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  • Britain deployed extra military personnel to the port of Dover on Friday, their Christmas task to help clear the queues of Lorries since cross channel travel was reinstated for drivers who get a negative covert.


  • 19 test ferry services between Dover and the French port of Calais restarted on Thursday that after several days of a blockade imposed by France when a new coronavirus variant was discovered in England, traffic was moving only slowly through the port on Friday, a public holiday.

    ドーバーとフランスの港のカレーの間の 19 のテスト フェリー サービスは木曜日に新しいコロナ ウイルスのバリアントがイギリスで発見されたときにフランスによって課された封鎖の数日後にトラフィックだけゆっくりと港を介して移動していたことを再開しました、祝日の金曜日に。

  • Most trucks were still parked further up the motorway.


  • His drivers spent Christmas Day waiting to take tests before being allowed to board the ferries.


  • Um additional 800 British troops have now been sent to the port as well as the 300 already there, British media reported.


Britain deployed extra military personnel to the port of Dover on Friday, their Christmas task to help clear the queues of Lorries since cross channel travel was reinstated for drivers who get a negative covert.


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