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Boeing won approval from U.
S regulators on Wednesday to put its 737 max back in the skies.
It comes after the jet was grounded last year following two fatal crashes.
346 people were killed within five months in 2018 and 2019 when to Max planes crashed in Indonesia and Ethiopia.
He led to scores of investigations and cost the company around $20 billion.
The subsequent 20 month grounding has been the longest in commercial aviation history.
The Federal Aviation Administration will now demand new pilot training and software upgrades to deal with a store prevention system called M CAS.
連邦航空局は今、M CASと呼ばれる店舗予防システムに対処するための新しいパイロットトレーニングとソフトウェアのアップグレードを要求します。
In both crashes, M CAS repeatedly shove down the jets noses.
どちらのクラッシュでも、M CASはジェット機の鼻を何度も押し倒しています。
Pilots struggled to regain control.
The F A A has also said it would no longer allow Boeing to sign off on the airworthiness of some 450 already built 737 maxes.
F A Aはまた、ボーイング社がすでに450機の737型機の耐空性についてサインオフすることを許さないと述べています。
Instead, it plans on in person inspections that could take a year, or mawr to complete.
Since the planes grounding a number of probes of heavily criticized Boeing's development of the max, A report by the U.
S House of Representatives said it made faulty design and performance assumptions.
It also said Boeing concealed the very existence of them cats from 737 max pilots.
それはまた、ボーイングは737 maxのパイロットからそれらの猫の非常に存在を隠していたと述べた。
It accused the plane maker of withholding crucial information from the A, its customers and 737 max pilots.
それは、飛行機メーカーがA、その顧客、737 MAXパイロットから重要な情報を隠していたことを非難した。
With the return to service now confirmed, Boeing is taking no chances, sources said.
The company will run a 24 hour war room to keep track of all Max flights for issues that could impact the Jets return.