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The human voice:
(翻訳: Yuko Yoshida 校正: Emi Kamiya) 人間の声は―
It's the instrument we all play.
It's the most powerful sound in the world, probably.
世界で最も力強い音だ と言えます
It's the only one that can start a war
人間の声だけでしょう 戦争を始め
or say "I love you."
And yet many people have the experience
でも 話しているのに
that when they speak, people don't listen to them.
誰も聞いていないという 経験をされた方も多いでしょう
And why is that?
How can we speak powerfully
どうすれば 力強く話し
to make change in the world?
What I'd like to suggest, there are
a number of habits that we need to move away from.
I've assembled for your pleasure here
皆さんのために ここに
seven deadly sins of speaking.
「話者の七つの大罪」を 用意しました
I'm not pretending this is an exhaustive list,
網羅的なものだと 言うつもりはありませんが
but these seven, I think, are pretty large
この7つは かなり影響が大きい―
habits that we can all fall into.
私たちが陥りがちな 悪習慣です
First, gossip,
1つ目は うわさ話
speaking ill of somebody who's not present.
その場にいない人の 悪口を言うことです
Not a nice habit, and we know perfectly well
the person gossiping five minutes later
ご承知のとおり 悪口を聞いて5分後には
will be gossiping about us.
その悪口を言っていた人は 私たちのことを噂しています
Second, judging.
2つ目は 批評です
We know people who are like this in conversation,
思い当たる人 いますよね
and it's very hard to listen to somebody
if you know that you're being judged
and found wanting at the same time.
Third, negativity.
3つ目は ネガティブさ―
You can fall into this.
My mother, in the last years of her life,
私の母は 晩年
became very, very negative, and it's hard to listen.
本当にネガティブで 聞いていられませんでした
I remember one day, I said to her,
ある日 私が母に
"It's October 1 today,"
and she said, "I know, isn't it dreadful?"
母はこう答えたんです 「そうよ 最悪だわ」
It's hard to listen when somebody's that negative.
こんなに後ろ向きだと 聞くに耐えません
And another form of negativity, complaining.
ネガティブといえば 不平もそうでしょう
Well, this is the national art of the U.K.
It's our national sport. We complain about the weather,
国技でもありますね 天気や―
about sport, about politics, about everything,
スポーツ 政治など 何にでも不平をこぼします
but actually complaining is viral misery.
でも 不平なんて 不幸をまき散らすだけで
It's not spreading sunshine and lightness in the world.
世界に温かさや光を もたらしては くれません
Excuses. We've all met this guy.
そして 言い訳 言い訳がましい人 いますよね
Maybe we've all been this guy.
Some people have a blamethrower.
They just pass it on to everybody else
他人に責任をなすりつけ 自らの行動に
and don't take responsibility for their actions,
and again, hard to listen to somebody who is being like that.
そんな人の話は やはり聞いていられません
Penultimate, the sixth of the seven,
最後から二つ目 六番目の大罪は
embroidery, exaggeration.
脚色 誇張です
It demeans our language, actually, sometimes.
時に 言葉の格を落とします
For example, if I see something
that really is awesome,
いざ何か 本当に「すごい」ものを見ても
what do I call it?
And then of course this exaggeration becomes lying,
当然 この誇張は 嘘にもつながります
out and out lying, and we don't want to listen
嘘ばかりでは やがて―
to people we know are lying to us.
And finally, dogmatism,
最後は 独善的になり
the confusion of facts with opinions.
When those two things get conflated,
この二つを ごっちゃにしてしまうと
you're listening into the wind.
You know, somebody is bombarding you with their opinions as if they were true.
誰かに 自分の意見を さも事実かのように ぶつけられても
It's difficult to listen to that.
So here they are, seven deadly sins of speaking.
These are things I think we need to avoid.
But is there a positive way to think about this?
でも 前向きに取り組むことも できるでしょうか?
Yes, there is.
ええ できます
I'd like to suggest that there are four
really powerful cornerstones, foundations,
that we can stand on if we want our speech
to be powerful and to make change in the world.
Fortunately, these things spell a word.
4つの頭文字を取ると ある言葉になります
The word is "hail," and it has a great definition as well.
「HAIL」です 意味も素晴らしいんですよ
I'm not talking about the stuff that falls from the sky
Hail といっても 空から降ってくる―
and hits you on the head.
I'm talking about this definition,
to greet or acclaim enthusiastically,
「熱烈に歓迎し称賛する」 という意味です
which is how I think our words will be received
この4つを拠り所にして 言葉を届けると
if we stand on these four things.
