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  • who knew lip sinking could be this problematic?


  • Hey, guys, A TV with Watch Mojo.


  • Today we're taking a look at the top 10 Dark secrets behind Ticktock.


  • Ticktock is an app I guarantee that your kids and grandkids know about.


  • It's also quite possible some of them spend a little bit too much time on the app than you would like.


  • We're taking a look at the troubling issues plaguing this app, from malevolent users to strange content to the questionable actions that the apse team have taken against their consumers.


  • Let's get to it.


  • If you like what you're hearing, be sure to check out the full song at the link below.


  • Yeah, the same way with signs of a man that sounds great.


  • Tokyo number 10.


  • The views encourage danger with over a billion downloads.


  • There's been a lot of competition to stand out on Ticktock.


  • I want to introduce you to the serial challenge, which involves pouring cereal and milk into someone's mouth.


  • That is a recipe for disaster.


  • Literally.


  • These overwhelming odds have driven many people to put their lives on the line just for views and likes.


  • There have been multiple tragic accidents involving stunts, flames and even weapons to shock friends into watching, while others have been distracted by their filming and wandered into traffic.


  • The life threatening incidents involving the APP have even warranted websites dedicated to tallying all the damage.


  • Whether it was social media attention or attempts to monetize fame, ticktock has inadvertently given people motivation to dabble in far too risky behavior.


  • Number nine Location info.

    ナンバーナイン 位置情報

  • Many APS use GPS functions to help users find places nearby, but tick Tock faces accusations supporting this data.

    多くのAPSは、ユーザーが近くの場所を見つけるのに役立つGPS機能を使用していますが、tick Tockは、このデータをサポートするために非難に直面しています。

  • The U.


  • S army has banned the APP due to claims that it tracks location information, whether or not it's open, which obviously could be compromising for a military unit.


  • And then there's the additional speculation that the Chinese government can legally access all of this data from the apse Beijing parent company Bite Dance In 2017, the Beijing based company Bite Dance purchased the U.

    そして、中国政府が合法的にこのデータのすべてにアクセスすることができるという追加の憶測があります apse 北京の親会社バイトダンス 2017年には、北京に拠点を置く会社バイトダンスがU.

  • S.


  • Social media app musically merged it into their ticktock app and open Tik TAKS headquarters in California.

    ソーシャルメディアアプリは音楽的にそれを彼らのticktockアプリにマージし、カリフォルニアのTik TAKS本社を開きます。

  • It's unclear whether Tick Tock is trying to mind data for profit or simply for optimization, but regardless, the potential for a leak is worrisome, especially considering Ticktock doesn't truly need GPS toe work Number eight Strange censorship.

    それはTick Tockが利益のために、または単に最適化のためにデータを気にしようとしているかどうかは不明ですが、関係なく、リークの可能性は、特にTick Tockは本当にGPSのつま先の仕事ナンバー8ストレンジ検閲を必要としていないことを考えると、気になるところです。

  • It hurts for everyone, no matter who you are, Getting hundreds of thousands of hate comments per week is a lot to handle.


  • Bullying has plagued content creators on tick tock, but the apse initial solution was to suppress possible victims.

    いじめはtick tock上のコンテンツ制作者を悩ませてきたが、apseの初期の解決策は、可能性のある被害者を抑制することであった。

  • Which is to say Ticktock has admitted toe limiting exposure for posts from members of LGBTI Plus and disabled communities in an effort to protect them.


  • This move sparked criticism for diminishing representation and furthering the alienation of already marginalized groups.


  • Meanwhile, Ticktock faced additional criticism for allegedly removing videos highlighting poverty or same sex romance in efforts to appease various national governments, thus contributing toe larger systemic oppression.


  • Though Ticktock has denied rumors of overt discrimination, their methods of solving harassment might have hurt victims more than perpetrators number seven.


  • Taking down critics, ticktock suggested videos involving Children have been met with complaints since the musically days.


  • An infamous case involved streamer pay money.


  • Wehbe, who had posted a video mocking users and critiquing the apse lack of oversight.


