字幕表 動画を再生する
大家好 Hello, everyone
欢迎收看今天的面具人 Welcome to today's masked man
面具人我接到网友爆料 Masked man. I got a tip
说的是吴建民跑路了 It's about wu jianmin running away
这个事情究竟是不是真的 Whether it is true or not
面具人我现在难以确定 Masked men, I'm not sure right now
但是咱们可以观察一下现象 But we can look at the phenomenon
用逻辑推演一下 Use logic to deduce it
面具人我仔细观察了一下 The masked man, I took a close look
吴建民前天发了一个社区帖子 Mr. wu posted a community post the day before yesterday
说他要出去办个事儿 Said he was going out on a business trip
他会停耕一个礼拜 He'll be out of work for a week
后来面具让我再看这个帖子的时候 And then the mask let me see this post again
发现帖子删了没有了 Discovered that the post deleted did not have
也有网友告诉我 Some netizens also told me
他在节目里面已经说了 He already said it on the show
它要停更一个礼拜 It's going to stop for a week
面具人我当时还比较郁闷 Masked man. I was depressed
想了一下 Thought about it
这停跟一个礼拜 This is for a week
你说郭文贵的蚂蚁帮天天 You said that Guo Wengui's ant gang
堵到吴建民的家门口 Blocking the door of Wu Jianmin's house
骚扰吴建民 Harass Wu Jianmin
也没能动摇吴建民天天更新节目的决心 Nor did it shake Mr. Wu's determination to update the program every day
怎么吴建民自己忽然 Why did wu jianmin suddenly
不发节目了 No more shows
那一个礼拜不更新的话 If you don't renew it that week
要损失不少钱的对吧 It's a lot of money to lose
更何况你看这些民运民主大师 Not to mention, you see these democratic masters of democracy
都是靠油管骂中共或者是造谣生活的 All rely on the oil tube to scold the communist party or is to spread rumors to live
美国现在疫情又那么严重 The epidemic is now so severe in the United States
正常逻辑来看 According to normal logic
没有什么好的别的赚钱方法 There is no good other way to make money
是不是 Isn't it
你在这种大环境下忽然又停跟了你的油管 You suddenly shut down your fuel line in this environment
这就不合理了吗 That doesn't make sense
直到 Until
面具人给你们看这张图 The masked man shows you this picture
是网友给面具人爆料的 It was the net friend who broke the news to the masked man
为了安全起见 Just to be safe
他的名字我就抹掉了 I erased his name
来看一下他是怎么说的 Take a look at what he said
最新消息 Latest news
吴建明已经跑路了 Mr. wu has already left
吴建明已经知道明年拜登总统 Mr wu already knows about mr biden next year
在1月20日上台以后 After coming on stage on January 20
肯定会清算他 He will certainly be liquidated
因为吴建明经常在节目中在没有 Because wu jianming is always on the show
任何证据的情况下散播谣言 Spreading rumors in the face of any evidence
比如说贺锦丽是靠一路 For example, He Jinli depends on her journey
睡睡到副总统位置的 Sleeping in the vice-presidential seat
这就属于严重的造谣名誉诋毁 This is a serious rumour-mongering
说拜登和他的儿子勾结中共 Joe Biden and his son collude with the Communist Party
说拜登座票 Say biden has a seat
至今吴建民却拿不出任何证据 So far, mr wu has failed to produce any evidence
吴建明知道拜登尚未以后 Mr wu knows that mr biden has not yet come
第一步就是清算他 The first step is to liquidate him
随后猫神死冬季张玲等人 Then the cat god died in winter zhang ling and others
相继会被告上法庭 One after another will be sued in court
面具让我看了这个名单 The mask showed me the list
感觉里面好像少了一个重要的人 It feels like there's an important person missing
那就是江峰 That's Jiangfeng
江峰最近也消失了 Jiangfeng has also disappeared recently
对不对 Isn't it
江峰的事情咱们等一下再说 Let's talk about Jiangfeng later
面具人我听到网友的留言的事情 Masked man. I got a message from a guy on the Internet
我当时感觉有点玄乎 I felt a little strange at the time
碰巧 As it happens
这个人也在ABC节目底下留言了 This guy left a message on ABC too
然后 ABC和他交流了几句 ABC then exchanged a few words with him
你们看这张图 Look at this picture
算了图片不能给你们看了 Well, I can't show you the pictures
面具人我先留个悬念 I'll leave the masked man in suspense
我不造谣 I don't make rumors
反正 Anyway
这里咱们先把吴建民跑路的悬念先留到这 Here, let's leave the suspense of Wu Jianmin's running away here
因为是网友爆料吴建民 Because a netizen broke the news that Wu Jianmin
跑路的并不是面具人 It was not the masked man who ran
我说的在这里面具人我 I'm talking about me in here
只是给大家分享一下 Just sharing it with everyone
信息而已 It's just information
但是这个话并不是我说的 But that's not what I said
我也并没有在节目里面实锤 And I didn't actually do it on the show
这个事情究竟是真是假 Whether this is true or not
时间会验证一切的对不对 Time will tell if everything is right
吴建民不是说他停更一周 Mr. wu didn't mean that he would stop for another week
一周之后 A week later
咱们自然就能见分晓 We'll figure it out
好 Okay
咱们继续来说江风 Let's keep talking about Jiangfeng
姜峰在半年前就开始为煽动 Mr. Jiang, who started demagoguery six months ago
美国内战在布局在铺路了 The American Civil War is laying the groundwork
咱们现在把时间倒带一下 Let's rewind the time now
回想一下 Think back
这真的很可怕 It's really scary
对吧 Right
中共的战线布局真的是很长 The chinese communists have a really long front
你从半年之前就开始讲 You've been talking since six months
美国内战 The American Civil War
南北战争好了 The civil war is over
在这一次美国的大选之中 In this election in the United States
江峰直接就把美国内战的这种情绪 Jiangfeng took this kind of sentiment of the American Civil War directly
推到了高潮 Pushed it to the top
甚至在前几个节目 Even in the first few shows
直接公开的号召老百姓武装起义 A direct and open call to the people to arm the uprising
甚至说要斩首拜登对吧 He even said he would behead Biden
当他出完了最后一个节目 When he's done with the last show
煽动老百姓说3亿9000万 Incites the common people to say 390 million
支枪上街干翻民主党 A gun on the street slaying the Democrats
先翻政府那个节目以后 After turning to the government show
到现在他已经引申了4天了 It's been four days since he started
