字幕表 動画を再生する
Hey there, I'm Ronnie. The other day, I went into a store, and I needed to buy something.
It was something that I had no idea about, so I had to buy something for my computer. I'm in
a computer store, and I said, "Excuse me, I need to buy this for my computer. Can you please help
me?" And the guy said, "Nah, I don't know." So, I waited for him to say something like,
"俺のこと?"男は「いや、知らない」と言った。 それで、私は彼が何か言うのを待っていた。
"But I can help you", or, "I can check" or, "Let me Google that" or something! Not just,
"I don't know". So, the customer satisfaction with me at that store was nill, and I marched
"知らない "のです。ということで、そのお店での私へのお客様の満足度は微塵もなく、私は行進しました。
out the door. What kind of customer service is this, where you walk into a store and
need help and they go, "I don't know." Hm? This also happens to me. People, students ask me,
助けが必要な時は "知らない "と言うんだん?これは私にも起こります人や学生が私に尋ねてくる。
"Ronnie, why do we say Thursday - Thur, like thur, but for example, the word thirsty is thir,
but it's a u sound?" I go, "I don't know". I have no idea. This is an amazing question and you know
"でもUの音なの?"私は "知らない "と言いました知らない」と言うんです。これは驚くべき質問で、あなたは知っています
what? People ask me amazing questions all the time about English, about grammar. And instead
何?人はいつも英語や文法について 驚くような質問をしてきますその代わりに
of me saying, "I don't know", I actually do something about it and I look it up, or I get the
information, or I text my friend and go, "Excuse me, why?" "I don't know". Oh, thanks, friend.
情報を得たり 友達にメールしたりして "すみませんが なぜですか?""わからない"ああ、ありがとう、友達。
So, my point is, if you don't know something, that's okay. Because we don't know everything. So,
if you're a teacher or if you are anyone and someone asks you a question, and you don't know
the answer, hey, just admit it. Don't lie to people. Don't make up bullsh*t to tell people,
because in the end, you're just harming your reputation. If you honestly don't know something,
that's alright. But communicate it to the people, and more importantly, tell them,
"I'm going to do something to help you. I'm going to help you figure it out." So,
"私はあなたを助けるために何かをしようと思っています。 あなたがそれを理解するのを 手伝ってあげようと思っています"ということで
if I had gone into the computer shop and I said, "Oh, I need this piece for my computer" and again,
the person says, "Oh, I don't know, but let's Google it." I'd be like "Yes sir, okay! Let's get
本人は "あ、わからないけどググってみよう "と言っています。私なら "Yes sir, okay!を取得してみましょう。
this computer started!" Instead, I walked away. So, what you have to do - of course, you can
"このコンピューターが起動した!"代わりに、私はその場を立ち去りました。だから、あなたがしなければならないこと - もちろん、あなたは
tell the person, "Hey, do you know what? I don't know, but let's find a solution to the problem."
相手に "ねえ、知ってる?わからないけど解決策を見つけよう"
If you're working and somebody asks you a question that you don't know the answer to,
you don't want to sound stupid. You don't want to go "Oh, I don't know". Or,
if your boss asks you something that they think you should know, you panic and go "Oh my God,
I don't know the answer. I'm stupid. What should I do?" Okay, relax. Just don't say,
"I don't know!" and do nothing. You can say to the person, "Do you know what? I don't know" or
when we say it very quickly, we say, "I dunno, but let's Google it." Now, in this sentence,
私たちが早口で言うと "わからないけどググってみよう "となりますさて、この文章の中で
"google" is actually a verb. Isn't that amazing? Our language changes. So, Google,
"google "は実は動詞なんです。スゴくないですか?私たちの言葉は変化します。だから、グーグル。
you know, is a website, a browser, but it's actually changed now into a verb. So, I can say,
ご存知のように ウェブサイトやブラウザですが 実は今は動詞に変わっていますだから、言えるのです。
"You know what? I don't know, but I'm going to Google it for you and find the answer."
You can say, "Let me find out", or "Let me look into that'. And then you say "look into?" It just
"調べてみよう "とか "調べてみよう "とか。"調べてみようか?"それだけで
means find the answer. This is a really beautiful sentence, too. "Before I can answer that,
let me see" or "let me think". Maybe you know the answer, but it's just going to
take you an extra minute or two to translate or to think of your answer. You can also say,
"Let me see, let me see, oh, Pam. I've got the answer." Or, I've had enough time to translate
what you need to say to your scary boss. This is fun, too. You know what, if I knew,
yeah? I would or I could tell you. But I don't know. So, instead of just saying "I don't know",
you can use these and sound more professional at your job or in a business meeting. If someone
asks you a crazy question, instead of looking stupid or appearing ignorant, you can say these
beautiful English phrases. "I would be happy to find that answer and get back to you. What's
your email? Let me research it for you." This is always a good one, too. I love this. If
somebody asks you a question and you need time to think about it or you just don't know the answer,
you can tell them like, "Hey, that's a good question." Ahem, I don't know the answer,
"いい質問だ "と言えばいいんだよエヘン、私は答えを知らない。
but that's a very good question! Again, I will find out for you. Here's complete honesty:
が、それは非常に良い質問ですもう一度言いますが 私はあなたのために見つけ出しますここに完全な正直さがあります。
Honestly, I have no idea. But I will ask someone. Mom, why is the "th" in this? You
正直なところ、私にはわかりません。でも誰かに聞いてみるわママ、なんで "TH "が入ってるの?あなたは
don't know, okay. Thanks, Mom, great, okay. So, if you just say to the person, "I don't know",
or "Oh, I don't know the answer", you're not going to really help the person. And you might appear to
be a little bit stupid or ignorant towards your boss or to other people. So, it's okay. Admit
you don't know the answer and hey, grab your phone. It's probably already there, and Google
the answer. Get the information. But again, be careful of the internet. Because a lot of things
aren't true. But at least you tried. And try to help people. It's the best thing we can do.
Alright, I gotta Google this. I'll be right back.
ググってみるわ すぐに戻るわ