So what do they stand for?
See if you can guess.
The H, honesty, of course,
「H」は honesty(正直さ)です
being true in what you say, being straight and clear.
真実を話し 率直に明快であることです
The A is authenticity, just being yourself.
「A」は authenticity(素直さ) ありのまま であることです
A friend of mine described it as
ある友人は こう表現しました
standing in your own truth,
自らの真実に 立脚することであると
which I think is a lovely way to put it.
The I is integrity, being your word,
「I」は integrity(誠実さ) 自らの言葉のまま
actually doing what you say,
and being somebody people can trust.
And the L is love.
そして 「L」は love(愛)です
I don't mean romantic love,
but I do mean wishing people well, for two reasons.
皆の幸せを願う愛です これには二つの理由があります
First of all, I think absolute honesty
一つは 絶対的な正直さが
may not be what we want.
I mean, my goodness, you look ugly this morning.
Perhaps that's not necessary.
そんな言葉 いらないでしょう
Tempered with love, of course, honesty is a great thing.
愛で和らげれば 正直さは素晴らしいものになります
But also, if you're really wishing somebody well,
また 本当に誰かの 幸せを願えば
it's very hard to judge them at the same time.
その人を批評することは 難しくなります
I'm not even sure you can do those two things
この二つを同時に 成し遂げることは
So hail.
Also, now that's what you say,
and it's like the old song, it is what you say,
古い歌にもあるとおり 内容とともに
it's also the way that you say it.
You have an amazing toolbox.
皆さんには 素晴らしい道具箱があります
This instrument is incredible,
and yet this is a toolbox that very few people have ever opened.
道具箱でもあるのですが 使いこなしている人は少数です
I'd like to have a little rummage in there
with you now and just pull a few tools out
中にある道具を 取り出してみましょう
that you might like to take away and play with,
皆さん持って帰って お使いになれば
which will increase the power of your speaking.
Register, for example.
まずは 「声域」です
Now, falsetto register may not be very useful most of the time,
裏声はたいてい 役に立たないのですが
but there's a register in between.
I'm not going to get very technical about this
for any of you who are voice coaches.
You can locate your voice, however.
声を出す場所を 変えられます
So if I talk up here in my nose, you can hear the difference.
鼻から話してみます 違いますよね
If I go down here in my throat,
さらに のどで話してみます
which is where most of us speak from most of the time.
ほとんどの方は ここから声を出しますね
But if you want weight,
でも もっと重みを加えたいなら
you need to go down here to the chest.
もっと下― 胸から出します
You hear the difference?
We vote for politicians with lower voices, it's true,
低い声の政治家に 投票するという事実もあります
because we associate depth with power
というのも 私たちは 深さを力や
and with authority.
That's register.
Then we have timbre.
It's the way your voice feels.
Again, the research shows that we prefer voices
研究によれば 豊かで なめらかで
which are rich, smooth, warm, like hot chocolate.
温かみのある声が好まれます ホット・チョコレートのような声です
Well if that's not you, that's not the end of the world,
あなたの声がそうでなくとも 悲観する必要はありませんよ
because you can train.
Go and get a voice coach.
And there are amazing things you can do
息づかいや 姿勢 練習によって
with breathing, with posture, and with exercises
あなたは 見違えるように
to improve the timbre of your voice.
Then prosody. I love prosody.
This is the sing-song, the meta-language
that we use in order to impart meaning.
It's root one for meaning in conversation.
People who speak all on one note
are really quite hard to listen to
if they don't have any prosody at all.
That's where the world monotonic comes from,
それこそ 単調で変化に乏しい
or monotonous, monotone.
Also we have repetitive prosody now coming in,
それから こんな韻律も よく聞きますよね?
where every sentence ends as if it were a question
疑問文のように 文末が上がるものです?
when it's actually not a question, it's a statement.
実際は疑問ではなく 意見なのに?
And if you repeat that one over and over,
it's actually restricting your ability
韻律を使って 意思疎通を図ることが
to communicate through prosody,
which I think is a shame,
so let's try and break that habit.
この癖は ぜひとも なくしましょう
Pace. I can get very, very excited
そして「ペース」 とても速く話すと
by saying something really, really quickly,
すごく興奮している 感じになります
or I can slow right down to emphasize,
一方 ゆっくり話すと 強調できます
and at the end of that, of course, is our old friend
究極的には よくご存知の
There's nothing wrong with a bit of silence
in a talk, is there?
We don't have to fill it with ums and ahs.
「えーと」とか「あー」で 沈黙を埋める必要はありません
It can be very powerful.
