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  • Tell me if this sounds like natural English.  I watched my mom as she dragged the trash can  

    これが自然な英語に聞こえるかどうか教えてください。 私は母がゴミ箱を引きずっていくのを見ていました。

  • to the curb. I wanted to help her. I exclaimed  to her "you should have asked me. I would have  

    縁石に私は彼女を助けたいと思っていました。私は彼女に叫んだのです 「私に頼めばよかったのに」と私は

  • helped you." not quite. It's not quite natural  English and that's because I followed all the  


  • rules for ED endings. Wait. If I followed  all the rules, why didn't I sound natural?  


  • Because Americans do all sorts of  crazy things with the T and D sounds.  


  • This is video two in our series on ED endingsregular past tense verbs. If you didn't see video  


  • one, don't worry, you're going to be okay. We're  going to not just learn the pronunciation rules,  


  • but the pronunciation habits of Americans. So  you can sound totally natural speaking in the  


  • past tense in American English. And remember, if  you like this video, or you learned something new,  


  • please give it a thumbs up and subscribe  with notifications. It helps a lot.  


  • This is the second video and we're going to dive  deep into rule two. I'll do a ten second recap  

    これは第2回目の動画で ルール2を深く掘り下げていきます10秒で復習します

  • of the rules. Rule one, if the sound at  the end of the infinitive is unvoiced,  

    というルールがあります。ルール1 不定詞の語尾の音が声にならない場合

  • ED is pronounced tt-- walked. Rule twoif it's voiced, the ED is pronounced dd--  

    EDはtt--walkedと発音される。ルール2 声が出ていればEDはdd--と発音します

  • agreed. Seemed. Rule three, if that last sound is  T or D, the ED ending is --ihd: needed, painted.  

    賛成しました。そうだなルール3、最後の音がTかDの場合、EDの語尾は--ihd: needed, painted.

  • Was that ten seconds or was it longer? So rule two. The last sound in the infinitive is  

    10秒だったか、もっと長かったか? ということでルール2。不定詞の最後の音は

  • a voiced sound. What is a voiced sound? All vowels  and diphthongs are voiced, and some consonants.  


  • First, we'll talk about vowels and diphthongsFor example, the word agree ends in the ee vowel,  

    まず、母音と二重音について説明します。 例えば agree という単語は ee 母音で終わっています。

  • agree, past tense would be agreed, with thesound. Agreed. Now, you probably learned that  

    agree, 過去形はd音で同意します。合意しました。さて、おそらくあなたは以下のことを学んだでしょう。

  • D is pronounced dd-- a stop of air, voicing  the vocal chords, ddd--- dd-- dd-- and then a  


  • release. Agreed. But we actually have a couple of  different pronunciations that we'll use for these  


  • rule 2 ED endings. Let's look at the phrase  I agreed it would be a good idea. Agreed it,  


  • agreed it, agreed di di di dih-- agreed it-- That's a flap of the tongue, it's not a stop of  


  • air, it's actually just like the flap T, if you're  familiar with that sound, the D between vowel or  

    air, 実際にはフラップTのようなもので、その音に慣れていれば、母音と母音の間のDや

  • diphthong sounds is a quick single flap of the  tongue against the roof of the mouth. Agreed it,  


  • agreed it, dadadadaa-- agreed it. So anytime with these ED endings  

    同意しました、パパダダダ...同意しました だから、このEDのエンディングがあればいつでも

  • that you have the sounds of a vowel or  diphthong, D, and then a vowel or diphthong,  


  • it's a flap. Agreed it. Lied about. Lied  ah-- lied about, lied about, lied about.  


  • What if the next word doesn't  begin with a vowel or diphthong,  


  • but rather a consonant? Let's take a look at  the example agreed with-- I agreed with you.  

    ではなく、子音ではないでしょうか?agreed withの例を見てみましょう--私はあなたに同意しました。

  • I agreed with you. It's not a fully pronounced  D because there's no release. That would be  


  • this: I agreed with you. I agreed with you. Agreed  with. Agreed with. We don't do that. We don't do  


  • that release when the next word begins withconsonant. We make the noise in the vocal cords,  

    次の単語が子音で始まるときに 解放されます声帯で音を出しています

  • but we don't release it. We go right into  the next sound, in this case, w. Agreed  

    でもリリースはしないすぐに次の音に入るんだ この場合はw 同意する

  • with, agreed with, agreed--  

    共に, 同意した, 同意した...

