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bye, kids, Everything that they need to perform the test is inside the kit.
The first over the counter Cove in nineteen antigen test approved by the FDA that could be used from start to finish at home will be coming toe Americans in January.
最初のオーバーカウンター コーブ 19 抗原テストで FDA によって承認された最初のオーバーカウンター コーブは、最初から最後まで自宅で使用することができます 1 月にアメリカ人のつま先に来ています。
The test, created by the Australian company A Loom, offers a nasal swab analyzer that connects toe a free app on the user smartphone.
オーストラリアのA Loom社が作成したこのテストでは、ユーザーのスマートフォンに無料アプリをインストールしてつま先に接続する鼻腔内綿棒分析器を提供しています。
The APP walks the user step by step on how to use the test, and results are given in twenty minutes.
It costs about thirty dollars, and a doctor's note is not needed.
A Loom CEO Dr Sean Parsons.
A LoomのCEOショーン・パーソンズ博士。
So it's the first non prescription self test approved by the FDA for adults and Children to diagnose themselves with coronavirus SARS cov to whether they're symptomatic or asymptomatic.
だから、それは彼らが症状または無症状であるかどうかにコロナウイルスSARS covで自分自身を診断するために、大人と子供のためのFDAによって承認された最初の非処方の自己テストです。
So here's what the swab looks like.
It's not a big, long swab that goes all the way to tickle the base of your brain.
It's a swab of what's called your mid turbulent region, which is about that far back.
You then applied the swab to a small tube, which is supplied within the kit, and then you put the sample onto this analyzer, which you can see here, Dr Parsons said.
His tests will be going toe America first, that the biggest reason why it's going to America first is because it can make the biggest dent on helping Americans respond to coronavirus.
There are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of cases now today in the US, and these tests are most needed in America to assist the response.
The news follows authorization last month of the first prescription fully at Home Cove in nineteen test, and this week the FDA also blessed another at home rapid test, this one from Abbott Laboratories.
ニュースは、先月の最初の処方箋の承認を次のように完全にホームコーブで 19 のテストで、今週 FDA はまた別の自宅での急速なテスト、アボット研究所からこの 1 つを祝福します。
FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn praised these developments, saying they will help expand Americans access to testing.
But the agency, however, cautioned that antigen tests like the one from a loom are less reliable than PCR tests and may have a small percentage of results that are false.