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One summer evening in 335 BCE, Alexander the Great
翻訳: Yoko Omata 校正: Tomoyuki Suzuki
was resting by the Danube River after a day of fighting the Scythian tribes
紀元前335年のある夏の夜 アレクサンダー大王は
when a band of strangers approached his camp.
スキタイ軍との一日の戦いの後 ドナウ川のほとりで休んでいると
Alexander had never seen anything like these tall,
見知らぬ者らが彼の野営地に 近づいてきました
fierce-looking warriors with huge golden neck rings and colorful cloaks—
アレクサンダー大王は 彼らほど背が高く 険しい表情をし
so he invited them to feast with him.
大きな金の首輪とカラフルな外套を 身に着けた戦士を見たことがありませんでした
They proudly said they were Keltoi or Celts who came from the far-away Alps.
アレクサンダー大王は 彼らを宴に招待しました
Alexander asked what they feared the most in the world,
彼らは自分達は遠くアルプス山脈から来た ケルト人だと誇らしげに述べました
hoping they would say him.
アレクサンダー大王は彼らに 世界で最も恐ろしいものは何かと尋ねました
They laughed and said they feared nothing at all.
アレクサンダー大王との答えを 期待してのことです
This is one of the earliest stories about the ancient Celts.
彼らは笑い 何も 怖いものはないと答えました
While we don't know where the first Celts came from,
これは古代ケルト人にまつわる 最古の逸話の一つです
by Alexander's time they had spread across Europe
最初のケルト人がどこから来たのかは わかっていませんが
from Asia Minor in the east to Spain
アレクサンダー大王の時代までには ヨーロッパ全体 ―
and the Atlantic islands of Britain and Ireland in the west.
東は小アジアから 西はスペインや
The Celts were never one unified empire, and they didn't build cities or monuments.
大西洋上のイギリス諸島と アイルランドに至る全域に広がっていました
Instead, they were hundreds of independent tribes who spoke the same language.
ケルトの人々は統一国家も築かず 都市や記念碑も建設しませんでしたが
Each had its own warrior-king and religious center.
共通の言語を話す それぞれ独立した数百の部族でした
The tribes fought each other
各部族が戦士王を持ち 宗教施設を所有していました
as enthusiastically as they fought their enemies.
Few armies could stand up to them.
Somewhat unusually for the time, the Celts believed in reincarnation—
彼らに勝る集団は あまりいませんでした
that they would be reborn on Earth to live and feast and fight again,
当時としては珍しくケルトの人々は 輪廻転生を信じていて
which may have contributed to their fearlessness in battle.
この大地に再び生まれ 楽しみ 戦うものだと思っていました
Some of them fought naked, scoffing at their enemies' armor.
その考えが 恐れを知らぬ戦い方に 貢献したのかもしれません
The greatest trophy a Celtic warrior could possess
中には敵の鎧をあざ笑い 裸で戦う者もいました
was the severed head of a foe.
They preserved these heads in jars of cedar oil
and showed them to guests who visited their homes.
Celtic warriors were so valued in the ancient world
that foreign kings often hired them as mercenary soldiers
to serve in their armies.
But the Celts were much more than just warriors.
Among them were many skilled craftsmen, artists, and great poets called bards.
しかしケルト人達は 単なる戦士以上の存在でした
The bards sang of the brave deeds of their ancestors
中には優れた職人 芸術家 偉大な吟遊詩人な詩人がいました
and praised the accomplishments of warrior kings—
and composed biting satires about cowardly or selfish leaders.
The Celts worshipped many gods,
また臆病で身勝手なリーダー達の 辛辣な風刺を歌にしました
and priests known as druids oversaw this worship.
Anyone could become a druid,
ドルイドと言われる祭司達が 礼拝を監督しました
but the training required many years of study and memorization—
誰もがドルイド僧に なることができましたが
the druids were not allowed to record any of their teachings in writing.
そのためには何年にも及ぶ 学びと記憶の修行が必要でした ―
Druids supervised religious practices and sacrifices to the gods,
ドルイド僧には教義の内容を文字で 残すことが認められていなかったのです
but they were also teachers, healers, judges, and scientists.
ドルイド僧は宗教上のしきたりや 神へのいけにえを監督しましたが
They were so respected that they could step between warring tribes
彼らはまた教師 治療者 裁判官や科学者でもありました
in the middle of a battle and call an end to the fighting.
ドルイド僧はとても尊敬されていたので 敵対する部族間に分け入り
No Celt would dare to harm a druid, or question their decisions.
In the 2nd century BCE, the Romans began to encroach on Celtic territory,
ドルイド僧を傷つけたり 異議を唱える ケルトの人々はいませんでした
conquering the tribes of northern Italy.
紀元前2世紀 ローマ人達は ケルトの領土への侵入を開始し
Rather than unite against the Roman legions in response to this defeat,
the Celts maintained their tribal divisions.
敗北後ケルトの人々は ローマ軍に対し 一致団結することなく
The tribes of Spain fell soon after.
In the 1st century BCE, Julius Caesar marched his armies across France,
スペインの部族たちは まもなく滅びました
using bribery, threats, and lies to turn tribes against each other.
紀元前1世紀 ジュリアス・シーザーが フランスに進軍
Only in the closing days of this great war
賄賂 脅し 嘘を使い 部族同士を対立させました
did the Celts unite against their common enemy
under the leadership of king Vercingetorix,
but it was too late.
ウェルキンゲトリクス王を リーダーとして団結しました
Countless warriors and their families died or were enslaved
as the Romans conquered France.
Protected by the surrounding waters,
無数の戦士と その家族は亡くなるか 奴隷となりました
the Celtic tribes of Britain and Ireland were the last holdouts.
周りを海に囲まれた ―
When the Romans finally invaded Britain,
ブリテン島とアイルランド島の ケルト部族は最後の砦でした
the queen Boudicca united her tribe in a revolt after her husband was killed.
She almost succeeded in driving the Roman legions out of Britain
ブーディカ女王は夫の死後 暴動の中 自らの部族を一致団結させました
before dying as she led a final battle against the enemy.
女王はブリテン島からローマ軍を 追い出すことにほぼ成功しましたが
By the end of the 1st century CE, Ireland alone, far out at sea,
最後の戦いを率いた際に 死を迎えました
remained unconquered by Rome.
紀元後1世紀末には 海のかなたアイルランド島のみが
There, the ways of the ancient Celts survived untouched by the outside world
long after Rome itself lay in ruins.
そこには 手つかずの 古代ケルトの慣習が