字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Trips and vacations bring happiness for moment, but when that moment is passed, only a memory remains. 楽しい時間は一瞬でも 思い出は残ります A truly rewarding life is built in everyday moments, prioritizing our families and communities. 家族や友人を大事にする事が 豊かな人生の秘訣です The way we live our normal life determines whether or not we will will enjoy a high quality of life or not. 普通の日常をどう過ごすかで 人生が変わります Here's some of the secrets we've found for living the best life. ライター家流 人生を楽しむ秘訣を紹介します! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 些細な一瞬にも 喜びの秘訣があります There's joy to be found in everyday moments, 朝食を作る時でも and every moment can be useful, even making breakfast. 子供や友人 色んな人と交わる事が大事です Involving others in our lives is a key part to a purposeful life, whether it be our children, community or you as you watch this. チョコパンケーキ! ライター家 朝食の定番だね Chocolate chip pancakes! This is the tradition of the Reutter household on Saturdays, huh? 最高のパンケーキ! The yummiest pancakes! 一番美味しい? ママが作るからだね The yummiest pancakes?! Momma cake's cakes. - 自家製よ - カワイイ顔してみせて! Homemade. パンケーキが沢山! Oh my goodness, let's just fill up our hearts with kawaii for a moment. 美味しい?! Whoa, look at that stack of pancakes! 食べる時間 Yum! Chow! いいよ! Eating time. みんな 何してる? Good! 学校!私が先生 Whoa! Hey guys, what's going on? 日本語学習は 地元と繋がる為に重要です We're doing school! I'm the teacher. I'm hot. 家族全員で勉強してます! Learning Japanese is a huge part of connecting with people here, so it's a big part of what we do. ベッカ 難しい問題解いて! In fact, our whole family is learning! ひらがなカードだね! Now Becca, your turn. Please do the hardest one ever! 日本語学習の第一歩は 平仮名を学ぶ事です Whoa! It looks like you setup Hiragana cards all the way through here. これが日本語の音だね If you want to learn Japanese, this is the first place to start: is to start learning Hiragana. 文字毎に音があるね So these are all the sounds that you use in Japanese, huh? 歌があるよね? And the characters that go along with each one. 歌ってみようか? Why don't you sing the little song? (♪平仮名の歌♪) OK, so sing the song that goes with it, OK? すごい サラ! (Sings Hiragana Song) 自分で覚えたの? Wow! Great, Sarah! ジョシュアも手伝ってくれたよ Wow, good! And you lined all of these up yourself, huh? - 偉いでしょ? - 手伝ったの? Yep. Joshua kind of helped me put it over here. お隣にボール投げちゃったけど 「ごめんね」って言ってたわ Yeah, I was so nice! You were so nice to help her set it up? カワイイ! He kicked the ball into the neighbor's yard today. He runs up to him and says "Sorry!" このチャンネルで日本生活を発信して 2年になります That's so cute! 日本で得た友人無くして ここまで来る事は出来ませんでした We've been documenting our journey in Japan on this channel for over 2 years now, but the journey started long before our channel. コーヒーショップで プレミア上映会です! The relationships we've forged here have allowed us to share this journey with you, and that increases our joy. お寿司にラップ 御馳走です! Tonight we're premiering our video here at the Coffee Shop, right? ポップコーンもあります! We got some little sushi and rolls and some fun stuff to eat; some grapes. プレミアへようこそ! Over here we're making some popcorn! 初めての上映会です Welcome to the premiere! ゲスト達です Our first ever in-person premiere of Life in Japan. 私もゲスト! With lots of nice snacks and visitors! 日本語字幕を作成している リョウジです! I'm a visitor. You're a visitor! リョウジと 奥さんのミルカ If you don't know Ryoji, he's the reason why you have all those subtitles in Japanese. 