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  • just keep doing the right thing and the good thing it will happen.


  • The reason people change is because of pain.


  • My relationship with pain runs deep, and it's complicated.


  • On the one hand, I love pain.


  • I love trying to push the outer edges of the envelope of what the pain experience is in a physical sense.


  • Andi.


  • It's also been my greatest teacher in terms of things that I've accomplished, but also my errant ways as well.


  • Pain is truly the only thing that's ever got me to change eso.


  • It's been my growth accelerator as well as my reminder of when I've gone astray.


  • Okay, so there's a difference between pain and suffering.


  • There is a difference between their We're all suffering way.


  • All have suffering we all have, and emptiness or dark place or corners inside of our spirit in our mind that are not fulfilled and watered and full like way all can relate to that.


  • And when I'm talking about pain, I'm not necessarily talking about suffering but acknowledging our suffering, being in touch with the pain.


  • That's enough to say when you're really honest.


  • That's enough to say I can't do that.


  • I don't want to do this anymore like this is not the person I want to become and be on a regular basis.


  • If that's the case, if that assumption is right, then as a loved one, my job is to help you get riel and experience those places as often as you can so that you make that declaration to say, no, no, no, that's not okay for me to feel and be this way on a regular basis, you know, we're so conditioned to avoid pain, every message that we see, every billboard we see, every advertisement that were exposed Thio is telling us that happiness can be can be purchased through comfort through luxury through these, Um and that's sort of implicit in that Is that that's how we find happiness.

    もしそうなら その仮定が正しいなら 愛する者として 私の仕事は あなたができるだけ頻繁に リエルを手に入れて その場所を経験するのを 手伝うことです そうすれば あなたが宣言してくれるでしょう そうすれば 私が定期的にこのように感じたり そうなったりするのは いいことではありません私たちは痛みを避けるように条件付けされているのですが、私たちが目にするすべてのメッセージ、私たちが目にするすべての看板、私たちが露出したすべての広告は、ティオが私たちに言っているのですが、幸せは快適さや贅沢を通して購入することが

  • And I could tell you that I'm happiest and most alive when I'm butting up against the outer edges of my pain threshold, and I'm not afraid of it.


  • Uh, on dso when I start to feel that sensation rather than shirk away from it, I realized that's an opportunity.


  • Thio, Um, experience ah, heightened sense of myself in my environment to really be in a position where everything else falls away and it's just you and your ability to take one step forward.


  • There's a purity to that that again is another great teacher.


  • And so, in terms of techniques, I've just learned through experience that just like David Goggins says, when the signals that you're receiving are telling you to stop that you don't necessarily have to pay attention to that, that that you are capable of so much more.


  • Uh, if you can develop the acuity, the presence of mind and the wherewithal, so then take that next step, and when you're on the other side of it to realize you're still OK and you could take another step and a whole, your horizon extends when you realize that there's a whole world of potential and possibility available to you that you weren't previously aware off.


  • Mhm never should never exist in your world.


  • If you want to improve.


  • If you can see yourself being better, never should even be in the picture.


  • You have the power to do anything possible, the power to transform into somebody capable of anything.


  • You can imagine this This is the power you deserve.

    これは想像できるでしょう。 これがあなたにふさわしい力です。

  • Let your success let your mindset be the beginning The journey doesn't end here This'll journey doesn't end When the sun goes up When the sun goes down it doesn't end When you close your eyes Doesn't end for one second Because hard work waits for nobody Let yourself be heard Let your power speak for itself Let your beginning be the potential to take you further and further along your path to success You are the Onley inspiration you need You are the only force it takes to be someone mawr To have so much more remember your worth as a person Remember the possibilities of your power the fruitful future that lingers over your shoulders Thistles where you never say never, never say never to any possibility Thio.

    Let your success, let your mindset be the beginning 旅はここでは終わらない This'll journey doesn't end here 太陽が昇っても旅は終わらない The sun goes up 太陽が沈んでも旅は終わらない When the sun goes down 太陽が沈んでも旅は終わらない When you close your eyes 目を閉じても一秒たりとも終わらない Because hard work waits for nob

  • Any opportunity, Thio Any missed aches to any fear?

    機会があれば、ティオ 恐れていることを見逃したことはありませんか?

  • You say Yes, this'll.

    "はい "と言ってくれれば、これでいい。

  • This is the on leeway to grow.


  • I think that most people set the wrong goals for themselves, and it's because they're disconnected from who they are.