到今天才发节目 It's not on until today
面具人我可以看出来老逼 Masked man. I can see that
真的有点恐惧 It's a little scary
我从他这一期新的节目 I'm starting with his new show
里面明显可以看出来 You can clearly see it in there
他说话有点颤抖 He spoke with a little tremulous
面具人我就仔细想了一下 The masked man, I thought about it
妈 Mom
细思极恐 Think about it
你为中够卖命了 You've worked your ass off enough
你想跑你是跑不掉的 You want to run, you can't run
懂了吗 Got it
你只能乖乖的回来继续赚这个钱 You'll just have to come back and make the money
你不是想要钱吗 I thought you wanted money
你就为我党服务 You will serve my party
你继续服务下去你就有钱赚 If you continue to serve, you'll make money
并且 And
这个钱赚不赚 Do you earn this money
由不得你了 It's not up to you
一旦开始停不下来 Once it starts, it won't stop
懂了没 你想跑 Got it. you want to run
没戏 No way
你必须要服务到底 You must serve to the end
既然跟魔鬼签了契约 Now that you've signed a contract with the devil
你就要一路走到黑 You're going all the way to the dark
懂了 Got it
还有 And
纽约时报 华盛顿邮报 New York Times Washington Post
这两个是偏左一点的媒体 These two are slightly to the left
报道了郭文贵 陆德 Reported by Guo Wengui and Lu De
闫立梦班农是如何推动谣言 How Yan Limeng-Bannon Promotes the Rumor
的病毒造谣的事情 Of the virus and the rumor
然后 Then
偏右一点的 A little to the right
包括华尔街时报也抨击了以陈光成为首的 Including the wall street times, which also attacked chen guangcheng
包括陈光诚 Including Chen Guangcheng
王丹未来腹吸鳅等一批在美国支持川普 Wang Danwei and others support Trump in the United States
破坏美国民主政治 Undermining American Democracy
支持川普开了美国总统败选 Supporting Trump's defeat in the US presidential election
就可以给对手扣黑锅 You can take the blame for it
拒绝交权的先河的这种 The kind of first refusal to hand over power
恶劣行为的民主斗士 A champion of democracy for bad behavior
咱们华人尤其是这些民主大师为首的华人 We Chinese, especially the Chinese headed by these democratic masters
包括港台人 Including Hong Kong and Taiwan people
唯利是图 Mercenary
哪有钱哪有热度就支持谁 Support where there's money and there's heat
咱们的这种形象 This image of us
确实 Indeed
已经根植在西方社会了 Has been rooted in the West
而这一次咱们华人集体的 But this time we Chinese collective
颠覆掀桌子 Topple the table
甚至 And even
严重的干涉人家他国的内政 Heavy interference in the internal affairs of other countries
山 豆人家他国的民主内斗民主分裂 Shandoujia country's democracy within the struggle, democracy and division
着实是让西方社会既感觉 It's really about making Western societies feel
莫名其妙又开了眼界 It opened my eyes again for no reason
还记得欧美电影里面那些名场面吗 Do you still remember the famous scenes in the European and American movies
华人都是什么形象吗 What's the image of the Chinese
懦弱胆小 Cowardly
唯利是图 贪小便宜 Mercenary pursuit of petty gain
而且又经常是捞偏门的那种 And it's often the one that scooped the door
对不对 Isn't it
冰冻三尺并非一日之寒 Rome wasn't built in a day
西方人这样看我们也不奇怪 It's not surprising that westerners see us that way
对不对 Isn't it
因为咱们华人就是这个样子 Because that's what we Chinese look like
是不是 Isn't it
唯利是图 Mercenary
我说的没有错吧 There's nothing wrong with that
华尔街时报后半段描述这些民主 The latter half of the Wall Street Journal describes these democracies
大师的一句话非常的精辟 The words of the Master are very pithy
他是这么说的 That's what he said
这些意见人士就是这些民主大师为了 These opinion-makers are the people who are the masters of democracy
迎合中国移民的需求来建立听众群 Catering to the needs of Chinese immigrants to build an audience
随着时间的推移 Over time
已经为一个充满错误资讯 Has been filled with false information for a
的新闻环境做出了贡献 Has contributed to the news environment
华尔街时报说的还比较给面子 The wall street times still says it's more of a face
说的比较委婉 It's a euphemism
那面具人我给你们白话一下 The masked man, let me give you a piece of my mind
他的意思就是这些臭不要脸的民主 What he's saying is that these shameless democracies
大师为了迎合市场的需求 Master in order to meet the needs of the market
为了赚钱建立了庞大的谣言产业链 In order to make money built a huge chain of rumors
收割华人群众 Harvest the Chinese masses
听懂了没 You got it
这些人并不是为了什么人权 法治自由 These people are not about human rights or the rule of law
民主平等而战的 For democracy and equality
他们只为钱而战 They only fight for money
谁能给他们钱 Who can give them money
他们就为谁服务 Who they serve
谁能让他们赚钱 Who can make them money
他们就站在谁那一边 They're on whose side
彭川普能让他赚钱 Mr Trump can make him money
他就捧川普 He praised Trump
彭拜登能让他赚钱 Joe Penbiden can make him money
他就捧拜登儿 He was a great admirer of Baden
而现实情况是 And the reality is
整个市场 Whole market
支持民主党不赚钱 Supporters of the Democratic Party do not make money
所以你看面具人我对吧 So you're looking at the masked man
我就不为流量 I don't care about traffic
是不是 Isn't it
我只说我喜欢说的 I just say what I like to say
但是 But
他们这些民主大师 They are the masters of democracy
做媒体这么多年了 I've been in the press for years
他们很明白 They understand
市场 Market
更喜欢 More like
挺川普对吧 For Trump, right
市场更接受这些谣言 The market is more receptive to these rumours
事实证明咱们华人不喜欢探讨 It turns out that we Chinese don't like to discuss
什么科学心理教育之类的 Some kind of science, psychology, education
更喜欢探讨这种 We like to talk about this
最低级的床上的姓氏 The name of the lowest sex
比如党内政变 Like a coup in the party
谁把他母亲的菊花爆了 Who blew his mother's ass off
谁的儿子又把谁的小姨子掉了 Whose son dropped whose sister-in-law again
对吧 Right
记住了 Remember that
一个民族的多数人的喜好 The preferences of the majority of a people
反映出了这个民族的整体水平 Reflects the general level of the nation
很可悲的事情就是咱们华人确实 The sad thing is we Chinese do