手を振ってくれてます He and his wonderful wife Miruka. はじまるよ! Miruka, wave to the camera. OK, thank you! カウントダウン! Alright, we're about to start! We're about to start, yea!! 3, 2, 1! The countdown, here it goes! はじまるよ! 3, 2, 1! 峡谷探検のビデオどうだった? Whoa! Here we go! 怖かった! So what did you think of this last video: down the canyon, huh? 翻訳するこっちが怖かった! Scary! 健康的な生活には バランスがあります Just translating it was scary! 現代社会では仕事に勉強 家族より優先してしまいがちな事も多いです Healthy living is a result of well-balanced priorities. でもバランスが偏りすぎると It's far too easy in today's society to let one's career, education, hobbies or leisure take priority over family and community. 良くない事があるかもしれません If misbalanced priorities go on too long, look out! 娘達の運動会です There is a lot of pain at the end of that road. いつもは応援しますが 今年は少し異なります Today we've come to the girls' undoukai, or sports day, at our local elementary school. 学年を分割して 運動会を開催しました We love cheering our kids and their teams on to victory, even if it looks very different this year. マスク着用で 大声での声援は控えました Instead of having the whole school participate at the same time, each grade participates at separate times and only the parents of that grade can come and observe. - サラ見た? - 走ってた Everyone wears a mask and is careful to not scream and cheer, although that can be hard to do! 地元が大好きです 安全に運動会が出来て良かったです Did you see Sarah, dude? Yea! She was running over there. ソーシャルディスタンスの中でも 強い絆を持ち続けたいです We love our local community and that we were still able to come together to pull off the undoukai this year in a safe way! 良い人間関係が 豊かな人生の秘訣です The challenges of physical distancing are plenty, but they shouldn't detract us from building stronger relationships with those around us. 運動会の後 パズチャーチのボランティアの集まりに行きました The better the relationships we can develop, the richer our lives will be. 誕生日ケーキみたい! After the undoukai we headed over to Paz Coffee Shop, where we honored all the volunteers that make Paz Church such a special place. ボランティアパーティー! Daddy, this is like a birthday party. カメラだよ It is! Volunteer party! - 何してるの? - 外見てる The camera is here. The camera's here? Life in Japan! What are you doing over here? I'm looking outside. みんな こんにちは! Oh! Life in Japan! じきに有名人だね Hello everyone! Hey friends! 今日は何杯コーヒー淹れた? You're going to be famous! 分からない Look at John, alright! How many drinks have you made today, John? 私達には神様にあって 夢とビジョンがあります I don't know. Quite a few though. 思いもよらぬ形で起きました You know, we came with a lot of dreams and visions for what we believed God was going to do. 想像を超えた形で起きました (Japanese translation) 私達の教会も 大きな家族です And everything happened very differently from what we expected. 私達の日本生活も この家族のお陰で恵まれています (Japanese translation) 良いコミュニティに属する事も 現代社会では大切です But in an amazing way, I would say it is much better, much deeper than what we expected. まだ喋らないで (Japanese translation) 何も話さないで Our church is an extension of our family — a place where strong community is developed. 行くわよ 目を閉じて Our Life in Japan is so rich because of the great relationships we have forged here. 閉じてる? Being a part of a strong community is key to thriving in the world these days. いいわよ Don't say anything! I won't. - 何これ? - マインクラフトのシーツ Don't say "oh" or anything. 今夜使っていい? Here I come, close your eyes. OK? 両面で柄が違うのよ You closing your eyes? これ… OK, open. お誕生日おめでとう What is this? Minecraft sheets. アナとレベッカ大好き Can we use it tonight?! 楽しみ!読売ランド! One side's that and the other side's that. 素敵だね サラ How did you...? ジェットコースター Happy Birthday! 全ての人が特別です 子供達の誕生日は大切な日です I love you, Becca and Anna レベッカとアナ 11歳の誕生日のリクエストは Have fun at Yomiyuri Land! 