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  • I wanna welcome back in Vince Carter.


  • Kendrick Perkins.


  • Guys, I want to start with you.


  • Vince, what is your reaction to hearing the latest news on James Harden?

    ヴィンス ジェームス・ハーデンの最新ニュースを聞いてどう思う?

  • But when I first heard about I was, like again, I was like, Is this the same The original uh, one.


  • So I mean, I know he doesn't wanna be there and, you know, he's doing everything he can to get moved.


  • But Perk has said this for a long time now is Houston Rockets have the keys and they could do with him what they want.


  • And another thing that he said that they don't have toe move him to the team, that he wants to go to eso with all of the back and forth and not showing up and going here going there.


  • They continue wherever they want, Thio send you and just deal with the consequences.


  • Or, you know, if he doesn't show up the practices, the games and they play, they're gonna continue playing with or without him.


  • So he has to realize, I think if he wants to get moved, he just needs toe.


  • Just do what he needs to do on.


  • I don't want to use the word model citizen, but just come to work, be the James Harden we all know and increase his value so he can, so they'll move and and cooperate with him.


  • But right now, I don't see Houston cooperating with him, particularly if they don't get anything of value that it comes close toe.

    でも今は ヒューストンが彼に協力するとは思えない 特につま先に近い価値のあるものを 何も得られなければね

  • What he brings to the table.


  • Yeah, and and Vince, Rachel, Look, Vince is letting them off the hook pretty easy.

    それとビンスだ レイチェル ビンスは彼らを簡単に逃がしている

  • This is bad.


  • This is not good for several reasons.


  • And one of those reasons is that one.


  • If you're trying to get moved like Vince said, then you have to be a professional because not only do the Rockets have the keys and they don't have to trade you, but it's a turn off the other organizations because I've been hearing from multiple GM that they're scared of trading for James Harden.


  • And it's not and it has nothing to do with his own court.


  • But, uh, what he does on the court is what he does off the court, and they're scared.


  • They trade him that he's gonna be a bad example in the locker room because of things like this, And here's another thing that makes me so mad about this.

    こんなことでロッカールームで悪い見本にされそうだと彼をトレードしています そしてここでもう一つ腹が立つことがあります

  • And I love James as a person, but he is burning down the bridge bridge for the younger generation.


  • You know, it was guys.


  • These guys like Barkley Magic, you know, uh, Michael Jordan, all these guys who paved the way for guys like James Harden to be making hundreds of millions of dollars.

    バークリーマジックのような人たち マイケル・ジョーダン ジェームズ・ハーデンのような人たちが 何億ドルも稼ぐ道を開いた人たちです

  • And right now, the way that James is acting, he's acting selfish because for the simple fact, they have a younger generation that's coming up.


  • And what's gonna happen is the owners, they're gonna go to the C B A when it's time to negotiate.

    どうなるかというと、オーナーは交渉の時にC B Aに行くんだろうな

  • And they're gonna say, You know what?


  • We gotta discuss things like this, and you don't wanna do that.


  • You want to keep making it easier for the next generation of kids to be able to get paid hundreds of millions of dollars.


  • So right now, I don't approve of anything that James is doing, and I saw his instagram post.


  • We're not trying to drag his name through the mud.


  • He's creating this thes problems himself.


  • We just have to address it.


  • Yeah, I mean, look again, I want to stress the MBA.


  • In general, there's no morality thing here about its players going to strip clubs because, gosh, guys, that's been happening for quite a long time.


  • It's right now in coronavirus.


  • It's the same issue with exactly you've heard that you've heard that once or twice spends.


  • It's the same issue with Lou Williams that there was no morality judgment about Oh, man, he was in a strip club.


  • You cannot be in a place with lots of people right now.


  • You just can't.


  • It puts your teammates in jeopardy, puts the rest of the league in jeopardy.


  • It goes back to the selfishness that you're talking about, and that's often also really the issue here with the fact that he tested positive before He's already been through all of this.


  • I understand that for players who have tested positive, and I've heard this from other players around the league saying, Well, I have antibodies now, why do I have to be so limited in my personal life?


  • Shouldn't that just apply to the people who haven't had it yet?


  • It doesn't work like that.


  • You have to think of the whole, not just of yourself and That is what the MBA maybe telling him in terms of a fine or a suspension later today.


  • Yet and Rachel, I think these young well, these guys in general have to understand, is that how disappointed will will they be?

    Yet and Rachel, I think these young well, these guys in general have to understand, is that how disappointed will they will be?

  • Or would they be if all of a sudden Adam Silver on the N b A.

    それとも、突然、アダム・シルバーがN b Aに出てきたら、そうなるのかな。

  • Come out and say they have to cancel the rest of the season?


  • Because off, you know, this situation there are so many guys have had.


  • And now that everybody's in the uproar and you're gonna start pointing fingers pointing fingers and they did a unbelievable job in the bubble off of not one issue with this.


  • So now you're gonna need everybody to buy in and show some discipline.


  • And and, like you said, it's just not about just you because it's the bigger picture.


  • Because if they shut the MBA down again, everybody's gonna be in the uproar, you know?


  • So they gotta think about that as well.


  • Thanks for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming sports and premium content.


I wanna welcome back in Vince Carter.


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