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Right now, the curve is like that.
Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, urged Americans on Sunday to do a serious risk benefit assessment before traveling for Thanksgiving this week, as the number of US coronavirus cases surpassed 12 million, rising by more than a million in less than a week.
アンソニー Fauci、国のトップ感染症の専門家は、日曜日にアメリカ人に米国のコロナウイルスのケースの数は1200万を突破し、1週間未満で100万人以上の上昇として、今週の感謝祭のために旅行する前に深刻な危険性の利益評価を行うように促した。
For the first time in general.
What I would recommend and I do this every day, Margaret is to tell families to just take a moment to do what I call a risk benefit determination.
If I have someone in my home who's elderly, someone who has an underlying condition, do I really wanna put that person at risk from someone who innocently or inadvertently, could infect them?
Because you we know clearly that people who don't have symptoms are clearly capable and are transmitting the infection.
Fauci strong recommendation during an interview on CBS's Face The Nation came as co vid 19 deaths topped 255,000, and Fauci warned that deaths could rise to over 2000 day in the coming weeks.
CBSのフェイスザネーションのインタビュー中にFauciの強力な勧告は、co vid 19の死亡者数は255,000を突破し、Fauciは、死亡者数は今後数週間で2000日以上に上昇する可能性があることを警告したように来た。
These numbers really speak for themselves, Margaret.
この数字が物語っているよ マーガレット
We're in a very, very difficult situation at all levels, so I think I would hope that the people who are pushing back on the recommendations for mitigation measures just look at the numbers.
Look at the fax.
They're staring us right in the face.
Some Americans are ignoring a warning from the C D.
C, which recommended against traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday.
This is a dangerous period.
Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, which was the first major US coronavirus epicenter, said he expects a spike in cases because of holiday gatherings.
I believe the co vid rate will increase just a zai believe most New Yorkers will put on weight.
私は co vid 率が増加すると信じています ザイ信じているだけでほとんどのニューヨーカーは体重を置くでしょう。
The only question is how much and how fast.
Meanwhile, the chief scientific adviser for the government's Operation Warp Speed vaccine program said on Sunday that the first Americans to receive a cove in 19 vaccine could get it as soon as December 11th if the FDA grants approval, which would kick off the largest inoculation campaign in U.
一方、政府の操作ワープ速度ワクチン プログラムのための最高科学顧問は日曜日に言った、19 ワクチンのコーブを受信する最初のアメリカ人がそれを得ることができるとすぐに 12 月 11 日には、FDA の承認を付与する場合は、米国で最大の接種キャンペーンをキックオフすることになります。