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welcome to watch Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 Best Songs of 2020 I'm Thauvin Judge Classic Oh Ji Rak for this list will be looking at the best songs that blew up in 2020 even if they were technically released in some form in 2019.
視聴者を歓迎し、今日は2020年のトップ10ベストソングのための私たちのピックをカウントダウンしているI'm Thauvin Judge Classic Oh Ji Rak for this list will be looking at the best songs that blew up in 2020 たとえ彼らが技術的に2019年に何らかの形でリリースされたとしても、2020年に爆発した最高の曲を見ていきます。
Which song do you currently have on a loop?
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Number 10.
Breathe deeper.
Tame Impala expectations were sky high for Tame Impala's fourth album, The Slow Rush.
Tame Impalaの4枚目のアルバム『The Slow Rush』に期待が膨らみました。
It was their first in nearly five years, and Currents was widely heralded as one of the greatest albums of the 20 tens, even making Rolling Stones updated list of the 500 greatest albums of all time going Come On, The slow rush didn't disappoint.
And while it's filled with great psychedelic disco music, breathe deeper is simply magnetic.
そして、素晴らしいサイケデリック・ディスコ・ミュージックに満ちている一方で、「BREATHE DEEPH」はただただ魅力的だ。
The inspirations air many from daft punk to Mariah Carey to Farrell, and it conveys a feeling of pure ecstasy.
No one else out there is writing music like Tame Impala.
Tame Impalaのような音楽を書いている人は他にいません。
Oh, number nine Dynamite BTS!
A fascinating South Korean boy band BTS is one of the biggest names in the current music landscape, and they made their English language debut with 20 twenties Dynamite.
Much like Breathe Deeper, Dynamite takes heavy inspiration from seventies disco and funk, complete with since horns, harmonies and a pulsing baseline.
Breathe Deeper」と同様に、70年代のディスコやファンクからインスピレーションを得ており、ホーンやハーモニー、脈打つベースラインが特徴的。
Of course, the song is also imbued with mainstream pop sensibilities to ensure worldwide radio play and tonight, and it was certainly successful in that regard.
Dynamite became the band's first number one song in the United States, and the accompanying music video set numerous world records, including most viewed YouTube video in 24 hours, hitting 101 million.
Their goal was to bring some happiness to 2020 and it seems like they succeeded.
Number eight Cardigan Taylor Swift Vintage T Brand New phone.
ナンバーエイト カーディガン テイラー スウィフト ヴィンテージ T ブランド 新品 電話
On July 24th, Taylor Swift surprised the world with folklore, her eighth and arguably best studio album.
Written and recorded in quarantine, Swift completely does away with her recent pop bombast and delivers a delicate and emotional folk record that both fans and critics eagerly lapped up.
But I know it's filled with many great tunes, including Exile and Cardigan.
The latter is particularly beautiful, and critics praised the songs sparse production of piano and strings swifts, warm vocal performance and the stunningly beautiful and poignant lyrics.
The themes air still very Taylor Swift, but the song writing is more mature and introspective.
Hopefully, this heralds more great things for Swifts career throughout the upcoming decade, E felt like I waas old number seven Say so does a Cat E 2020 seemed to be the year of the seventies Renaissance.
願わくば、これは今後の10年を通してSwiftsのキャリアのためのより多くの偉大なものを前触れにして、Eは私が古い番号7のように感じた猫E 2020は70年代のルネッサンスの年であるように思えた。
Both does a Cat say so and the accompanying music video are steeped in disco, and it is glorious Dog.
A cat saw her first truly massive single with 20 twenties say so from the 2019 album Hot Pink, with it becoming her first number one in America and going platinum in nine different countries.
A catは、2019年のアルバム「Hot Pink」から20 twenties say soで彼女の最初の本当に大規模なシングルを見て、それがアメリカで彼女の最初のナンバーワンになり、9つの異なる国でプラチナに行くことになった。
Theme Song performed with Nicki Minaj, is a proud anthem to female sexuality and is backed by a sexy disco beat.
The wild success of the song is a confident heralding of pop music's next big star number six.
I Know the End, Phoebe Bridgers Somewhere in Germany, but I can't place it.
I Know the End, Phoebe Bridgers ドイツのどこかにあるが、場所がわからない。
Ella's Phoebe Bridgers released her second studio album, Punisher, in 2020.
Filled with morose M o folk, Punisher was widely acclaimed by critics and contains both the excellent Garden Song and I Know the End, also known as one of the best songs of the entire year.
不機嫌なM・O・フォークで埋め尽くされた『Punisher』は、批評家から広く評価され、優れた『Garden Song』と『I Know the End』の両方が収録されています。
Serving as the album's loud and proud finale, I Know the End makes a declarative statement for Punisher.
アルバムの派手で誇らしげなフィナーレを飾る「I Know the End」では、プニッシャーのために宣言的な発言をしている。
Sardonic themes you had Thio Song starts quietly before, segueing into distorted guitars and melancholy strings and crescendoing with horn blasts, Cymbal crashes and haunting screams.
Thio Songは静かに始まり、歪んだギターと哀愁を帯びたストリングス、そしてホーンの爆音、シンバルのクラッシュ、呪われたような叫び声でクレッシェンドしていく。
It sounds like the apocalypse, and it makes for both terrifying and gorgeous music.
Number five, Rain on Me, Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande.
5位 レイン・オン・ミー、レディー・ガガ、アリアナ・グランデ
It's Coming Down on Me, a collaboration between Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande, is just what 2020 needed.
レディー・ガガとアリアナ・グランデのコラボ曲「It's Coming Down on Me」は、まさに2020年が必要としていたものだ。
Both artists released great songs throughout the year, including Gaga's Stupid Love and Grandes Positions.