热衷于这些肮脏的玩意儿 About all this dirty stuff
肮脏的话题 Dirty talk
或者是其他的一些神鬼天命之子 Or some other son of God
神选之人对吧 The chosen one
面具人我在华文圈里我几乎 Masked man I'm in Chinese circles, I'm almost
看不到这些频道和受众 Can't see the channels and the audience
探讨科学 探讨价值观 Discuss science, discuss values
探讨道德的 To explore the moral
我也几乎看不到华人喜欢探讨这些 I can hardly see how the Chinese like to talk about it
普世价值精神上面的东西 Of the spirit of universal values
大家都是在探讨今天谁把谁操了干死了 We're all talking about who fucked who today
明天党内斗争了 Tomorrow's party fight
后天又阴谋政府了 Conspiracy government the day after tomorrow
大后天消灭反对派了 The opposition will be wiped out the day after tomorrow
对吧 Right
然后世界毁灭了 And then the world came crashing down
把谁灭族了 Who killed the people
最好 Best
不是色情 It's not porn
就是仇恨 It's hatred
要么就是变态玩意儿 Or some kind of sick thing
在传播这种言论 Is spreading the word
港台人和大陆人没区别 There is no difference between Hong Kong and Taiwan
你去看看PPT You go check the PPT
微博连等巴哈姆特 Weibo company and so on bahamut
除了他们的立场不一样 Except that they're not on the same side
他们崇拜的对象不一样 They have different objects of worship
但是大家说话一个比一个脏 But everybody talks dirtier than everybody else
面具人 Masked Man
我看这些老外讨论时政 I think these foreigners are talking about politics
评论的英文评论里面 In the English version of the commentary
这种流氓话人身攻击的比例估计十几 This kind of rascal talk the proportion of personal attacks is estimated more than ten
个帖子里面你能看到一两个两三个 You can see one or two or three of them in one post
但是咱们华人差不多十几个帖子里面 But we Chinese about a dozen posts inside
八九个都是非常恶心的流氓话 Eight or nine of them are very disgusting hooligans
人身攻击互相谩骂 Personal attacks and name-calling
对吧 Right
好了扯远了回到主题 All right, back to the subject
在美国 In the United States
造谣 Disinformation
如果别人真的和你较真的话 If someone's really serious about you
真的要告你 I really want to sue you
是可以告到你倾家荡产的 To sue your ass
要看你造谣的对象是谁 Depends on who you're up to
如果你造谣直接造成 If you spread rumors directly
比如一个做生意的老板商业 Like a business owner, business
损失你是要负责的 You're responsible for the damage
懂了没 Got it
如果因为你的造谣 If it's because of your rumor
造成了别人的健康损失 经济损失 Causing other people's health loss, financial loss
精神损失 Mental loss
名誉损失 Loss of reputation
甚至是 And even
人身安全损失 Loss of personal safety
你都是要赔的 You're gonna pay for it
比如江峰就号召老百姓 Jiangfeng, for example, called on ordinary people
去拿枪干死拜登对吧 Get the gun and kill biden
好 Okay
拜登告你一告一个准 I'm here to tell you
你别说什么言论自由 You don't have to say free speech
这不算言论自由 懂了没 That's not freedom of speech. got it
并且 And
在告你调查你的过程中 In the process of accusing you of investigating you
发现你有一些非法操作手段 Found out you have some illegal operations
比如现在这些大外宣都喜欢用刷流刷赞 These days, for example, they all like to brush with streams
来给自己撑门面 To stand up for yourself
来给自己装逼 To put on a show of force
咱们华人都喜欢跟风 We Chinese like to follow suit
明明从这种微博操作淘宝 Mingming operates Taobao from this kind of microblog
操作里面走过来的人 Operating on the people who come in
却看不明白这最基本的 But I can't understand the most basic
刷流的套路 Brush flow routines
对不对 Isn't it
咱们总是看谁的点击率高 We always watch who gets the most hits
谁的留言多 谁的点赞多 Whose message is more whose likes are more
牛逼他讲的就好 Just make him talk
是不是 Isn't it
你们自己去仔细看看 You guys take a look for yourselves
他们的播放量 Their airplay
和这个点赞的比例 And the percentage of the likes
和留言的比例 Proportion to message
油管它是有它自己的大数据模型的 Tubing it has its own big data model
但是你看这些人底下清一色 But look at all these people
的舔屁眼的留言 A message that licked my ass
而且很多号都是新注册的 And many of the numbers are newly registered
还有有些人更夸张 And there are some who exaggerate
播放量还没过1000的时候 When the number of views was less than 1,000
他的点赞都先过1000了 His likes are over a thousand
懂了 Got it
那么这些行为流刷赞利用系统漏洞 Then these behavior streams like exploits exploit system vulnerabilities
这属于商业侵害谷歌的利益 This is a commercial violation of Google's interests
侵害油管的利益了 For the benefit of the pipeline
这就属于商业欺诈了 This is a commercial fraud
有关刷流刷赞 About Brush Flow Brush Like
你们具体可以参考ABC推强论的节目 You can refer to the ABC PowerPoint program for details
他讲这块讲的比较多 He talked about this one a lot
你侵害谷歌这种大公司的利益 You're violating the interests of a company like Google
人家随便告你两下就能把你告得倾家荡产 You can get away with it just by being sued twice
屁滚尿流是没问题的 It's okay to piss your ass off
其实这还不算啥 It's not that big a deal
如果说 If
在调查你的过程中 In the process of investigating you
发现你有被外国的资金支持或者技术支持 Find out if you have foreign funding or technical support
你就完蛋了 You're finished
你的罪名直接十恶不赦了 Your guilt is beyond reproach
你造谣色情这些都还能容忍一下 You make up rumors and porn, and you put up with it
但是你联合外部势力拿钱 But you're joining forces with outside powers to get paid
或者拿技术想剿灭美国 Or using technology to destroy the United States
煽动美国内战 Inciting the American Civil War
甚至要颠覆美国 And even upend the United States
你这就纯粹找死了 You're just gonna die
明白吗 Do you understand
知道不 You know
你们也真别把美国当傻子 Don't take America for a fool, either
你在网上造谣 You spread rumors on the Internet
几十万的收看量对吧 Hundreds of thousands of dollars, right
你敢保证这些人里面没有人举报你 You can guarantee that none of these people reported you
对不对 Isn't it