  • They are living someone else's life or they're living a life that's so disconnected from who they are.


  • It becomes very difficult to set the right goals.


  • So I think in orderto reconcile that you have to look inward, and that could be different for everybody, that could mean consistent meditation practice that can mean therapy that could mean, uh, starting to do yoga.


  • It could mean many, many things, but I think there's no and run around the very difficult long process of really trying to be honest with yourself about who you are, what's important to you, what you care about, and then beginning to breathe life into those things, as frivolous as they may seem to bring expression to the things that you do care about that get you excited in the morning, and that doesn't mean you quit your job tomorrow.


  • But the more you can foster something that has personal importance to you.


  • I think that's the first step in trying to uh huh, move past whatever it is that's holding you back, whether it's professionally or personally, uh, to being a more integrated, authentic version of yourself.

    それが最初の一歩だと思うんだ 仕事上であれ個人的であれ、自分を妨げているものが何であれ、それを乗り越えて、より統合された、本物の自分になるための。

  • Let this be the moment you remember.


  • Show yourself as the rocket in your own life.


  • This is the journey your on.


  • You control the progress you make you strengthen the path that transforms you into the person you've been waiting to become the person that allows you to become someone new.


  • You have the skills to be more strength to grow faster the power to be stronger.


  • The journey you've waited for is here Here for you to be something better.

    あなたが待っていた旅はここにあります あなたがより良いものになるために。

  • This is the opportunity in front of you thistles Your future staring at you face to face, waiting for the power to be granted.

    これが目の前のチャンス アザミ あなたの未来をじっと見つめながら、力が与えられるのを待っています。

  • Thio, you Your power is welcome.


  • Welcome by your progress Your progress that guide you towards your future Be someone you can take pride in Become someone you know that you could become This is the journey You have the journey Your on.

    Welcome by your progress あなたの進歩によって歓迎される あなたの未来に向けて導くあなたの進歩 Be someone you can take take pride in あなたが誇りを持ってなれる人になることを知っている人になる これが旅です You have the journey Your on.

  • Take the first step towards success Take the first leap of faith into the risks of your life Push past the limits.

    成功への第一歩を踏み出しましょう 人生のリスクへの信仰の最初の一歩を踏み出しましょう 限界を超えましょう

  • Move toward the future You can imagine Ah, future you've designed This is your power.

    Move toward the future You can imagine Ah, future you've designed this is your power.

  • Self reliance is everything.


  • Don't don't expect anybody to do anything for you.


  • I'm the only one who can get it done.


  • And if you just buckle down and go the extra mile, you will solve the problem and you will make your way in the world way.


  • All have a unique song and I think most people toe echo.


  • The words of Henry David Thoreau are leading lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.


  • And I find that tragic.


  • And so if there's anything that that that my work is about, it's about helping people become cognizant of that and to take action so that they don't become that person leading a life of quiet desperation, which I think I don't know.


  • I wouldn't want to say most people buy a lot of people are and I found out heartbreaking, You know?


  • What's your major malfunction right now?


  • What's the thing that keeps you up at night?


  • Who do you resent the most?


  • What do you afraid off?


  • What do you want to achieve?


  • What?


  • What What do you think is in your way?


  • You know, I think just by asking people questions and and and on and then holding a vision for that Better life for them to say.


  • I believe in you.


  • I'm not here to tell you what to do or how to live your life, but I believe in your greatest expression.


  • And I'm gonna hold space for you to give people permission to be honest, to be vulnerable were so afraid of being vulnerable.

    そして、私はあなたのためのスペースを保持するつもりです 人々が正直になるための許可を与えるために、脆弱であることを恐れていました。

  • We're terrified of being honest.


  • We're so used to being judged and being held to a standard that society sets for us, that we don't give ourselves permission to even ask these questions, let alone answer them.


  • What have you done today to be different?


  • What have you done to step outside the conventions that you set for yourself?


  • The conventions and the rules set by your past.


  • Today you have the power to move on.


  • Today you have the power to move away from your past and move towards a successful future.


  • Thistles.


  • Your decision.


  • Your call to make in your future.


  • This is how your life can gain its own direction.


  • And this is where your life could be so much more, so much better.


  • You can make it better.


  • You have always had the potential to take one more step.


  • The potential to take the risks.


just keep doing the right thing and the good thing it will happen.


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A2 初級 日本語 人生 苦し 踏み 未来 ティオ 一歩

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    林宜悉 に公開 2020 年 12 月 15 日