But Rain On Me proves the best of both artists.
しかし、Rain On Meは両アーティストの良さを証明している。
The song is empowering, urging its listeners toe hold steady and accept difficult times with confidence and pride in order to come out a better and stronger person.
In many ways, it's the defining song of the chaotic year that was 2020 positive message aside, it's also just a straight banger from two of the leading pop artists of our time.
It's pure pop enjoyment, complete with a Cynthy beat from blood pop and Burns.
Grand is typically angelic vocals and gaga sense of unintended fun.
It's just the song we needed.
Least we're trying Number four Watermelon Sugar, Harry Styles Breathe Me, Breathe Me Short and sweet Watermelon Sugar comes in at just under three minutes but contains more enjoyment than some entire albums.
最後に私たちが試しているナンバー4のWatermelon Sugar、Harry Styles Breathe Me、Breathe Me Shortと甘いWatermelon Sugarは3分弱で来るが、いくつかの全体のアルバムよりも多くの楽しみが含まれています。
2020 was a great year for Harry Styles as both this and adore you enjoyed major commercial success.
Watermelon Sugar was originally written back in 2017, but it wasn't released.
A za single until May 15th, just in time to be the song of the summer on Song of the Summer, It Waas reaching the top 10 in more than 20 countries around the world and becoming styles.
5月15日までのシングルで、ちょうどSong of the Summerの夏の曲になるのに間に合うように、It Waasは世界20カ国以上でトップ10に達し、スタイルになりつつある。
First number one on the Hot 100 complete with the summer themed lyrics and funky production from Tyler Johnson and Kid Harpoon.
夏をテーマにした歌詞と、タイラー・ジョンソンとキッド・ハープーンによるファンキーな演出で、Hot 100の初登場1位を獲得。
Watermelon sugar, much like its titular fruit, proved irresistible in the summer heat.
Number three Xs Rina Sasayama Cardi a C slacks is Katla basses Things Japanese born British songwriter released her debut album in 2020 Sayama was widely praised by critics and filled with some glorious to thousands nostalgia.
ナンバー3のXs笹山莉奈カーディA Cスラックスはカトラベースのもの 日本生まれのイギリスのソングライターは2020年に彼女のデビューアルバムをリリースした笹山は、広く批評家に賞賛され、いくつかの栄光で満たされていた数千の懐かしさに。
Perhaps the song most indicative of the album's success is excess, as described by Sayama herself, excesses about the hypocrisy of capitalism and selfish consumerism in a post climate change world, threatening us with possible extinction a little bit more.
Oh, we don't mind here.
Only toe help get the doomed message across.
Sasayama employs musical sounds and motifs from the early two thousands, which, according to her quote, reminds you of a time when everything was all right.
It's a fiercely satirical and sharply critical song that blends elements of bubble gum, pop R and B and crunching guitars.
Number two Savage Megan The Stallion will forever be that bad Things Tracks cemented Megan The Stallion Status is a major mainstream talent with the help of a tick tock trend and an eventual remix with Beyonce Savage shot to the top of the hot 100 in the spring of 2020 produced by J.
White Didn't Savage features Megan the Stallion rapping over a smooth keyboard, beat I'm a savage, classy Oji Ratchet.
White Didn't SavageはMegan the Stallionが滑らかなキーボードの上でラップしているのが特徴で、ビートはI'm a savage、上品な王子ラチェット。
Sassy, moody.
Hey, most of the credit goes to Megan's rapping and the catchy chorus as the song proves instantly addictive.
The Beyonce remix elevated savage to the stratosphere as the queen's seamlessly road.
The Beat reminded us all of her commendable wrapping skills and added some welcomed flourishes to the track.
This is a new funky classic because she might start only before we unveil our number one pick.
Here are a few honorable mentions.
Good news, Mac Miller.
いいニュースだ マックミラー
This posthumous release proved Miller's most successful on the hot 100.
Good nose, nose, nose.
That's how they wanna have gas later.
The Chicks, the group's first single in over a decade, was a welcome return.
Anything Theodore are talking The Strokes.
The first track on their brilliant album, the new Abnormal Heavy balloon.
Fiona Apple.
Angry and cacophonous and wonderful spread like Starbury e kind like peas and beans.
Dragonball Do Rag Thunder Cat Thunder Cat makes uM, sexy, funky and hilarious jazz fusion.
Dragonball Do Rag Thunder Cat サンダーキャットは、uM、セクシー、ファンキー、陽気なジャズフュージョンを作ります。
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Sound Mojoは、世界中のあらゆるジャンルの新進気鋭のアーティストの音楽を、インタビューからライブ、音楽文化への深堀りまでお届けします。
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ぜひSound mojoをチェックして、新しいお気に入りのアーティストを見つけてください。
It's a no number one Blinding Lights the weekend I've Been on my own things.
No.1のBlinding Lightsではないですが、週末には自分のものにBeenしています。
Canadian artist released after hours at the beginning of the Cove it era and approved just what we needed for such a tumultuous time.
カナダのアーティストがCove itの時代の初めに数時間後にリリースし、そのような激動の時代に必要なものだけを承認しました。
The album is filled with bangers, including the titular epic, but the weekend captured the world with blinding lights.
Released as a single in late 2019 but Onley achieving massive success in 2020 the song is dominated by a pulsing and piercing synth track that introduces elements of eighties new wave to the R and B artists music.
His smooth and sultry voice does the rest and propelled blinding lights to reach number one in 34 countries.
It also spent a record 31 weeks in the top five of the hot 100 indicating the weekends complete command of his flourishing fandom.
With both a new look and a new sound, the weekend reinvented himself in spectacular fashion.
Oh, I can't sleep, Pinto Phileo such Do you agree with our picks?