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  • after nearly five years of negotiations, countless talks and three prime ministers, Brexit will take place at the strike of midnight in Brussels Friday, when the United Kingdom leaves de facto membership that continued after it formally left the bloc last January.

    ほぼ 5 年間の交渉、無数の協議と 3 つの首相の後、Brexit はブリュッセル金曜日の真夜中のストライキで行われます、英国はそれが正式に昨年 1 月にブロックを去った後に続けた事実上のメンバーシップを残します。

  • The UK joined the European Union in 1973 as the sick man of Europe.


  • In the 2016 referendum, 17.4 million voters, or 52% backed Brexit, while 16 point 1,000,048% backed staying in the bloc.


  • The referendum showed a United kingdom divided on what happens next is still largely unknown.


  • After the UK leaves the single market or the customs union, there is almost certain to be some disruption of borders.


  • More red tape means more cost for those importing and exporting goods across the EU UK border.


  • Walking away from almost half a century of membership means changes to everything from pet passports and driving license rules to data restrictions.


  • Prime Minister Boris Johnson told parliament Wednesday he hopes for a new relationship with the U post divorce and having taken back control of our money, our borders, our laws and our waters by leaving the European Union on January 31st.


  • We now seize this moment to forge a fantastic new relationship with our European neighbors based on free trade on friendly cooperation.


  • But not everyone is convinced.


  • There was strong words from French European Affairs Minister Clement Bone on Thursday telling French television that Britain is quote punishing itself with Brexit.


after nearly five years of negotiations, countless talks and three prime ministers, Brexit will take place at the strike of midnight in Brussels Friday, when the United Kingdom leaves de facto membership that continued after it formally left the bloc last January.

ほぼ 5 年間の交渉、無数の協議と 3 つの首相の後、Brexit はブリュッセル金曜日の真夜中のストライキで行われます、英国はそれが正式に昨年 1 月にブロックを去った後に続けた事実上のメンバーシップを残します。

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