  • The video was removed from YouTube due to a copyright strike from Beit Dance, prompting confusion given the hundreds of compilation videos featuring Ticktock content that were left online pay money.

    このビデオは、Beit Danceの著作権ストライキのためにYouTubeから削除され、オンラインペイマネーのままになっていたTicktockコンテンツをフィーチャーした何百ものコンピレーションビデオを考えると、混乱を促しています。

  • Webby himself cited his negative comments as the true reason for the attack.


  • However, skepticism towards bite dance was already boiling, given their legal action against the Chinese newspaper for its coverage of their platform.


  • And given that bite dance has been so inconsistent at handling their inappropriate content, their priorities have drawn flak of their own.


  • Number six cyberbullying on a larger scale, Hashtags were a problematic issue on musically generating negative attention even before they merged with ticktock.


  • Search keywords involving misogyny, eating disorders and self harm had brought up a wealth of results, which was particularly concerning given the apse large youth audience musically did eventually make these words Unser chewable, though some tags remained clickable within videos for a time and less overtly worrying tags like ugly and Worthless still exist on tick tock, as the APP has promoted people to.

    女嫌い、摂食障害や自害を含む検索キーワードは、いくつかのタグは、時間と醜いとWorthlessのようなあからさまに心配タグがまだ存在しているような時間のための動画内でクリック可能なままだったが、音楽的に最終的にこれらの単語ウンサー噛めるようにしたapse大規模な若者の聴衆を考えると、特に関連していた結果の富をもたらしていた APPは人々に促進しているように、tick tockに存在しています。

  • Therefore, you feed with little notice.


  • There has been concern of our Children being bullied by strangers without warning.


  • There.


  • Constant reacting rather than planning, shows that ticktock hasn't safeguarded users from vitriol.


  • Well, number five, it doesn't pay its stars.


  • Would you like a treat.


  • Would you like a treat?


  • Ticktock generates revenue from its 500 million active users through advertising and in APP purchases of coins.


  • According to Pitchbook, the APP is now worth a staggering $75 billion.


  • However, so far, Ticktock has decided not to share revenue with its stars.


  • At the moment, there's no partner program.


  • Allah, YouTube.


  • In other words, the people who make Tik TAKS actual content don't get paid well, it's Thomas and Chase.

    つまり、Tik TAKSの実際のコンテンツを作っている人たちの給料が良くないのは、トーマスとチェイスなんです。

  • That's even if your video gets a gazillion views.


  • Instead, ticktock creators make money by looking for sponsorship deals.


  • This has been criticized as unfair and probably unsustainable.


  • If Ticktock wants to retain creators, this will probably have to change in the long run.


  • Number four Holding problematic Data Though malicious users have provided trouble for musically and ticktock, their own data aggregation has caused trouble with the law.

    第4位 問題のあるデータの保有 悪意のあるユーザーが音楽やチクタクに迷惑をかけてきたが、自分たちのデータの集計が法律で問題になっている。

  • The Federal Trade Commission bind by dance over $5 million for collecting information on Children under the age of 13 without parental consent.


  • Additional court filings from concerned parents noted that the absolute cation tracking was alarming given their young user base.


  • To their credit, Ticktock has added parental tools and vowed to remove videos from kids under the age minimum.


  • Not a section you're looking for is called digital well being.


  • Why did they choose that?


  • I have no idea.


  • But you're gonna click in the digital well being.


  • And then you'll see a section called Screen Time Management Now.

    そして、「Screen Time Management Now」という項目が出てきます。

  • And there's also a restricted mode.


  • All of this meant that adults have had their content farmed by the company for some time, and the opaque denials from their company representatives haven't diminished fears, either.


  • No mention of controversy here, just a message that tick tock is just getting started.


  • Number three Connections to China.


  • A middle of the protests in Hong Kong, Ticktock was reported on for it's suspicious lack of protest content there.


  • Beijing based parent company by dance has raised worries about Chinese interference on the APP.

