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  • prominent Hong Kong pro democracy activist Joshua Wong was sentenced over a year in jail on Wednesday after pleading guilty to organizing and inciting an unlawful protests last year.


  • The sentencing comes as government critics say Beijing is intensifying its crackdown on Hong Kong's opposition and wide ranging freedoms guaranteed by the 1997 handover off the former British colony.


  • Authorities in China and Hong Kong reject their assessments.


  • Thier protest in question near Hong Kong's police headquarters last June came when the city's sometimes violent pro democracy rallies were already in full swing.


  • Wang's longtime colleagues, Agnes Chow and Ivan Lamb, was sentenced to 10 and seven months respectively on charges linked to the same siege.


  • One first rose to prominence during the city's pro democracy umbrella movement in 2014 and has continued activism has drawn the wrath of Beijing.


  • Wang disbanded his pro democracy group Demo Sisto, just hours after China's parliament passed a sweeping national security law for Hong Kong this summer.


prominent Hong Kong pro democracy activist Joshua Wong was sentenced over a year in jail on Wednesday after pleading guilty to organizing and inciting an unlawful protests last year.


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