咱们就按照万分之1的概率 Let's take a one - in - 10,000 chance
你每天中标几率也是很大的 You have a good chance of winning the bid every day
是不是 你按照 Did you follow the
你一天30万的播放量 You get 300,000 views a day
1万个人里面 Out of 10,000 people
有一个人举报你30万个播放量 One person reported 300, 000 airplay counts
就是30个人会举报你 That's 30 people who will report you
是不是 Isn't it
你被人弄中标的几率也是很大 There's a good chance you'll get the job
对不对 Isn't it
确实有老外关注到了江峰 Indeed, some foreigners are concerned about Jiangfeng
山洞去杀拜登的事情了 The cave to kill biden
你们看这张图 Look at this picture
史蒂文是个很有名的记者 Steven is a very famous reporter
你看他是怎么说的 Look what he said
法轮功中国博客作者瑞欧江风 Reo jiangfeng, chinese blogger of falungong
就是江风在这里提倡军事政变 It was jiang feng who advocated a military coup here
使用特种部队作为最后解决 Use special forces as a last resort
颠覆拜登的选举的手段 Ways to upend Biden's election
这也涉及到了要对拜登进行斩首行动 It also involves the beheading of Mr. Biden
不太清楚为什么这个账户没有被暂停 It's not clear why this account has not been suspended
他的通稿还充斥着无根据的阴谋论 His manuscript is full of unfounded conspiracy theories
共产党不知为何带来了拜 The Communist Party brought a bow for some reason
登胜利的谣言到美国 Rumors of victory to the United States
看到没 See
人家老外记者 Foreign reporter
已经盯上江峰了 We're already on to Jiangfeng
江峰现在 Jiangfeng is now
他有管4天没更推特也没更新 He's been on Twitter for four days and hasn't been updated
但是刚才更新了 But I just updated it
更新我看他表情确实有点慌 Update, I see he's really panicking
让人感觉有点诡异 It feels a little weird
其实面具人我跟你们说 Actually, the masked man, I'm telling you
江峰 Jiangfeng
他也明白做这行 And he knows how to do it
是个高风险行业 It's a high - risk business
自己想要跑路 I want to run
可是上了贼船下不来了 But we're not getting off the boat
谁让他自己贪心吃的跟个猪膀胱一样 Who made him eat like a pig's bladder
赚了那么多的钱 Made that much money
越吃越胖 The fatter you get
现在想吐出来 Now I want to throw up
想吐出来也不会给你机会了 You won't get a chance to spit it out
继续赚这个钱 Keep making this money
停不下来的 It won't stop
懂了吗 Got it
人家老外 A foreigner
盯上江风了 We're on to Jiangfeng
反正这些民主大师造谣 Anyway, these democracy gurus are rumormongering
煽动美国斗争 Fomenting American Struggle
煽动美国内战 Inciting the American Civil War
已经被人家美国的大媒体盯上了 Is being watched by the big media in America
大记者盯上了 The big reporter's on
好 Okay
咱们来想一个底层逻辑 Let's think of a basic logic
人家大媒体都能盯上这些民主大师 People in the big media can target these masters of democracy
你说这些专门做情报的机构cIafbI You said these intelligence agencies, CIafbI
能盯不上这些民主大师吗 Can't keep an eye on these democratic gurus
对不对 Isn't it
还有面具仍然想和大家一起观察一个事情 And the mask still wants to observe something with you
咱们仔细观察一下 Let's take a closer look
共产党坏 The Communist Party is bad
这是一个大背景 This is a big background
大家都知道地球上反共 We all know that anti-communism on earth
的人都知道共产党坏 Everybody knows that the Communist Party is bad
所以你一遍遍的强调共产党坏 That's why you're repeating the Communist bad
强调多了就等于是说废话 Too much emphasis is a load of crap
是不是 好 Isn't that nice
咱们先确定共产党坏面具人 Let's start with the bad faces of the Communists
我也强调了一遍面具人 I also emphasized the masked man
我说废话 好 咱们继续讲 I said bullshit, so let's move on
咱们仔细看 Let's take a closer look
在台湾这些民主大师都在做什么 What all these democracy gurus are doing in Taiwan
这些民主大师在台湾是山洞内斗 These democratic gurus in Taiwan are cave infighting
共产党反而大方的做坏人背景板 On the contrary, the Communist Party is generous to be the bad guy background board
民主大师特务在台湾山洞内斗 Democratic master secret agent fights inside Taiwan cave
煽动得很成功 The agitation was successful
套路和美国的方式是一模一样的 The routine is exactly the same as it is in America
拉一派打一派什么国民党就是共产党 The Kuomintang is the Communist Party
国民党就是中共同路人 The Kuomintang is the common passer-by
民进党伟光正 DPP Wei Guangzheng
这等于一竿子就打倒了所有的国民党人 This was tantamount to knocking down all the Kuomintang
国民党里面也有好人也有坏人 There are good people and bad people in the Kuomintang
对不对 Isn't it
民进党也一样 So does the Democratic Progressive Party
当然了全世界哪里都一样 Of course it's the same everywhere
全世界各个地方都是有好人有坏人的 There are good people and bad people all over the world
但是这些民主大师就给 But these democratic gurus do
你传播的是极端思想 You're spreading extreme ideas
拉一派打一派 Pull one school, fight one school
帮助当权派 To help the establishment
强化他的力量 To strengthen his power
满足他的政治权利 Satisfy his political rights
消灭在野党 Wipe out the opposition
这种方式在台湾搞得很成功了以后 After this approach was very successful in Taiwan
你们看好了同样的模式 You're looking at the same pattern
他们用到了美国身上 They're using the United States
先给民主党扣一个通共的大帽子 Let's start by labeling the Democrats a commoner
然后挑动当权派 And then stir up the establishment
消灭在野党 Wipe out the opposition
对 Yes
是不是一模一样的 If it's the same thing
然后制造 And then manufactured
美国的两党对立 The two parties in America are on opposite sides
和 And
当时他们在台湾制造 They were made in Taiwan at the time
台湾的两党对立是一模一样的 The opposition between the two parties in Taiwan is the same
你们自己仔细看看玩法是不是一样的 See for yourselves if you're playing the same game
这帮人 These people
他们并没有说 They didn't say
为平等民主自由在奋斗 Fighting for equality, democracy and freedom
他们一直是在煽动斗争 They have been stirring up a struggle
煽动内斗 Inciting infighting
懂了 Got it
民主 平等自由只是用来吸引你们入坑的 Democracy, equality, and freedom are just there to draw you into the pit