読売ランドで誕生日のお祝いです! Aw, that was so nice, Sarah! 3, 2, 1 This is a rollercoaster! 怖くない?すごい! Each and every person is special, so we like to make a big deal of our kids' birthdays and celebrate. 観覧車です For Becca & Anna's 11th birthday, they decided how they wanted to celebrate. 家族全員で祝うため 昭和記念公園に来ました The girls' birthday present this year is to go to Yomiuri Land with their friends. Oh boy! 楽しみ? 3, 2, 1 夏だったら 池落ちても大丈夫 Ooh! No fear! I love it! 手袋だね! マシュマロマンみたいだね! We're on the Ferris wheel, ahh!! お気に入りの公園です Neh, Anna? オープニングで ここで撮影した動画を使ってます For a less intense birthday celebration that the whole family could enjoy, we've come out to Showa Kinen Park. - どこだったか覚えてる? - あの辺? That would be fun to try sometime, huh? ポールおじさんが撮ってくれたね In Natsu (summer), just in case we fall down. 綺麗な紅葉です Get the gloves on. Look at you! You look like a little marshmallow man! ミュージックビデオが撮れるね This is one of our favorite parks, 昭和記念公園の日本庭園で 紅葉イルミネーションをみます In fact this is the place where we recorded parts of our intro for Life in Japan many moons ago. 落ち葉がすごいね! Right there. Where was it Anna, right over there? 道も色付いてます Right here. Yea, it was right over there, wasn't it? - かわいい - そうだね Uncle Paul was with us, filming. セグウェイ楽しそうだね Beautiful colors. - 私も乗りたい! - そうだね It's a good place for a music video, though! 心を良い物で満たす事が大切です We've come out to Showa Kinen Park for one of the highlights of their year: to see the Fall foliage at night in the illuminated Japanese garden. 暗いニュースが多いですが Whoa dude! Trekking through the leaves! 良い事に目を向けると 不安や鬱を避けることが出来ます Walking down the colorful way. インタビューするよ It's so pretty. It's so pretty, isn't it? - サラは何歳? - 7歳 Don't those all look so fun? They're called Segways. ジョシュア君は? I want to ride one. Yeah! So cool. 僕は4歳 A positive outlook on life comes from filling your mind with good things. 日本の学校で好きな事は? The news today can be depressing, 物を作る時間かな but if we focus on what is lovely, beautiful, pure, noteworthy, wholesome and true then we can keep from sliding into depression, anxiety and hopelessness. どんな物を作るの? OK, I'm going to do a little interview with the youngest kids. 工作の時間で 楽しい物作るの Sarah who, how old are you now, Sarah? I'm seven. - いいね - 楽しいよ OK, and Joshua kun, how old are you? ジョシュアにも同じ質問 日本の学校で好きな事は? I am four. Alright. 積み木で遊ぶこと So Sarah, what is your favorite part about Japanese school. 積み木で遊ぶの? Um, when we, like, make stuff. That's mostly my favorite thing. サラ 学校の友達で YouTubeの事知ってる子はいる? When you make things?! What kind of things do you make? みのりちゃんだけ Like you make like crafts, and you make so much cool things. みのりちゃんは 動画見たことある? Oh cool. It's fun. 分からないけど パパの帽子見て "Life in Japanだ!" って言ってた So Joshua, I'm going to ask you the same question. What is your favorite part about Japanese school? ジョシュアの友達は? I like playing with my blocks. 知らない You like playing with your blocks there? エイデンは? Sarah, do any of your friends at school know that you're on YouTube? 僕は話してたの! やり直す! Only Minori chan knows. 最初から? Minori chan knows? Does she watch you on YouTube? いいよ I don't know but when you like put on the Life in Japan hat, Minori chan says "That's the Life in Japan hat!" すごい顔! Oh, your friends at school. Do they know you're on YouTube? 逆にできる? No. ママ 喉乾いた! They don't? I think Aiden knows, doesn't he? そう No! I was talking! I need to start all over again. 