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  • we remain proud of the product, we have the utmost faith in this product.


  • We could not be happier with a statement of support from Michael on the Ryanair team.


  • A ceremonial signing to mark another step in Boeing's road to recovery CEO David Calhoun was on hand Thursday to mark the largest order for the 7 37 Max since it was grounded for nearly two years due to two fatal plane crashes.

    ボーイング社の復興への道に新たな一歩を踏み出すための式典では、木曜日にCEOのデビッド・カルフーンが、2度の致命的な飛行機事故のために2年近くの間着陸していた7 37 Maxの最大の注文を記念して署名を行いました。

  • European budget airline Ryan Air ordered 75 Max is just two weeks after regulators gave playing the okay to go back into service.


  • Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary says the max, which he refers to as the game changer already moving away from the tarnished Max moniker, is now Thesafeside plane in aviation history.

    ライアンエアーCEOのマイケル・オリアリー氏は、彼がゲームチェンジャーとして言及しているマックスは、すでにターニングされたマックスのモノサシから離れて移動していると述べ、航空史の中では、今ではThesafeside planeとなっています。

  • I cannot tell you how confident we are in the safety of this aircraft without customers like this aircraft is gonna love this aircraft.


  • But this has been a real partnership between Ryanair and going.


  • There's a great aircraft, were proud to buy them.


  • We're proud to fly them on our pastors going to enjoy flying on these.


  • The price tag wasn't disclosed, but sources tell Reuters Boeing likely agreed to a discount off well over two thirds of the $9 billion list price given the planes recent trouble passed.


  • The 7 37 max was grounded March 2019 after two separate fatal plane crashes one in Indonesia, the other in Ethiopia resulted in the deaths of 346 people.

    7 37 maxは、インドネシアでの2つの別々の致命的な飛行機の衝突の後に2019年3月に接地された、エチオピアの他の1つは、346人の死につながった。

  • Ah, problem with the plane software was largely blamed for the accidents.


  • Boeing CEO says that issue has been fixed, and Thursday's news marks the culmination off a long, hard process to get regulators to deem the planes safe again.


  • Our willingness to allow the regulators to do anything and everything they want to do to this airplane, Give them the time, be patient, answer every question dot Every I cross every T and that is exactly what we've done.

    我々は規制当局がこの飛行機に何をしてもいいと思っています 時間を与え、忍耐強く、全ての質問に答え、全てのTを交差させ、それが我々のしてきたことです。

  • Ryanair already had 135 of the max on order.


  • So this additional order is seen as a pivotal moment in Boeing's efforts to rehabilitate the max, its fastest selling jet at a time when global travel is down due to the health crisis.


  • Earlier this week, there was a splashy flight for journalists ahead of the 7 37 Max's December return on American Airlines, Boeing is hoping for several more eye catching deals to cement its comeback and spark a bounce back in a stock that's lost a quarter of its value this year.

    今週の初めには、アメリカン航空の7 37マックスの12月の復帰に先立って、ジャーナリストのための派手なフライトがありましたが、ボーイングは、カムバックを強化し、今年その価値の4分の1を失った株式の跳ね返りに火花を散らすために、さらにいくつかの目を引く取引を期待しています。

we remain proud of the product, we have the utmost faith in this product.


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