这帮人 These people
他们都没说去山洞 They didn't say anything about a cave
中共内部的将派息派斗争 The Struggle of the Party's Independents
山洞中共内斗都没有那么来劲 The cave is not even as vigorous as the fighting
也从来没有这么做过 And I've never done that before
怎么到了台湾 How to get to Taiwan
到了美国就这么起劲的 In the United States, it's like this
煽动人家两党内斗呢 To incite a fight between the two parties
煽动人家的民主内斗的 To incite others to democratic infighting
是看人家有言论自由是不是好欺负 To see if people have freedom of speech is easy to bully
是不是 你们什么意思 Is that what you mean
面具人我就要给你们揭开一个大秘密了 Masked man, I'm about to reveal a big secret to you
俄罗斯联邦情报局fSB花了几年 The fsb of the russian federal intelligence agency took several years
时间深入美国的白人贫困社区 Time to reach out to poor white communities in the United States
针对性的提炼开发了一整套话语系统 A whole set of discourse system has been developed
这套系统的中文版就是陈晓龙 江峰 The Chinese version of the system is Chen Xiaolong and Jiang Feng
苏小和推行的语境 The Context of SU Xiao-he's Promotion
这套话术的话语系统 The discourse system of this script
原来就存在很高级的 It turns out there's something very advanced
但是 f SB在2010年前后 But the fSB was
把这种系统与其他的一些 Put this system together with some of the others
关键信息整合成了一个 The key pieces of information are consolidated into one
对那些没有 Not for those
大学学历的白人 A white man with a college degree
或者是没有 Or not
太多知识太多逻辑思辨能力的人 A man of too much knowledge and too much logic
和许多前共产党国家移民 And many ex-communist countries
非常有效的话语系统 A very effective discourse system
利用你的仇恨 Take advantage of your hatred
利用你的恐惧 Use your fear
利用你的无知 Take advantage of your ignorance
比如民主党就是共产党 For example, the Democratic Party is the Communist Party
左眉不可信 You can't trust your left eyebrow
官方舆论不可信 Official opinion is not credible
官方舆论操纵了美国的舆论 Public opinion in the United States is dominated by official opinion
俄罗斯是白人基督教国家 Russia is a white Christian country
所以与俄罗斯联合 So to join forces with Russia
清理取缔民主党符合美国的保守主义精神 Cleaning up the Democratic Party is in the spirit of American conservatism
什么左眉不可信 You can't trust your left eyebrow
左是坏的 Left is bad
民主党就是共产党先把这个黑锅给你扣上 The democratic party is the communist party, the first to put the blame on you
官方舆论不可信 Official opinion is not credible
他是利用你过去的恐惧 He's taking advantage of your past fears
来断绝你的未来 To cut you off from your future
他用你的过去来否定你以后接触的一切 He used your past to deny everything you ever came across
他把你以后接触的一切 He took everything you ever came across
不会让你去接触 I won't let you touch it
会先入为主的给你植入一个概念 It's a preconceived idea for you
就是你接触这些就跟你 Is that you touch these with you
原来接触的没啥区别 It didn't make any difference
懂了没 Got it
刚好利用了你的恐惧和反感心理 Just taking advantage of your fear and disgust
你们看这张图 Look at this picture
这帮民主大师甚至开始洗白金正恩 The democratic gurus have even begun to wash platinum
看到没这张图 See this picture
而且再给你们看这张图 And I'll show you this picture again
他们开始洗白普京了 They're starting to whitewash Putin
反而把金正恩把普京 Instead, Kim Jong-un is turning Putin
都已经比作为人类救世主了 Has been compared to being the savior of humanity
这些人才是真正的好人 These people are really good people
西方民主国家的什么默克尔 马克隆 What western democracies do, angela merkel, macon
莫里森 Morrison
特鲁多都是虚伪的白酒 Trudeau is a false white wine
是不是 Isn't it
你们现在能看明白这些人的嘴脸了 You can see the faces of these people now
他们的语言就是先入为主 Their language is preconceived notions
把共产党作为一个万能的调色板 Using the Communist Party as an all-purpose palette
什么事情都能染上 You can get caught in anything
共产党 Communist Party
没见过世面的人在信息比较封闭的情况下 People who have never seen the world are in a closed world
就很容易相信 It's easy to believe
被这些民主大师描绘出来的世界 The world portrayed by these democratic masters
当然了这种玩法对于好奇心强的 Of course, this kind of play is curious
思辨能力强的人的效果就很差 A man of great speculative ability is not very effective
所以他们先会告诉你 So they'll tell you first
其他的一切都是假的 Everything else is fake
懂了 Got it
我再给你们说一个叫做通稿的东西 I'm going to tell you one more thing called a manuscript
听过没 Have you heard
你们自己仔细看看这些人 Take a closer look at these people
他们的步调都是出奇的一致的 Their steps were strangely consistent
他们的话题和方向 Their topic and direction
都是出奇的统一的 Are strangely unified
还记得前几天 Remember the other day
这些大外宣 These big publicity campaigns
统一推一个叫做帕勒尔的平台吗 Unified push on a platform called paal
在推特上面在油管上面都有推 Tweets on Twitter, tweets on YouTube
叫你们去那里注册 I want you to register there
还有一个最近可能便捷的大v There is also a large v that may be convenient in the near future
他说 He said
这个判断平台你去注册 This judgment platform you go to register
有可能领10万美元的奖金 There's a possibility of a $100, 000 bonus
但是 But
也有美国的记者爆出来了 And some American journalists have come out
帕拉尔平台的老板的老婆是俄罗斯特工 The owner of the Parar platform is married to a Russian agent
他们是在去俄罗斯培训完了以后 They went to Russia after training
返回美国才建立的帕勒平台 The Palerian platform that was built only after returning to the United States
你们看一下 Take a look
这背后的谍报 The tradecraft behind this
反共还是真灭供还是真爱美国 Anti-Communist or True Fury or True Love for America
还是打着美国反美国 Or against the United States
背后布的网有多么的深 How deep is the net on the back
迷雾有多么的厚 How thick the fog is
