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  • Tokyo and Kyoto are two of Japan's most popular tourist destinations and are commonly

    東京と京都は 日本で最も観光客に人気がある2大観光地です

  • traveled between via the Tokaido Shinkansen along what has become known as Japan's 'Golden Route',


  • stretching along the main island's relatively urbanized Pacific Coast.

    比較的都市化が進んだ 本州太平洋側を走る東海道新幹線を利用して旅行するのが一般的ですが

  • For this trip we thought we'd do things a little differently, instead taking advantage

    今回は ちょっと違うルートで旅行しようと思います

  • of the recent extension of the Hokuriku Shinkansen to reach Kyoto from Tokyo via the Sea of Japan

    最近 延伸した北陸新幹線を利用し「新しいゴールデンルート」に沿って

  • coast along this 'New Golden Route'.

    東京から日本海沿岸を経由し 京都を目指します

  • The aim of our journey is to experience a different, more tranquil side of Japan full


  • of natural beauty and rich culture, and to partake in some memorable experiences along


  • the way that are different those found along the more populated southern route.

    人口の多い南のルートを辿る場合とはまた違った 思い出に残る体験ができるでしょう

  • The entire trip will take seven days in which we'll cover 11 prefectures in total, presenting

    全旅程は7日間 合計11の都道府県をカバーしており

  • our journey over three episodes.


  • A great way to travel along the New Golden Route is by using the Hokuriku Arch Pass,

    新しいゴールデンルートを旅行するには 北陸アーチパスを使うのがおすすめです

  • a 7-day pass exclusively available to oversea tourists that allows for unlimited use of

    このアーチパスを使うと 海外からの旅行者は北陸新幹線を含め

  • all the JR lines shown on the map including the Hokuriku Shinkansen.


  • Episode one of this series will document our journey from the bustling metropolis of Tokyo

    このシリーズのエピソード1は 賑やかな東京の都会から

  • into Japan's interior.


  • So join me, Sam Evans, as we travel from Tokyo to Kyoto along Japan's New Golden Route.

    それでは 私 サム・エヴァンズが穏やかな日本の新しいゴールデンルートに沿って 東京から京都への旅をご紹介します

  • Day 1


  • We'll begin our journey by checking out a couple of Tokyo's popular sites before


  • heading on to Saitama Prefecture and the Omiya Bonsai Village as well as the Railway Museum.

    東京の有名な観光地をいくつか訪れてから 旅をスタートさせたいと思います

  • Come late afternoon, we will head up to Gunma Prefecture, to end our day in Ikaho Onsen,

    夕方には 群馬県に向かい歴史ある温泉街として有名な伊香保温泉で

  • a historic hot spring town.


  • It's the first day of our seven day tour from Tokyo to Kyoto, and what better place

    東京から京都まで 7日間のツアーの初日です

  • to start it than at the magnificent SkyTree.

    旅をスタートさせるには最高の場所 この壮大なスカイツリーは

  • Its 634 meters tall and its the world's tallest communications tower.

    高さが634メートルで 世界で最も高い電波塔です

  • I cannot wait to go and check it out.


  • Let's go!

    では 行ってみましょう

  • At 350 meters above street level, the Tembo Observation deck allows visitors stunning,


  • panoramic views of Tokyo, with Mount Fuji even visible on clear days.


  • The lower levels of the huge complex house a variety of shops and restaurants giving

    巨大な複合施設の下層には 様々なショップやレストランがあり

  • the Skytree something for everyone.


  • From the Skytree we take a bus to Tokyo Station and walk to the Imperial Palace.

    スカイツリーから東京駅までバスで移動し 皇居へは歩いて行きます

  • Before we head on with our trip we've got a little bit of time so we made the short


  • walk from Tokyo Station to the Imperial Palace, the home of the japanese imperial family.


  • Not only is it a great place to stroll in the midst of royalty, there's also some


  • pretty good photo opportunities too.


  • From Tokyo we take the Shinkansen to Omiya, where we'll transfer to the JR Utsunomiya

    東京から新幹線で大宮まで行き そこでJR宇都宮線に乗り換えて

  • Line to Toro Station and head to the Bonsai Village.

    土呂駅まで行き 盆栽村へ向かいます

  • We are at the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum which opened in 2010 and is a beautiful addition


  • to the Bonsai Village.


