina one of my favorite uh ingredients for any kind of dessert
大きなふわふわのパンケーキを提供してくれまし た。それには、クルミも付いているので、
here and they've given us a big fluffy pancake and it's just loaded with dulce de leche look at
ドゥルセデレチェの外観が満載 です。私の最初の一口はすぐそこにありますああ男はこのすべてを見てください
that it comes with a walnut as well so that'll be my first bite right there oh man look at all this
wow do not skimp with portions in this restaurant
oh my god
it's very fluffy oh do you want sugar are you choking on the wall i'm choking on the dulce de
leche oh my gosh and it's warm it's been warmed up it's so sweet so good but almost choked on it
ので私たちは戻ってきましたアパートに戻ってまた食べていますこの もっと食べ物の真実は私たち全員がかなり大きかったと言われると
so we're back we are back at the apartment back in the apartment eating again can you believe this
more food truth be told we we all had a pretty big
siesta too we all conked out like we got back here and you slept for like two hours
2時間半のようにええ私は本当に疲れていました そして私 たちが昼食時に持っていたすべてのええと食べ物でええ私たちは
two hours and a half yeah i was really tired and with all that uh food we had at lunch yeah we were
really stuffed yeah and we did not even have the energy to walk we were planning to walk for uh
えとええ何をする ために歩くことを計画し ていましたあなたは5キロと言いますええ私たち
oh yeah what do you say five kilometers yeah we wanted to go to the fisherman's wharf like there's
はリバーフロントに沿って素敵な小道 があるように漁師の埠頭に行きたかっ たのです私たちはそれを200メートル50メートルではありませんでしたが太陽が
a nice path all along the riverfront we made it what 200 no 50 meters but granted the sun had
出て い たので熱は不可能でした私たちが そのよう に 歩くことになっ
came out and the heat was just impossible you know like i mean the the area where we were to
ていたエリア それは本当に本当に日陰も日陰もないので私たちはタクシーで
walk like that it was really really there's no shade no shade so we decided to take a taxi come
back to the apartment we had a siesta yeah but now we are eating spanish tortilla this was a surprise
thank you to our host our airbnb host he's from argentina but he lived in spain for like 16 years
and he offered to make us a spanish tortilla for last night as a little farewell a goodbye yeah
and check that out check that out tortilla with chorizo yeah it has the spicy red chorizo red
彼らが使う チョリソ赤 チョリソそれとそれはハムもありますええそして彼はええそう卵ポテトハムチョリゾ
chorizo they use it and it has ham too yeah and him yeah so eggs potatoes ham chorizo
ええそしてそれは本当に良いですそして私達がそれを食べなければ明日私達は 朝の 4時に飛び出し
yeah and it's it's really good and if we don't eat it yeah tomorrow we fly out at four o'clock in the
morning we're gonna have it for breakfast again we cannot leave it behind no it comes with us it
に来るので私たちは今夜攻撃してそれにへこみを入れようとしていますええ男 私たちはそれを持っていく
comes it comes so we are attacking tonight to try to put a dent into it yeah man there is something
ものが 残っています私たちが捨てない赤ちゃんを心配しないでくださいあなたは大丈夫ええ、
left we'll bring it with us don't worry baby we will not abandon you okay yeah what a great day
of eating and uh before i forget we'll mention the price of lunch so it was what 27 us dollars total
i mean two two two two complimentary sides of bread a sandwich eat potatoes full bottle of
wine and i ordered a dessert you got dessert i don't know how you did it but you've got dessert
そう です 基本的にそれはブエノスアイレスでの私たちの時間のためです私たちは再び戻っ てきます私たちは
yeah so basically that that's it for our time in buenos aires we will be back again we'll be back
戻っ てきますいつもそうですが、ええと、ここでの5日間
we'll be back as we always are yeah but um yeah what a what a great five days here
so much variety in terms of what we did sailing meeting family
visiting different parts of the city a little bit of everything a bit of everything and the
明日もコルドバで旅を続け ます。
journey continues tomorrow in cordoba we are flying there bright and early
明るく早く飛んでいる ので、そこでお会いしましょう。コルドバに行きましょう。記録に行きましょう。さようなら
so we'll see you there we'll see you there let's go to cordoba let's go record about bye guys