你们真的以为真实的世界 Do you really think the real world
就是别人告诉你的吗 Is that what someone told you
真实的世界是需要你自己 The real world needs you
用你自己的知识探索的 To explore with your own knowledge
懂了吧 Got it
最近香港的事情没人提了 No one's talking about Hong Kong lately
怎么样面具人 How about a masked man
我说的没错吧 I think I'm right
共产党他的心理超限站是怎么打的 Communist Party, how does he fight the psychological over-limit station
他就是给老百姓做心理按摩 He just gives people a psychological massage
然后等老百姓产生了这种 And then wait for the common people to have this
生理性的心理麻木以后 After the psychological numbness of physiology
厌倦了 Tired of it
不关注了以后疲劳了以后 Don't pay attention to after tired after
他就可以在之后为所欲为的 He can do whatever he wants after that
对吧 Right
我之前说过没人能抵抗得了心理按摩 I told you before that no one can resist a psychological massage
只是时间长短的问题 It's just a matter of time
对吧 Right
咱们华人眼里面这个世界总是一成不变的 The world is always the same in our Chinese eyes
总想着想当然就那样 Always thinking, of course, that's it
这世界就是那样了 That's the way the world is
其实这个世界每分每秒 In fact, the world every second
都在发生巨大的变化 Are undergoing tremendous changes
那么说到香港这里了 So talk about Hong Kong
面具人就带大家来感受一下事情的变化 The masked man brought us to feel the change of events
因为你们觉得这世界是不会变的吗 Because you don't think the world's gonna change
来 Come
我告诉你们最近的变化有多么的大 I'll tell you how much has changed lately
先来看一则新闻 Let's take a look at the news
前香港中智的成员黄志峰 周亭羽 Mr wong chi - fung, a former member of citic Hong Kong
林朗延23日出庭 Lin Longyan appeared in court on 23 March
继续接受2019年6月21日包围 Continue to accept the siege of 21 June 2019
香港警察总部的案件的审判 Trial at the Hong Kong Police Headquarters
由于周婷之前已经认了 Because Zhou Ting had already admitted it
就是煽动罪以及未经 Is sedition and crime and crime
批准集结参与 Permission to engage
未经批准的集结罪两项罪名 Two counts of Unapproved Aggregation
所以 So
黄志峰与林朗言出庭后也立即认罪 Huang Zhifeng and Lin Langyan also pleaded guilty immediately after appearing in court
看好统一步调 Keep an eye on the pace
控方 Prosecution
则是不对之前指控黄志峰明知参与 Is not to have accused Mr. Wong of knowingly being involved
未经批准集结的罪名提出 Of an unauthorized assembly
起诉 Prosecution
控方也从轻发落黄之锋了 The prosecution has also fallen from the light yellow front
法庭宣布黄志峰 林朗言与周婷三人 The court announced that huang zhifeng, lin longyan and zhou ting were three
必须还押并等候12月2日 Must be remanded and wait for Dec. 2
下午2:30的正式判刑 Formal sentence at 2: 30 p.m
这将会是周廷首次遭到刑事检控 This will be the first criminal prosecution against Zhou
也是他首次被法庭下令还押 It's the first time he's been remanded in court
将他们 Take them
由球车压走 Pushed away by the cart
三人在入庭前在法院外又接受了媒体采访 The three were interviewed by the media outside the courthouse before entering the courtroom
呵呵 Hehe
厉害不厉害 Not good
中共审判你 The commies will judge you
还能让你在接受采访 And make you do interviews
黄志峰 Huang Zhifeng
发表了6点声明 Issued a six - point statement
表示如果他在案件审理后 Means that if he's after the case
立即被关押 He's being held immediately
看黄志峰都给你们预告了 See, huang zhifeng has given you a preview
说案件审理后他有可能立即被关押 He said he could be held immediately after the trial
他不会对这样的结果感觉到意外 He wouldn't have been surprised by the result
黄志峰说这个结果会是香港过去 Mr. Wong said the result would be Hong Kong's past
几周来最不荒谬的判决结果 The least ridiculous verdict in weeks
意思就是判的好 It means a good one
不荒谬 It's not ridiculous
过去三周总共有23名倡议 In that past three week, there have been 23 initiatives
人士记者与区议会议员 Personage journalists and district council members
遭到港警逮捕 Was arrested by the police
此外每天都有香港示威者出庭接受审判 In addition, Hong Kong demonstrators appear in court every day for trial
或者是被送往监狱 Or sent to prison
周婷在22日晚间在社交媒体上也表示 Zhou also said on social media on Sunday night
若23日遭判刑入狱 If sentenced to imprisonment on the 23rd
他将会是他人生第一次进监牢 He'll be in prison for that first time in his life
他坦诚自己有些害怕 He confessed that he was afraid
害怕归害怕 Fear is fear
但是面具人我也看了他的直播 But the masked man, I saw him live
韭菜还是要割的吗 Do you still want to cut the leek
还是要号召大家打赏吗 Should we call for a reward
给钱吗 For the money
黄之锋在进入法庭前也强调 Wong also stressed before entering the courtroom
与那些案件相比 Compared to those cases
它自己的案件算是情节较轻微大 Its own case is relatively minor and large
看好这句话 Watch this
黄志峰说他们自己的情节算是很轻微的 Mr huang says their own plot is mild
这话的意思相当于什么 What does that mean
面具人我给你们翻译一下 The masked man, let me translate for you
我黄志峰没有上街游行 I huang zhifeng didn't take to the streets
我只是煽动他们上街游行 I just started them on the street
所以 So
我没上街 I'm not on the street
我只是煽动我是轻微的 I'm just inciting that I'm minor
真正严重的是他们那些上街的人 What is really serious is their people on the streets
我黄志峰没有上街游行 I huang zhifeng didn't take to the streets
我只是煽动他们上街游行 I just started them on the street
所以我的罪名是轻微的 So my charges are minor
真正严重的是他们那些上街的人 What is really serious is their people on the streets
对不对 Isn't it
我黄志峰只是在背后募捐 I was just raising money behind my back
赚了几千万而已 Made tens of millions
接着看 Keep looking
黄志峰说 Said Mr. Huang
在检视控方的证供并与律师讨论后 After examining the prosecution's evidence and discussing it with counsel
他跟周婷还有林朗言 He talked to Zhou Ting and Lin Lang
承认所有的控罪 Plead guilty to all charges
他们预计将跳过审讯跟传证人等程序 They are expected to skip procedures such as trials and subpoenas