  • Inside there is a permanent exhibition which educates on the History and other aspects

    建物内には盆栽の歴史や その他の資料が常設展示されています

  • of Bonsai, whilst outside in the garden, where we are now, visitors can admire a variety


  • of different trees and its generally a very pleasant place to be.


  • Not far from the bonsai village stands another of Saitama's popular attractions: the Railway


  • Museum.


  • We're at the railway museum in Saitama one of the largest railway museums in all of Japan


  • Among its other impressive features this place boasts an abundance of retired trains and

    見どころはたくさんありますが ここには引退した列車がたくさん展示されており

  • is a must for train lovers.


  • It's now time to take Hokuriku Shinkansen to eastern Japan's hot spring mecca Gunma Prefecture,


  • where we'll be staying at Ikaho Onsen, an old hot spring town known for its iconic stone


  • staircase that bisects the town as it climbs hillside.

    丘を登るように街を分ける石段がシンボルの古い温泉街 伊香保温泉に滞在する予定です

  • After an amazing first day here we are at Ikaho onsen in this beautiful ryokan.

    素晴らしい初日を過ごした後 伊香保温泉の美しい旅館にやって来ました

  • Where among other things we are going to enjoy a delicious looking traditional japanese meal,


  • a relaxing outdoor bath as well as an exploration to see what this town has to offer.

    リラックスできる露天風呂など 風情あふれるこの街を楽しみたいと思います

  • Day 2


  • After a traditional ryokan breakfast it's time to head on to Nagano Prefecture where

    伝統的な旅館の朝食をいただいた後は まず長野県に向かい

  • we'll first pay a visit to the famous Snow Monkey Park.


  • Following this we'll make our way to the nearby town of Shibu Onsen where we'll explore

    その後 近くの渋温泉に行き散策後

  • and stay the night.


  • From Nagano Station we take an express bus to the Snow Monkey Park bus stop from where

    長野駅から急行バスで 地獄谷野猿公苑のバス停まで向かい

  • the monkeys are about a 30 minute hike along a gentle forest trail.

    そこから約30分 穏やかな森を歩くと猿たちのいる場所につきます

  • We're here in the Jigokudani Monkey park where visitors can see the Japanese macaque


  • in its natural environment.


  • Now the park comes into its own in winter when snow typically covers the ground and

    冬は雪が地面を覆い 寒さをしのぐため

  • monkeys can be seen bathing in the park's hot spring.


  • But as you can see any time of the year is a good time to come and see the monkeys.


  • It's seems like it's a bit of a hard life being a monkey.


  • After our fun at the monkey park this afternoon, we have arrived in the nearby Shibu Onsen, an attractive

    野猿公苑で楽しいひと時を過ごした後 渋温泉にやって来ました

  • and historical onsen town known among other things for its nine bath houses like this one.

    この施設のような9つの外湯が有名な 魅力的で歴史ある温泉街です

  • Now, the ryokan in which we will be spending the night has given us this!

    今日泊まる旅館で こんなものを貰いました!

  • Which is a master key to all of nine of them.


  • So right now, I cant wait to get exploring because this place just seems great.


  • Nothing like a foot bath after a day of exploration.


  • Another evening, another delicious looking ryokan meal.

    今夜もまた 美味しい旅館の食事をいただきます

  • Now tomorrow we are going to move over to Niigata prefecture where we will start the

    明日は新潟県に行き 朝から海岸沿いを自転車で走る予定ですが

  • day with a bike ride along the coast, but for now let's eat because I'm starving.


  • So in true Japanese style: kanpai!

    日本風に カンパイ!

  • And with that, the first part of this incredible journey has come to an end.

    これで このすばらしい旅のエピソード1は終わりです

  • Be sure to join us in episode 2 as we continue towards Kyoto and enjoy more amazing experiences,


  • trying delicious local foods and taking in breathtaking views.


  • If you are looking for more information about this itinerary, click the links on the screen


  • now, or head over to, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide, first-hand

    息を呑むような景色を楽しんでいますので お見逃しなく

  • from Japan.

    この旅程に関する情報や他の動画を見るには スクリーン上のリンクをクリック

  • Thanks for watching, and be sure to subscribe for more videos about Japan.

    またはジャパンガイドのサイトへアクセスしてください ジャパンガイドは日本から直接届く全てを網羅した

  • Happy travels.


Tokyo and Kyoto are two of Japan's most popular tourist destinations and are commonly

東京と京都は 日本で最も観光客に人気がある2大観光地です


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