  • It's the sound but there's not a stop and releaseWe just carry that voiced D right into the w.  

    音は出るけど、ストップ&リリースがないんだよね。 ただ、その声のDを右に持っていくだけですw

  • Agreed with. Agreed with. We like to make English  really smooth and that's why in these cases,  

    同意します。Agreed with.私たちは英語を本当にスムーズにするのが好きなので、こういう場合は

  • stop consonants are not fully pronouncedLet's look at a few more examples where we  

    停止子音が完全に発音されていません。 もう少し例を見てみましょう。

  • have a vowel or diphthong, then the D, and  then the next word begins with a consonant.  


  • He sued the company. Sued the, sued the.  

    彼は会社を訴えた。 告訴した、告訴した。

  • Do you hear that D in the vocal cords? He  sued the company. Plowed through. Plowed.  


  • Plowed through. Weighed my options. Weighed  my, weighed my, weighed my options.  


  • Now let's look at a few more examples, you  tell me how the ED ending should be pronounced:  


  • flapped or unreleased? The next word begins  with a consonant sound so this D is unreleased.  

    flapped or unreleased?次の単語は子音で始まるので、このDはunreleasedです。

  • Toyed with. Toyed with. Toyed with. Let's go to Youglish for an example.  

    遊ばれた弄られたおもちゃにされた。 例のYouglishに行ってみましょう。

  • Toyed with-- can you say that now really easily  with that unreleased D sound? Toyed with--  

    Toyed with--あの未発表のDサウンドで今、本当に簡単に言えるのか?遊ばれて...

  • toyed with-- what about this oneIs the D flapped or unreleased?  

    弄られた...これはどうなんだ? Dはフラップドか未発売か?

  • Reviewed a-- reviewed a-- that's usually going to  be a flap because the D comes between two vowel  

    Reviewed a... review a... レビューされた a... それは通常フラップになります なぜならDは2つの母音の間に来るからです

  • or diphthong sounds. Reviewed a-- reviewed  a-- let's go to youglish for an example.  

    またはジフォン音です。Reviewed a... レビューされたa... 例としてyouglishを見てみましょう。

  • One more. What about this one? Booed by-- the next  word begins with a consonant, so that will be an  

    もう一枚これはどうでしょうか?Booed by -- 次の単語は子音で始まるので、それは

  • unreleased D. Booed by-- vibrating the vocal  chords, making the D sound but not releasing.  

    未発表D.Booed by--ボーカルコードを振動させ、Dを鳴らしながらもリリースしない。

  • Booed by-- let's look at an example.


  • So for rule two, we looked at vowel and  


  • diphthongs, plus ed. What about all the consonants  that are voiced? That's still rule two. And things  


  • start to get a little more complicated. We'll  look at each of these voiced consonant endings.  


  • Let's start with R like in the word  fired. He was fired last week. Fired  


  • last, fired last, not dd-- a release, that  would be fired last, fired last, but it's: fired  

    last, fired last, not dd--リリース、それは fired last, fired last, fired last, but it's: fired

  • last, that unreleased D sound in the  vocal cords before the next consonant.  


  • If the next word begins with a vowel or diphthongthe D will be flapped, but only because of the R,  


  • the rule for flapping is a D or T will be flapped  between two sounds that are vowels and diphthongs,  


  • or if the first sound, the sound before is an  R and the sound after is a vowel or diphthong,  


  • like in the word party, or hardy. Those are both  flaps because of the R, DT, vowel or diphthong  

    のようなものです。R, DT, 母音やジフトンのために、それらは両方ともフラップです。

  • pattern. Party. Hardy. So when we have an ending  R infinitive, plus the D sound, plus the word that  


  • begins with the vowel or diphthong, that D will be  flapped. It's not like this for any of these other  


  • voiced consonants. It's just because of the R. He  was fired on monday. Fired on-- rarara-- single  


  • flap of the tongue. Fired on. And I should say for  any of these rule two words, if the next word is  


  • you or your, a native speaker might turn that  D into a J sound. We do this with any word that  


  • ends in a D when the next word begins with you or  your, like in the phrase: would you-- would jjjj--  

    のように、次の単語があなたやあなたのもので始まるときには、Dで終わります: would you-- would jjjjj--。

  • J sound. Would you. Would you do that for me? Jj-- jj-- so all of these words in rule 2  

    Jサウンド。してくれないか?私のためにやってくれますか? Jj... Jj... Jj... だから、ルール2の単語は全部

  • do end in a D sound therefore, you  might hear this happen. Let's take:  


  • fired you, fired you, as an example, fired you.


