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welcome to watch Mojo, and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10.
Botched console launches introducing call of duty multi player for PlayStation Vita where you are now.
ボッタクリコンソールがPlayStation Vita用コールオブデューティマルチプレイヤーの紹介を開始
Sega Saturn.
Play your games in the 21st century on leave the rest of the world behind for this list.
We're looking at the worst console launches in video game history.
This doesn't always mean the consoles themselves were failures.
Just that they're launches were handled poorly.
Let us know in the comments which ones made you choose to save your money.
Now, hopefully, we don't screw up this top 10 like thes consoles did.
Prepare to get disappointed here we g o number 10, PlayStation three a za 2020.
失望する準備をしてくださいここで私たちは番号10、プレイステーションの3つの座2020年をg oを取得します。
The PlayStation two firmly remains the best selling console ever made, fueled by the idea that players would go along with whatever Sony decided to do with the follow up.
プレイステーション 2」は、今もなお、これまでで最も売れているゲーム機であることに変わりはなく、ソニーが何をするにしても、プレイヤーの皆さんがその次のことをしてくれるという考えに後押しされています。
Because of the PS two success, Sony put together a baffling lineup of consoles in the PS three was announced with the high end PS three coming in and an obscene $599 499 U.
Dollars and 549 Canadian dollars.
It was no wonder, for Sony faced a lot of backlash, adjusted for inflation, that's almost double the cost of the digital only PS five.
Luckily, they actually listen to people and cut the price, though they did have to strip the PS three a popular features like backward compatibility.
幸いにも、彼らは実際に人々に耳を傾け、彼らはPS 3の後方互換性のような人気のある機能を削除する必要がありましたが、価格を削減しました。
To accomplish this, we will make PlayStation three available via a two configuration plan, one with a 16 gigabyte hard drive disk and the other with a 20 gigabyte hard drive.
Number nine Xbox one.
9番 Xbox One
In the early years of the 20 tens, it seemed Microsoft completely lost sight of what players wanted from a brand new Xbox.
20テンの初期の年に, それはマイクロソフトが完全にプレイヤーがブランドの新しいXboxから何を望んでいたのかを見失ったようだ.
Instead of focusing on the Onley thing that really matters in a console, launch the games themselves.
Microsoft wanted the Xbox one to be your one stop media center, putting an emphasis on how maney streaming services and TV channels you could watch in your console.
マイクロソフトは、Xbox oneをあなたのワンストップメディアセンターにしたいと考えており、どのように多くのストリーミングサービスやテレビチャンネルをコンソールで見ることができるかに重点を置いています。
Oh, nice watch TV watch movie.
Even worse was the fact that Xbox one was initially supposed to be constantly connected to the Internet and wasn't going to be able to play used games.
さらに悪いことに、Xbox Oneは当初、インターネットに常時接続されていることが前提で、中古のゲームをプレイすることができないことになっていました。
Thes features were thankfully dropped but the Xbox one never gained back the ground.
Thesの機能はありがたいことに削除されましたが、Xbox Oneは地面を取り戻すことはありませんでした。
It lost to the PS four Xbox snap TV that does two things at once, so I could play games while I watch my favorite shows at the same time.
一度に2つのことをするPS 4 Xbox snap TVに負けたので、好きな番組を同時に見ながらゲームをすることができました。
Whoa, Xbox record that I just wish I had more time to play number eight PlayStation Vita.
おっと、8番のPlayStation Vitaをプレイする時間がもっとあればいいのにと思ったXboxレコード
The PSP was a smash hit, building a decent audience in a handheld market previously dominated by Nintendo.
But by the time the PS Vita launched in 2012, the landscape had changed.
しかし、2012年にPS Vitaが発売された頃には風景が変わっていた。
Smartphones were more powerful and more widely available than they were when the PSP came out, meaning that there was no longer a market for what the Vita had to offer.
And unlike the three DS, the Vita just didn't have the support or games needed to carry it.
Introducing call of duty multi player for PlayStation Vita There are quite a few great games, but it was clear Sony didn't quite know what the Vita should be if you bought one of the launch.
