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Russia has reportedly detained an executive at Aeroflot on suspicion of passing state secrets to Britain.
ロシアがアエロフロートの幹部を拘束しました 国家機密を英国に流した疑いがあると報じられました
That is, according to Russian news agencies, the detained man is named as Dimitri for Dot kin, who is said to denial charges.
Verdot chickens Profile on the linked in website says he was Aeroflot station manager in the U.
Verdot chickens リンク先のプロフィールによると、米国でアエロフロートの駅長を務めていたとのことです。
K for the past five years and the airlines country manager there for three years.
Before that, a Russian sources quoted as saying Fred Kine passed secrets to Britain's six foreign intelligence service.
Aeroflot said it had no information about the case on the British Embassy in Russia, referred all queries to local authorities.
Records from a district court in Moscow show that a state treason case was opened Wednesday against a individual named as D A Fado Kin.
モスクワの地方裁判所の記録によると 国家反逆罪事件が水曜日に開始されました D・A・ファド・キンという個人に対してです
If convicted of high treason, he could face 20 years in jail.
Russia periodically detained soldiers, scientists and other state employees on suspicion off passing state secrets to foreign nations.
The country's relations with Britain have been frozen at post Cold War low since the 2018 poisoning off.