    北京に本拠地を置く親会社by danceは、APPへの中国の干渉を懸念している。

  • Stories of content being removed for anti China sentiment have popped up repeatedly despite ticktock claiming that they aren't folding to government pressure.


  • Moderators were told to remove references to Tiananmen Square.


  • They were told to remove references to the Falun Gong religious group.


  • They were told to remove references to Taiwanese independence.


  • The APSE early guidelines had allegedly confirmed policies that followed this trend.


  • The United States has even launched a national security investigation against the APP amid fears of counterintelligence there, 110 million Americans who have information with Ticktock and the Chinese government could be grabbing every one of them.


  • However, ticktock statements that the US was demanding firm or video takedowns than China has only made the whole situation more doubtful, Ticktock says.


  • All of that data is stored entirely outside of China and not subject to Chinese law.


  • But data security experts aren't so sure.


  • Number two lewd or offensive content with a deluge of content uploaded to tick tock daily, a lot of disturbing videos have made it onto the platform.

    ナンバー2の淫らな、または不快なコンテンツの洪水が毎日tick tockにアップロードされ、多くの不穏な動画がプラットフォーム上にそれを作っている。

  • The largest complaints have been around the suggestive content involving partial nudity and lewd dancing.


  • The overwhelming number of child users on the APP have aggravated worries over exposure and mimicking what others were doing is using that out every class.


  • For the last couple weeks that I spoke, Thio 3rd, 4th and 5th grade, they're bringing it up.


  • They they're aware of ticktock parents.


  • On the other hand, when I've spoken to them, they have no idea what it is Even with all the parental control maxed out, ticktock hasn't been able to block inappropriate lyrics in their music from minors.

    一方、彼らと話をしてみても、彼らは何もわかっていません。 ペアレンタルコントロールをMAXにしても、ticktockは自分たちの音楽の中の不適切な歌詞を未成年者からブロックすることができませんでした。

  • Posts from hate groups into arguably culturally insensitive users have been ongoing issues as well.


  • What concerns information security expert Rick Floyd is the way Ticktock exposes users to not just potentially inappropriate video and language but the world's most far reaching chat channel.


  • All the questionable material has piled up to the point that many countries have started banning the app in response.


  • Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.


  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.


  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.


  • Number one Concern over predators Have you ever been approached by someone you don't know on tick tock?

    第1位 肉食動物への不安 チクタクで知らない人に声をかけられたことはありませんか?

  • Yes, I block on top of the concerns that kids are seeing or posting suggestive content on tick tock.


  • There's a bigger problem.


  • Reports exist that predators have targeted young users on the app, soliciting images or offering to meet even unsolicited content that minor share to each other has been reportedly copied to sites and shared in nefarious communities.


  • What's happening are these predators are then, once they become on your friends list, they are then able to expose themselves to you.


  • Check talks.


  • Bands on reported accounts have been wildly inconsistent, and they have often deleted more comments than users.


  • While the majority of the comments were indeed taken down after they were reported on Lee, a handful in Arab Ah, handful of the accounts that were boasting those comments we're actually suspended due to Tik TAKS inaction.

    コメントの大部分は、彼らがリーに報告された後、確かにテイクダウンされましたが、アラブのああで一握りの、我々は実際にTik TAKSの不作為のために停止されているそれらのコメントを自慢していたアカウントの一握り。

  • Parental controls and monitoring have been the only consistent way to protect Children.


  • A vigilante group in America took matters into their own hands.


  • You might explain to me why you're here, Thio 16 year old girl and with the apse immense following, it's become one of the world's biggest chat rooms for predators to exploit.


  • Let's just say that if your kids are using tick tock, it's probably a good idea to just keep an eye on them, just in case.


  • What do you guys think?


  • Let us know in the comments below or tweet me at Phoebe underscored W m.

    私たちは以下のコメントで知っているか、またはフィービーで私をつぶやいてみましょうアンダースコアW m。

  • And check out this video.


  • Do you agree with our picks?


  • Let us know in the comments.


  • And hey, if you're a fan of the song playing right now, be sure to check out the music video for it.


  • Right here Now, never last.


who knew lip sinking could be this problematic?


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