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now an experimental rocket belonging Thio Elon Musk Space X Company has exploded while attempting to land back on the ground.
今、実験ロケット属するチオ エロン ・ ムスク スペース X 会社は地面に戻って着陸しようとしている間に爆発しました。
The 16 story High Starship rocket was being tested as part of the company's plans to eventually carry humans and cargo to the moon on Mars.
No one was on board.
Tanya Dendreon knows reports.
It looks like a scene from a Hollywood blockbuster.
But this fiery spectacle wasn't planned.
It's the crash landing of the latest prototype of the space IQ star Shoot to Fun zero code named s and ate It Waas, the crafts first attempt of a high altitude flight test.
それは、宇宙IQの星の最新のプロトタイプの不時着だ 楽しいゼロコードにシュートという名前の s とそれを食べた Waas、高高度飛行試験の工芸品の最初の試み。
Early on, it was smooth sailing for the uncrowded mission.
It lifted off from the book a cheek of facility in Texas on a brief flight to just over 40,000 ft, achieving much of what it set out to do, including the horizontal descent.
But after a flip back into the vertical position for touchdown, things went a little awry.
It might not look like it, but according to Space IQ CEO Elon Musk, the flight was a success, congratulating his team, saying We got all the data we needed, his sights firmly set tweeting Mars.
Here we come, Tanya DeAndre knows.
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