字幕表 動画を再生する
- Must I explain this to you for a thousandth time?
- 何度も説明しないといけないのか?
I do not have a tiny face.
I have a normal size face and a large body.
That's a totally different deal, bro.
- Is not.
- そうではありません。
- Is too.
- それもです。
- Is not.
- そうではありません。
- Is too.
- それもです。
- Is too.
- それもです。
- Is not, wait a second.
- そうではなく、ちょっと待ってください。
- Uh oh, Grapefruit,
- あーあ、グレープフルーツ。
looks like you pulled an about face.
Don't be mad, it was just a little tiny one.
- Alright, that's it.
- よし、それでいい。
- Hey guys, what's up?
- みんな、どうしたの?
- Sorry Pokemon Ball, this must be done.
- すまないポケモンボール、これはやらねばならない。
- But I just got back from the hospital.
- でも、病院から帰ってきたところです。
Please no, not again.
- Whoa.
- おっと
- Wow.
- うわー
- Man do my abs look great,
- 俺の腹筋は最高だ
maybe I should consider staying animated all the time.
- Congrats Grapefruit, your face is normal-sized
- おめでとうグレープフルーツ、顔は普通の大きさ
in this animation style.
- Hey, it was normal sized to begin with.
- おい、そもそも普通のサイズだったぞ。
- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, too 'Toon?
- ごめんね、私も悪気はなかったんだけど、『トゥーン?
- Enough of this talking.
- もういい加減にしてくれ
Why should I talk when I'm carrying a big stick of
TNT, I choose you!
- Boom goes the dynamite!
- ダイナマイトが飛んでくる!
- It's a Kitchen-Mon battle you want, is it?
- 欲しいのは厨二モンバトルだよね?
Well who am I to re-fuse?
- Passion, I choose you!
- 情熱、私はあなたを選ぶ!
- Girl power!
- 女子力!?
- Orange chooses Passion, big surprise there.
- オレンジはパッションを選択し、そこに大きな驚きを与えます。
- What do you mean?
- どういう意味ですか?
- Dude, even I know you have the hots for her
- おい、俺もお前が彼女に熱中しているのを知っている
and I've been here like 10 seconds.
- Oh yeah, well unfortunately for you,
- ああ、そうだな...君にとっては不幸なことだが
she's got the "hots" for you, throw them some heat, Passion!
彼女はあなたに熱を持っています 彼らに熱を投げかけてください 情熱!
- Oh no, fire, my only weakness!
- やばい、火、私の唯一の弱点!?
- Whoa, talk about the throws of Passion.
- おっと、パッションのスロウの話をしよう。
- Forgive me for not laughing, you just took out TNT.
- 笑えないのは許してくれ、TNTを持ち出しただけだ。
- Yeah, that must really blow.
- ああ、それは本当に打撃を受けるに違いない。
- No matter, 'cause I'll strike gold
- 金を叩き込むから問題ない。
with my next Kitchen-Mon, Liam the Leprechaun, I choose you!
with my next Kitchen-Mon, Liam the Leprechaun, I choose you!
- Your luck's run out Orange!
- オレンジ色の運が尽きた!
- You've got the tiny ginger as one of your Kitchen-Mon.
- ちっちゃい生姜を厨二モンの一つにしたんだな。
I'm really green with envy!
- Well you'll be seeing red
- そうか......赤が見えてきたか......
after you get a taste of me Saint Patties!
- Best take clover.
- ベストテイククローバー。
- Oh no.
- あーあ、ダメだ。
- Oh no, Passion, you look ashen!
- やばい、パッション、渋い顔してる!?
- And now she'll leave in rainbow fashion!
- そして今、彼女は虹色のファッションで去っていくのだ!
- How about it, Orange?
- どうですか、オレンジさん?
You give up now?
- Not a chance, Grapefruit.
- チャンスはないよ、グレープフルーツ。
The fight is young, very young.
Baby Carrot, I choose you!
- Whoa, this is crazy, I'm just a baby.
- おっと、これはおかしい、私はただの赤ちゃんだ。
- It's but a wee little baby.
- 小さな赤ちゃんだけどね
- Come on Orange,
- オレンジにしてくれ
this is a Kitchen-Mon battle, not day care.
- Laugh all you want, we don't carrot all!
- 笑いたいだけ笑えばいい、ニンジンは全部じゃない!
You'll be rattled
once you get a load of Baby Carrot's rattle.
- I'm a baby.
- 私は赤ちゃんです。
- Wait, that's it??
- 待って、それだけ?
You may have rocked the kitchen a wee bit there
but 'twas apparently a sham-rock.
- Oh, was it?
- あ、そうだったの?
- A trap!
- 罠だ!
- What, I cannot believe I lost to you again!
- なんだ、またお前に負けたのか!?
- Seems to me you better face facts.
- 事実を直視した方がいいようだ
- Orange, I do not have a tiny face!
- オレンジちゃん、ちっちゃい顔してませんよ~。
- Tiny face got second place
- タイニーフェイスが2位に
while Orange duo won the duel!
We did it, baby Carrot!
- I'm a baby.
- 私は赤ちゃんです。
♪ I wanna be the very best ♪
♪ I wanna be the very best ♪
♪ Like no fruit ever was ♪
♪ Like no fruit ever was ♪
♪ My skin makes for delicious zest ♪
♪ And I'll annoy you just because ♪
♪ And I'll annoy you just because ♪
♪ Kitchen-Mon ♪
♪ Kitchen -Mon -Mon ♪
♪ Gotta catch them all ♪
♪ Gotta catch them all ♪
♪ I'll touch my eye with my tongue ♪
♪ I'll touch my eye with my tongue ♪
♪ Kitchen-Mon ♪
♪ Kitchen -Mon -Mon ♪
♪ Ooh, you're my best friend ♪
♪ Ooh, you're my best friend ♪
♪ In a world we must defend ♪
♪ In a world we must defend ♪
♪ Kitchen-Mon ♪
♪ Kitchen -Mon -Mon ♪
♪ Gotta catch them all ♪
♪ Gotta catch them all ♪
♪ A fruit so true ♪
♪ A fruit so true ♪
♪ My teeth are a yellow hue ♪
♪ My teeth are a yellow hue ♪
♪ You fart on me ♪
♪ You fart on me ♪
♪ And I'll fart on you ♪
♪ And I'll fart on you ♪
♪ Kitchen-Mon ♪
♪ Kitchen -Mon -Mon ♪
♪ Gotta catch them all ♪
♪ Gotta catch them all ♪
♪ Gotta catch them all ♪
♪ Gotta catch them all ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
(upbeat music)