如果法庭判定三人有罪的话 If the court finds three people guilty
他们将面临最高5年的刑期 They face up to five years in prison
面具人我觉得5年而已 Masked man. I think five years
面具人我是没这个机会 Masked man. I didn't get a chance
我但凡是有这个机会让 I, however, always have the opportunity to
我赚几千万做5年牢 I make tens of millions and I do five years
我也认了 我愿意 I admit it. I do
我还盼望有这种机会 I also look forward to this opportunity
更何况是最高判5年 Not to mention a maximum sentence of five years
说不定判你个2年1年 Maybe two years and a year
你再拿这几千万里面的几百万贿赂一下 You take a few million dollars out of the tens of millions
勾兑一下找找关系 Hook it up and find a connection
对不对 Isn't it
几个月度个假就出来了 A couple of months off
然后就可以潇洒人生 And then you can live your life gracefully
花这些花不完的钱了 To spend all this money
对不对 Isn't it
反正面具人我认为 The masked man, I think
你看 You see
这次美国大选 The US election
大陆 香港 台湾都是深度参与了 The mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan are deeply involved
尤其你看黄志峰 何韵诗 Especially when you look at Huang Zhifeng's poems
还有民主党 And the Democrats
搞的关系很深 It's very close
何韵诗还有黄志峰和佩洛西还见面了 He Yunshi and Huang Zhifeng and Pelosi also met
但是香港这边 But Hong Kong
在美国大选中扮演了不光彩的角色 Played an inglorious role in the American election
作为第三方干涉美国的大选 To interfere as a third party in the American election
干涉人家的内政 Interfere in other people's internal affairs
甚至 And even
是李志英还要恶意造谣 It was li zhiying who maliciously spread rumors
弄了个什么64页通风门硬盘门对吧 Got a 64 - page door, a hard disk door
黎智英为了我党如此豁出去的 Zhi-ying lai went all out for our party
搅乱美国 Roiling the US
抨击美国的政治 Lashing out at American politics
这一次看来免死金牌拿到了没有 This time, it looks like the death-free gold medal won or not
把黎智英押上法庭吗 To put Jae - young in court
对吧 Right
你看香港人也在热衷于炒作 You see, Hong Kong people are also keen on hype
所谓的淫秽事件硬盘门 The so - called obscene hard - disk door
满嘴的污言秽语靠你娘了 It's your mother's fault for all that filth
是不是 Isn't it
现在有个关键问题是什么 Now there's a key question
跟黄志峰有关的 It's about Zhifeng Huang
你们看 You see
这一次 This time
咱们华人 We Chinese
不管大陆港台 Mainland Hong Kong and Taiwan
团结一致 Together
为了给川普助选 To campaign for Trump
供也不反了 It's a confession
赌也不抬了 The bet's over
武大也不诉求了 Wuda didn't ask for it
是不是 Isn't it
这瞎子也不瞎了 The blind man is not blind
江峰也不流淌了 Jiangfeng is no longer flowing
吴建明也变反美斗士了 Mr. wu has also become an anti-american warrior
大家统一的很团结的很证明咱们这些 We are united and united, which proves us very well
华人中华民族还是在最危险的时刻 The Chinese nation is still at the most dangerous moment
关键时刻为了我们的主子团结在一起 For our master's sake at this critical juncture
对不对 Isn't it
海外的这些所谓的被共产党 Overseas of these so-called by the Communist Party
迫害的民主大师 The democratic masters of persecution
包括台湾的这些反共大师 Including these anti-communist masters in Taiwan
现在集体的统一战线 The present united front of the collective
但是曝光了被人家老外看出来了 But it was exposed, and the foreigner saw it
为什么咱们华人这么热衷 Why are we Chinese so keen
于操纵人家美国的大选 To manipulate the election in the United States
共产党使出了吃奶的劲儿 The Communist Party is pulling its weight
想要颠覆美国这种4年 Trying to upend the United States for four years
轮替一次的选举模式 The one-to-one pattern of elections
在美国大肆煽动搞独裁的环境 Fanning the flames of dictatorship in the United States
甚至 And even
把领导人捧成了红太阳 Turned the leader into a red sun
甚至想把美国推向 And even tried to push the United States
政教合一 Theocracy
神权政治 Theocracy
甚至 And even
要煽动美国内战 To incite the American Civil War
煽动美国老百姓拿起武器干死这个 To incite the American people to take up arms and kill this
反对派 Opposition
消灭黑5类 Destroy Black Class 5
刚才你们也看了 You saw it just now
显然这些民主大师已经被这些CNN Apparently these democracy gurus have been sent to CNN
的记者 BBC的记者 A reporter for the BBC
已经盯上了 We're on to him
而且这些大报纸纽约时报 And these big newspapers, the New York Times
华尔街时报已经盯上了 The wall street times is on to it
对吧 Right
你们想 You want to
既然这些媒体都能盯上这些民主大师 Now that all these media have their eyes on these democratic gurus
那fbIcIa肯定盯上他们了 Then fbIcIa must be onto them
那么问题就来了 Then the question comes
只要是智商正常的人看到这种现象了 Anyone with a normal IQ sees this phenomenon
他就会思考 He thinks
一个很简单的问题 A very simple question
这些民主大师在美国做 These democratic gurus do it in the United States
了这么多卑劣的事情 After all this dirty work
难道说 Does it mean
这些民主人士 These democrats
都是间谍 They're spies
先伪装成民主人士 Pretending to be a democrat
渗透我们的社会 To infiltrate our society
先假装赞同我们的普世价值 First pretend to agree with our universal values
然后利用我们的言论自由民主 And then use our freedom of speech democracy
环境颠覆我们的政府 The environment subverts our government
面具人我可是早就给你们预告过 The masked man. I've already told you
我早在去年就已经提出来了商人工会 I brought it up as early as last year
还有民主5毛的理论 There is also the fifty-mao theory of democracy
不知道老观众们还记得不 I don't know if the old crowd remembers
老观众们给我作证 Old viewers have testified to me
面具人我在去年就已经提出来这种理论了 Masked man, I put forward this theory last year
你们留言给我作证 You left me a message to testify
那面居然我问你们 I can't believe I asked you that
既然 Since
这些 These
好不容易培养的有名望 A reputation for hard-won cultivation
的有地位的民主大师 Is a great master of democracy
对吧 Right
现在集体曝光了 Now it's all over the place
