Let's take a walk A walkinthecountrywillsayhellototheflowersandthetreesweresake.
散歩をしよう 田舎の散歩は花に挨拶をして、木は酒を飲んでいた。
A daytothecowsinthemeadow.
Sotake a walk.
Take a walkinthecountrywithLet's take a walk A walkinthecountrywillsayhellotothebutterfliesandbeesWesaygooddaytothehorsesonthehillsideSotake a walk.
Let's take a walk with the country. Let's take a walk a walk in the country will say hello to the butterflies and bees We say good day to the horses on the hillside So take a walk.
Take a walkinthecountrywithmeandifitrainswereput, a copesupandifitsnows, thebillisknown.