プレイステーション Vita用のコールオブデューティマルチプレイヤーを紹介します かなりの数の素晴らしいゲームがありますが、ソニーはローンチの1つを買ってもVitaがどうあるべきかをよくわかっていなかったことが明らかになりました。
It's probably been gathering dust ever since Number seven You.
Yeah, with over 600 games free to try, There's something for everyone.
600以上のゲームが無料で試せるんだ みんなのためのものがある
An incredibly ambitious device.
The You Ya was funded entirely by a Kickstarter campaign that received 8.5 million from willing backers.
The You Yaは、意欲的な支援者から850万ドルを受け取ったKickstarterキャンペーンによって全額出資されました。
This tiny que Boyd council ran android games on your TV.
But despite a lot of excitement around it, pre launch, it just never took off.
We're not gonna bow down to other people's conventions of how things have to be done.
We're gonna do it our way.
It's just like you got your A P k.
You're ready to go.
So few people actually bought the console that just two years later, the entire company was sold to Razor, and eventually the entire platform was shut down, though it did have some fun games in among the shovel where the console was dead on arrival.
だから少数の人々は実際にちょうど2年後、会社全体がレイザーに売却され、最終的にはプラットフォーム全体がシャットダウンされたことをコンソールを買った, それはコンソールが到着時に死んでいたショベルの間でいくつかの楽しいゲームを持っていたが.
But at least it's low.
Price meant you didn't feel too ripped off 500 games and counting.
価格は500ゲームと数えると ぼったくられた感じがしないことを意味しています。
Always free to try Number six Xbox, Siri's X and Siri's s.
ナンバーシックスXbox、Siri's X、Siri'sを常時無料でお試しいただけます。
Finally, you would dream where you are now.
Ah, Messi preorders system meant very few people were able to get their hands on a Siri's X or even a less powerful Siri's s upon release.
But considering the new Xbox had absolutely no exclusive titles at Launch, and even its most anticipated exclusives are also available on PC.
You weren't missing out much by not getting one.
It is an excellent, excellent game on Lee.
Time will tell if the consoles are successful, but the terrible launch has been mitigated Onley by the fact fewer people wanted Xboxes this time, although even people who are able to get one found the Siri's X had issues with reports coming in that black ops Cold War had even bricked some consoles.
時間は、コンソールが成功しているかどうかを教えてくれますが、ひどい打ち上げは、1 つを得ることができる人であっても、Siri の X を発見したが、Xbox を望んでいたより少ない人々 という事実によって Onley を緩和されています黒のops 冷戦もいくつかのコンソールをブロックしていたことで来るレポートで問題があった。
Lame, yeah, to face number five Sega Saturn Theo Saturn had a pretty solid launch in Japan, but things went wrong for Sega when it came to the North American release.
Rather than stick to the release date they originally intended, they decided to announce at the very first E three in 1995.
当初の予定していた発売日に固執するのではなく、1995年の最初のE 3で発表することにしました。
But the Saturn was coming out in a matter of days, much to the frustration of the retailers who had to sell it on leave the rest of the world behind.
They did this to try to get an edge over the PS one by releasing the Saturn sooner, but unfortunately for them, the Saturns launch price was $100 higher than Sony's and the PS one out sold them anyway.
彼らはサターンを早くリリースすることでPS 1よりも優位に立とうとしたが、残念ながら彼らにとっては、サターンの発売価格はソニーよりも100ドル高く、PS 1はいずれにせよ彼らを売った。
The PlayStation became one of the best selling game consoles of all time.
Number four PlayStation five.
Demand has been insanely high for the PlayStation five, but what could have been an incredibly successful launch has been hampered by the fact that even Sony's most dedicated fans have not been able to get their hands on the console, with Sony claiming in late November that absolutely every PS five manufactured had already been sold, this left plenty of people with no new console and with must play exclusives like demon souls.