何飲んでいい? You need to start all over again?! ちょっと待って 寒いわ OK 去年も来たの覚えてる? Aw Dude, what a face! うん OK, let's turn that frown upside down. 去年もこんな服だったね Mommy, I'm thirsty! そうね OK, good luck. マスク以外は What should I drink? 家族と友人との強い絆は 豊かな人生に繋がります Just hold on. Mommy's starting to really freeze. いつもながら綺麗だね Alright. Do you remember doing this last year, Anna? すごく綺麗だね! I do, I do. ここ覚えてる I think Ruth was dressed just like that, too. 私達の場合は家族・地元・教会が 大事な優先順位です I probably was. このチャンネルと皆さんとの繋がりも 広い意味で "家族" です Except, just, minus a mask. 毎週皆さんと交流するのが喜びです Building strong families and community takes work, but the reward of this work is a rich and satisfying life. 私達一人ひとりが 人生という 神様の特別な計画の一部です Ooo, but this is always so pretty here, look! Oh my goodness! - 美しいです - スマホの映り具合が違うわ So cool! So cool, huh Dude? そうだね I remember this part. You remember this part? 去年の写真があるけど 今年も撮らないと For us, this means prioritizing our family, our neighborhood community and our church community. 小さな滝だね And in a larger sense, we've built another community — the Life in Japan community — full of great people like you. すごい We love interacting with you each week and sharing our life with you makes our joy even greater. - カメラ禁止 - 駄目なの?! We are all a part of something special which God has given each and every one of us: life! あれダメだって It's pretty. It just doesn't come out the same way on my phone. 使っていいサインみたいだよ It sure doesn't. クリスマスツリーみたいだね? I have a picture of you from last year, I should take one of this year. 上に星があるよ! Whoa, this is cool here. A little waterfall, huh Anna? 何してるの? Cool! 撮影だよ 何してる? No cameras allowed! No cameras allowed?! 何もしてない! You can't take that in. 水見える?気を付けて Oh you can do it. This is where you can do it, see? 気を付けないと落ちちゃうね It kind of looks like a huge Christmas tree, doesn't it Sarah? すごく危ない! Yea because there's one star on top of that. そんなにじゃないよ Wow What are you doing? 皆さんの人生はいかがですか? Taking a video. What are you doing? 私は神様とイエス・キリストを信じています Nothing. Nothing, ok! イエス様は状況に左右されない 真に豊かな人生を私達に与えてくれます Do you see this water? You have to be so careful! コロナ渦の様な厳しい時期にあって Oh you have to be so careful, you're right, so you don't fall in, huh? 大変な思いをしている方も多いと思います Samu! That is so dangerous! 家族で辛い思いをされたり It's not so dangerous, actually. 失業や愛する人を亡くされた方もいます What's the best life you can live these days? 孤独に思われる方もいるかもしれません I believe it's a life lived in the love of God through Jesus Christ. でも一人ではありません He came to give us abundant life, not the kind based on the circumstances around us, 私達も 何より神様が 皆さんを思っています but a life full of joy no matter what is happening in the crazy world. 教会や仲間のリンクを貼っているので 興味があれば見てみて下さい We understand your situation may be very different: "いいね!" と "チャンネル登録" ありがとうございます perhaps your family is in bad shape, また次回お会いしましょう! maybe you're looking for a new job this year or you've recently lost a loved one. Maybe your beliefs are completely different or you feel all alone in this world. I want to encourage you that you're not alone. We care for you and God cares for you. If you want to connect on a deeper level, I'll leave links in the description to other great friends and channels to follow. And as always, thanks for watching, liking and subscribing. Until next time, we'll see you on Life in Japan.
A2 初級 日本語 日本 家族 ジョシュア 秘訣 サラ 誕生 Living the Best Life | Life in Japan Episode 82 13 0 Summer に公開 2020 年 11 月 20 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語