沈黙には すごい力があります
Of course, pitch often goes along with pace
感情の高ぶりは普通 「音高(ピッチ)」と
to indicate arousal, but you can do it just with pitch.
テンポで表現しますが 実は音高だけでも可能です
Where did you leave my keys?
Where did you leave my keys?
So slightly different meaning
in those two deliveries.
And finally, volume.
I can get really excited by using volume.
声量によって 興奮した感じにできます
Sorry about that if I startled anybody.
Or, I can have you really pay attention
あるいは とても静かに話すことで
by getting very quiet.
Some people broadcast the whole time.
大音量でずっと 話す人もいますが
Try not to do that.
That's called sodcasting,
imposing your sound on people around you
何も考えず まわりの人に自分の音を
carelessly and inconsiderately. Not nice.
無神経に押しつけているのです 感心しません
Of course, where this all comes into play most of all
こうしたことは 何か重要なことを
is when you've got something really important to do.
伝えるときに 役立ってきます
It might be standing on a stage like this
and giving a talk to people.
It might be proposing marriage,
asking for a raise, a wedding speech.
賃上げ交渉や 結婚式でのスピーチかもしれません
Whatever it is, if it's really important,
それが何であれ ここぞ というときには
you owe it to yourself to look at this toolbox
ぜひ この道具箱を見て
and the engine that it's going to work on,
and no engine works well without being warmed up.
エンジンは 温めなければ動きません
Warm up your voice.
Actually, let me show you how to do that.
どんな風にするか お見せしましょう
Would you all like to stand up for a moment?
皆さん ちょっと 立っていただけますか?
I'm going to show you the six vocal warmup exercises
これから 6つの 声の準備体操をご紹介します
that I do before every talk I ever do.
私がいつも話す前に していることです
Anytime you're going to talk to anybody important, do these.
重要な人と話すときは ぜひやってください
First, arms up, deep breath in,
まずは 腕を上げて 深く息を吸って
and sigh out, ahhhhh, like that.
吐き出します アーーー こんな風にね
One more time.
Ahhhh, very good.
アーーー いいですよ
Now we're going to warm up our lips,
つぎに 唇の準備体操です
and we're going to go ba, ba, ba, ba,
こんな風に バ バ バ バ
ba, ba, ba, ba. Very good.
バ バ バ バ いいですよ
And now, brrrrrrrrrr,
それから ブルルルルルルル
just like when you were a kid.
子どもの頃 やったように
Brrrr. Now your lips should be coming alive.
ブルルルル これで 唇も準備万端です
We're going to do the tongue next
with exaggerated la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
大げさな「L」で ラ ラ ラ ラ ラ ラ ラ ラ ラ
Beautiful. You're getting really good at this.
素晴らしい 皆さん上手ですよ
And then, roll an R. Rrrrrrr.
それから巻き舌の「R」 ルルルルルルル
That's like champagne for the tongue.
舌のための シャンパンみたいなものです
Finally, and if I can only do one,
最後に ぜひともするべきこと
the pros call this the siren.
It's really good. It starts with "we" and goes to "aw."
お勧めです 「ウィー」で始まり「オゥ」で終わります
The "we" is high, the "aw" is low.
「ウィー」は高く 「オゥ」は低く
So you go, weeeaawww, weeeaawww.
行きますよ ウィーーーオゥ ウィーーーオゥ
Fantastic. Give yourselves a round of applause.
素晴らしい 皆さんに拍手を
Take a seat, thank you. (Applause)
お座りください ありがとうございます(拍手)
Next time you speak, do those in advance.
今度 話をする前には やってくださいね
Now let me just put this in context to close.
さて 最後にまとめましょう
This is a serious point here.
This is where we are now, right?
今の私たちは こんな状況です
We speak not very well
into people who simply aren't listening
in an environment that's all about noise and bad acoustics.
I have talked about that on this stage
このことについて 私はここで
in different phases.
様々な側面から お話ししました
What would the world be like
if we were speaking powerfully
to people who were listening consciously
目的にふさわしい環境で 力強く話せたら
in environments which were actually fit for purpose?
世界はどんな風に なるでしょう?
Or to make that a bit larger,
what would the world be like
if we were creating sound consciously
音を意識的に創り出し 意識的に受け止め
and consuming sound consciously
and designing all our environments
consciously for sound?
That would be a world that does sound beautiful,
and one where understanding
would be the norm,
and that is an idea worth spreading.
これこそ 広める価値のある アイデアです
Thank you.
Thank you. (Applause)