プレイステーション5の需要は非常に高いですが、信じられないほどの成功を収められたかもしれませんが、ソニーの最も熱心なファンでさえもコンソールを手に入れることができなかったという事実によって妨げられています、11月下旬に製造された絶対にすべてのPS 5がすでに販売されていたとソニーは主張している、これは新しいコンソールを持っていない人々をたくさん残し、悪魔の魂のような独占プレイをする必要があります。
This has hit particularly hard, but perhaps worse than anything Sony itself has done is the scalpers buying up PS five stock and selling it on for extremely inflated prices.
Some have been even selling pictures of PS fives for thousands of dollars.
Number three Google stadia.
Forget boxes.
Forget consoles.
Just your games.
Your screens and electric air on this electric air is stadium designed to stream games from Google's servers.
Stadium was supposed to be a way into gaming if you couldn't afford a PC or home console, except stadia also relied on high speed Internet to get a performance anything close to gaming natively and also emphasized four K 60 frame per second game play for all those people with Giant four K displays high speed Internet but who didn't play video games.
スタジアムは、PCや家庭用ゲーム機を買う余裕がなかった場合は、スタディアはまた、ネイティブにゲームに近い何かパフォーマンスを得るために高速インターネットに依存し、また、巨大な4つのKディスプレイ高速インターネットとすべてのそれらの人々のための秒当たり4 K 60フレームのゲームプレイを強調していたが、ビデオゲームをプレイしていない場合を除いて、ゲームへの道であることになっていました。
So stadium e.
Technically, this is stadiums, stadia, streaming pipeline leverages decades of Google research dogs.
The market for stadia just didn't exist, And on top of that, you didn't get access to Triple A releases for the price of a subscription, you had to buy them a swell, often for full price.
Despite the fact games like Shadow of the Tomb Raider had been out for ages already, think the things you think are things.
シャドウ オブ ザ トゥームレイダーのようなゲームはすでに何年も前に出ていたという事実にもかかわらず、あなたが物事だと思うものを物事だと考えてください。
Free your mind at the one place for all the ways we play Number two Atari Jaguar Through this special TV offer, you also get a free second controller so you could go one on one with a friend.
ナンバー2アタリジャガーをプレイするすべての方法のための1つの場所であなたの心を解放する この特別なテレビのオファーを介して、あなたはまた、あなたが友人と1対1で行くことができるように、無料の2番目のコントローラを取得します。
Atari today is a shadow of its former self.
Once a giant in the games industry, Atari eventually stopped making consoles, and the final nail in the coffin was the Jaguar.
There was a lot of potential in the console itself, but it's baffling.
Controller meant that playing any game on it was a struggle.
In an effort to rescue the Jaguar, Atari released the CD Add on in 1995.
But both the original console and the C D were discontinued in 1996 despite coming in at a lower price and its competitors there just weren't any games for the Jaguar that anybody wanted to play.
しかし、オリジナルコンソールとC Dの両方は、低価格で入ってきたにもかかわらず、1996年に生産中止になり、その競合他社は、誰もがプレイしたいと思うジャガーのためのゲームはありませんでした。
And to be honest, there weren't any games.
People didn't want to play either.
Three D graphics, Powerful 64 bit mhm.
That was so, really before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
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Number one Virtual Boy Virtual Boy presents more challenges.
ナンバーワン バーチャルボーイ バーチャルボーイは、より多くの課題を提示します。
Inside the third dimension are Temporal Boxer, a virtual Boy, a three D game for a three D world.
Even today, there are a few VR games good enough to convince people to pick up a costly VR headset.
Awesome as half life, Alex is, but the VR is expensive.
Now at least it works in the nineties.
This wasn't the case.
The technology for VR just wasn't there yet.
When Nintendo released The Virtual Boy, it's Morial Land, a three d game for a three D world.
It was expensive, had almost no games, was extremely uncomfortable toe wear.
And worst of all, every single game was in black and red.
It's a sure fire way to do permanent damage to your eyes and with no reason to buy it.
Except for the gimmick nobody did.
Virtual Boy See it now in three D In the mood for more awesome gaming content.
バーチャルボーイ 今すぐ3つのDで見る もっとすごいゲームコンテンツが欲しい気分です。
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