政治目标达到不达到另说 Failure to achieve political objectives another word
但是他们已经被社会注意了 But they're already in the spotlight
我问你们你是习近平 I ask you, you are Xi Jinping
你是统治者 You are the ruler
你把这些民主大师的牌统一的打出去了 You have played the cards of these great masters of democracy in unison
这次说了 Said it this time
国内国外舆论统一战线了 Public opinion at home and abroad has united front
就是要先翻美国 Is to go to America first
否认美国的民主选举制度 To deny the democratic electoral system in the United States
开了先河了 It's a precedent
只要选书了就是对面作弊告不赢 So long as chooses the book is opposite cheats the lawsuit not to win
就是美国全体上下被中国收买了 Is that the entire United States is being bought off by China
拿起武器推翻政府 Take up arms and overthrow the government
消灭民主党 Wipe out the Democrats
这种玩法已经被老外看出来了 This kind of play has been seen by foreigners
现在西方警觉了 Now the West is on the alert
发现了这些所谓的民主大师可能都是间谍 Found out that these so-called democracy gurus were probably spies
他们提倡所谓的民主平等 自由 人权 They advocate so-called democracy, equality, freedom and human rights
仅仅是为了 Just to
先 First
假装队友先打入敌方的内部 The decoy team broke into the enemy first
然后再搞什么煽动窃取情报之类的事情 And then do something about incitement to steal information
这些好不容易培养的有名望的特工 These well-known agents who have been trained with difficulty
现在有可能面临被集体剿灭的情况下 Now there is the possibility of a mass extermination
你是习近平你会怎么办 You are Xi Jinping, what will you do
当然是先断尾求生了 First, of course, to survive
线上投名状对不对 On-line nomination, right
以此来消除西方世界的怀疑 In order to dispel suspicion in the west
让西方世界认为原来民主大师 Let the western world think that the original masters of democracy
只是某些人有问题 It's just that some people have problems
并不是所有人有问题 Not everyone has a problem
刚好 Just
西方世界又讲究的不是什么株连九族 What the western world pays attention to again is not what is connected
讲究的是公平对待 It's about being fair
所以 So
他并不会去团灭这些民主大师严查了 He's not going to kill these democracy gurus
一看 Look
把黄志峰判刑什么的 Sentence Mr. Wong or something
演戏还演的全套我信了 I believe in acting and acting
对吧 Right
你们看这张图 Look at this picture
周婷在一周之前就知道自己要被判刑 Zhou knew she was going to be sentenced a week ago
可是他还不忘记搂钱 But he hasn't forgotten the money yet
你们仔细回想一下周永康被判的时候 When you think about Zhou Yongkang's sentence
包括其他的这些老百姓平民被抓的时候 Including the rest of these civilians when they get caught
你从他的眼神里面 You see it in his eyes
可以看出来是真的无奈和恐惧 Can be seen to be really helpless and scared
但是你看周婷直播撸前的时候 But when you were watching Zhou Ting live
轻松潇洒 Easy and easy
包括黄之锋 Including the yellow front
他们的言论 What they're saying
他们的神态都是轻松加愉快 They all looked relaxed and cheerful
包括周婷之前被抓的时候 Including when Zhou Ting was caught
明明手没有被铐上 Mingshou was not handcuffed
故意要背到背后假装被铐上 To wear your back and pretend to be handcuffed
然后昂首挺胸的装成刘胡兰的那个样子 Then hold your head high and put on the look of Liu Hulan
并且你看 And you see
把他押到球车上面的时候 When we put him on the cart
还故意让他坐窗户口 Also deliberately let him sit window account
面具人我也是接触过很多警察部门的人的 Masked man. I've been around a lot of cops
你把囚犯押上车的时候 When you put the prisoner in the car
一般囚犯是坐中间 Prisoners usually sit in the middle
左右两边车门口都是坐的是警察或者国宝 On both sides of the train door are sitting the police or national treasure
懂了不会让你坐窗户边的 You won't be allowed to sit by the window
一方面是防止你逃跑 One is to keep you from running away
另外一方面是防止如果 On the other hand, to prevent
你是重要的罪犯的话 If you're an important criminal
防止别人从窗外狙击你 To keep people from sniping at you out the window
懂了没 Got it
周婷黄之峰说白了人家几千万几千万的 Zhou Ting and Huang Zhifeng put it bluntly
名望也有钱 也有地位 Fame is rich and powerful
也有政治资本也有 There is political capital, too
他们过得比我们好多了 They're better off than we are
不用我们操心 Don't worry about it
咱们这些华人真的不下贱的话 We Chinese don't have to be cheap
不要整天关注这些牛逼人了 Don't pay attention to these bullies all day long
多关注那些傻逼人 Focus on the stupid ones
多关注那些社会底层吃不起饭的人 Pay more attention to those who can't afford to eat at the bottom of society
好不好 How about
你把你的钱全用来给这些镰刀了 You spent all your money on these sickles
这些 These
可怜的连肥料都吃不上 Poor guy can't even eat the fertilizer
的韭菜都长不出来的 None of the leeks will grow
牙还没发就死掉的 Teeth die before they start
这些弱者咋办 What can these weak people do
别人闹一次 Somebody else made a scene
就当炮灰了 It's like cannon fodder
别人游行一下就被抓了 Someone else got caught after a parade
甚至被挂掉了 He was even killed
周婷 黄之锋 Zhou Ting, Huang Zhifeng
黎智英这些人从警察局三进三出 These people are three in and three out of the police station
而且每进一次警察局自己的身价就翻几番 And each time you go into the police station, your own price is multiplied
是不是 Isn't it
而且你看这些人很巧 And you see, these people are funny
跟我党的雷锋非常的像 It is very similar to lei feng of our party
他们走到哪随身都配备摄影师给他们摆拍 They have a photographer with them everywhere they go
拍出来的相片还是非常高清的 The photos are still very high definition
非常的有意境 It's very artistic
非常的帅是吧 Very handsome, isn't it
并且这些人都有专门的保镖护身的 And these people have special bodyguards to protect them
香港的这些人应该有人知道周婷 黄之锋 Some of these people in Hong Kong should know about Ms. Chow
黎智英走到哪都有保镖护身的 Ji - young has bodyguards everywhere he goes
你们告诉面具人 You tell the masked man
这是咋回事 What the hell is going on