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  • **Are we gonna ride Farsa? I would love to ride- Farsa! Come here, Farsa!**

  • Oh, PewDiePie. PewDiePie, PewDiePie, PewDiePie.

  • *My friends are like, "Oh you have to see these videos, and it's Pew-Die-Pie."*

  • **Oh! F--k me!**

  • (laughs)

  • *What is this? I'm so confused.*

  • **Let's go in the green room; isn't that lovely!**

  • This guy is an intense video gamer.

  • **Aaaaaah! Ooh! Oh! You f--king fatty! I hate you, all of you!**

  • (laughs)

  • The hell is that?

  • **You' sexy!**

  • *This is a good idea.*

  • **Oh, not you! Close the door!**

  • WHY?! Oh no...

  • <b>Aaaaaaaaah!</b>

  • (laughs)

  • **Ooh, it's too fast!** *I don't care, double backflip!*

  • I love his voice...

  • *This game is so fun! Happy Wheels!*

  • <b>Whoa!</b><b>HEADSHOT.</b>

  • **I'm so happy to be here with you... you Raphael...** *My name is not Raphael...*

  • *Ugh! That's gross!*

  • His facial expressions are so funny!

  • Ew...

  • That made me feel violated, just watching that.

  • *He's having way too much fun.*

  • So much blood...

  • **Ah! Broke a leg, don't matter.**

  • *(imitating) Oh! Broke a leg!*

  • Holy sh...

  • **Oh! Leg! Caught you, you little bitch!**

  • Good save.

  • **H-h-how's it going, bros? My name is PeeeeewDiePie. Thank you for watching, and here comes the brofist. Mwaaaaah!**

  • *I got it. (laughs)*

  • I liked that!

  • *That is epic.*

  • *Okay, so can you describe who you were watching?*

  • It's this guy who was playing video games.

  • *He plays violent games, videotapes his face, and overreacts to them.*

  • *Do you know who that was?*

  • Raphael?

  • PeeewDiePie.

  • Peweduedaduedadueda....

  • PeewDiePie.

  • PewDiePie.

  • PewDiePie!

  • That was PewDiePie.

  • PeeeeeewDiePie.

  • *And how do you know PewDiePie?*

  • He was on the front page of YouTube.

  • *My little brother used to watch him. It's this Swedish guy talking and I'm like, "Okay?"*

  • *His name is PewDiePie.*

  • PewDiePie? Nice.

  • PewDiePie?

  • PewDiePie?!

  • PewDiePie!

  • PewDiePie! Like cutie pie - CutiePewDiePie!

  • *What do you think of the name PewDiePie?*

  • *I think it's cute.*

  • How do you even come up with that?

  • *It sounds like a reject pony.*

  • It sounds like a dog name.

  • *That's what I've always wanted to be named, you guys. Like, I'm going to change that to my name.*

  • *And how would you describe the guy that was doing all this commentary?*

  • Swedish.

  • Intense.

  • Very, very, amusing to watch.

  • *SO AWESOME! He just has, like, the craziest reactions!*

  • I don't know if that's him in real life. I think he might be playing a character.

  • *I mean, honestly, he needs to get a hobby or something. You know what I mean? Get some females or something. He seems bored.*

  • No offense, PewDiePie, um, I've seen you on the front, like, page of YouTube a lot, but I was scared to click on your video 'cuz your face is kinda scary.

  • *He calls his fans his 'bros'. His 'bro army'. Why do you think he calls them that?*

  • *I don't know.*

  • That's a good question. Why does Philip de Franklin call his fans 'the nation'?

  • *Playing video games... bros play video games...*

  • His name's PEWDIEPIE! He can't 'bro' anything with a name PEWDIEPIE!

  • *Have you played these games before?*

  • No.

  • No.

  • *Yeah, I've played Happy Wheels, and I'm gonna buy Amnesia.*

  • I've played the Amnesia game. That game... I couldn't sleep for the next couple of days.

  • *I think he's doing a good job of promoting the games and people are probably playing the games because of him.*

  • Well, I play, like, Modern Warfare, like sometimes.

  • *So have you watched gaming commentaries on YouTube before?*

  • No.

  • Um...not really.

  • *Yeah! I watch iJustine, Tobuscus...*

  • I've watched...uh...TwoBestFriends, and AngryVideoGamer.

  • *I think I watched SethDoesGames once.*

  • *Does it surprise you that some of the most popular YouTube channels today are people just playing video games?*

  • No, not really.

  • *When you actually watch it, it's not that surprising, because it is, like, really funny.*

  • Like, the gaming community on YouTube and the gaming community in general has just blown up.

  • *Why are people watching them? I mean, just play the game, damn it!*

  • I don't know how a lot of people are really that into watching another person play games because it's kinda more fun if you're the one playing the games and reacting to it.

  • *I just realized that I'm one of those people who watches my friends play video games and so I was being kind of a hypocrite.*

  • *So, PewDiePie is one of the fastest-growing channels right now; he's at over one-and-a-half million subscribers.*

  • Nice.

  • *Oh my gosh.*

  • Wait, what? Why?

  • *What is making him stand out over all of the other people that are doing this right now?*

  • *I dunno. He's just so funny when he does his things.*

  • I think how he acts, like how he's so INTENSE in the games and so into it.

  • *He wasn't bad-looking, so maybe that's the girls' view of it.*

  • He's cute, 'cuz he's got hair and a little beard.

  • *Well, he was kinda cute, and his voice was funny, like he reminds me of Fred, kind of.*

  • Seems like there's no effort at all to play video games. The people who worked hard, to make the scripts, have a good plot, you know, a good storyline, and then somebody just plays it on YouTube and gets the fame like that...

  • ...I understand all the other videos you guys show, 'cuz you know, but I don't understand this one, man. I don't understand how he got his fame like that.

  • *So, who do you think is watching his videos?*

  • *A lot of gamers.*

  • The gamers.

  • *ALL those video gamers; I'm surprised my brother hasn't seen it.*

  • Maybe a little kid who's always talking horrible language on Call of Duty.

  • *Anyone who wants to get a good laugh, I mean, you don't even have to be into video games to, like, think it's funny.*

  • I'm not really into video games and stuff, but it's pretty cool.

  • *What do you want to say to his 'bro army', if they're watching?*

  • *Props to the bro army, brofist all the way.*

  • Oh, I can be a bro now! Hi, my fellow bros!

  • *And if PewDiePie himself was watching, what would you say to him?*

  • *You are hilarious.*

  • You're entertaining and I liked your sweater.

  • *Can I have your name? We could be name buddies.*

  • *And are you going to start watching his YouTube channel or other video game channels now?*

  • I don't know, thank you.

  • Nope.

  • I'm not completely sold yet, I'm still the one playing the video games.

  • *Oh, yeah. He's so funny.*

  • Yeah, sure, why not? I liked it.

  • *Yeah, he's really good. I wish I clicked on it sooner. I wish I wasn't afraid to click on his face.*

  • Thanks for watching Teens React! We'll be back soon, so make sure you subscribe. To watch deleted reactions from this video, click the box below.

  • What did the fish say when it ran into the brick wall? "Dam."

  • See you later bros, and here comes the brofist. Mwaaaaah!

**Are we gonna ride Farsa? I would love to ride- Farsa! Come here, Farsa!**


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    Bryan Pai に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日