  • Fired you, fired you, jj-- with that J sound. How  


  • about g? Another voiced consonant like in the  word beg, begged. She begged all the time. When  

    gについて?もう一つの声付き子音は begという言葉に似ています begged.彼女はいつも物乞いをしていましたいつのまにか

  • the next word begins with a vowel or diphthongyou will release that D into the next word: begged  

    次の単語が母音や二重音で始まる場合は、そのDを次の単語に解放します: begged

  • all the time, dall-- dall-- dall-- begged all--  begged all the time. But when the next sound is  


  • a consonant, it gets more complicated. Honestlythere are three ways you might hear it: first,  


  • dropped. I begged for a dog when I was a little  kid. Begged for, begged for. I dropped it there.  


  • Or you might hear that unreleased D sound in  the vocal cords. I begged for a dog. Begged  


  • for a dog. Begged for a dog. Or you might  even hear a light release. I begged for a dog.  


  • Begged ddd-- light release. I begged for a dogLet me show you what I mean. We'll go to Youglish.  

    物乞いをしたんだ...軽い解放だ犬が欲しいと懇願した。 見せてあげよう。ユーグリッシュに行こう

  • Now in this one, I hear the D in the vocal cordsbut not released. Begged for, begged for.


  • In this next one, I don't really  hear any D. I think it's dropped.  


  • And now an example where  the D is lightly released.  


  • Like I said in my rule one video, try not to  get stressed out about there being more than one  


  • option if it's easier for you to always lightly  release your D, that's okay. As you get more used  


  • to English, and you're around a lot of native  speakers, or if you're doing a lot of imitating,  


  • you may find that you start dropping thesound more naturally. What we're doing here  


  • is looking at all the different possibilities and  pronunciations of what you'll hear when speaking  


  • with American. When a word ends in the J soundlike in change, I just listened to a bunch of  


  • examples of changed. Let's listen to a few.


  • So all those had the released D. Changed. But  


  • it can definitely be dropped too. Let's  look at a common phrase: changed my mind.  

    も間違いなく落とせます。よくあるフレーズを見てみましょう:change my mind.

  • Changed my. It's fairly common to drop the  ED ending there. The more common a phrase is,  


  • the more likely we'll do some sort of reduction  there. And that's what I found often happens here.  


  • I changed my mind, becomes: I change my mind. I  listened to a lot of phrases and the D was almost  

    I changed my mind, becomes.I change my mind.たくさんのフレーズを聴いて、Dはほとんど

  • always dropped. So it just sounds like the  present tense. Change my mind. Even though  


  • it's past tense. Here are some examples.


  • Changed my mind. When I listened in  


  • slow motion, I don't hear any kind of D.


  • Here are a few more with that dropped D.


  • What about a word where the last  sound in the infinitive is the L  


  • like in the word drill? When it's followed by  a word that begins with a vowel or diphthong,  


  • release the D into that word to link it. Drilled  into, drilled into. Let's look at some examples  

    その単語にDを解放してリンクさせます。drilled into, drilled into.いくつかの例を見てみましょう。

  • where the next word begins with a consonant.


  • Drilled to--  


  • the D made in the vocal cords, drilled to--, it's  not released we just go right into the T sound. If  


  • I released it it would be: drilled to, drilled tobut it's drilled to, drilled to. Listen again.

    私はそれをリリースしただろう: drilled to, drilled to, drilled to, but it's drilled to, drilled to, drilled to.もう一度聞いてくれ

  • Another example.


  • Drilled but,  


  • drilled but. I did hear the D released lightlyDrilled but. This next one was tricky for me.  

    穴は開けたがDが軽く放たれているのを聞いた ドリルは打ったが。次の曲は私にとっては厄介な曲でした

  • I had to really slow it down to hear if there is  an unreleased D or not, I think there is.


  • The most common pronunciation I was hearing  in various situations was an unreleased D.  


  • Now we'll cover our three nasal consonants:  M, N, and NG. For M, we'll look at the word  

    では、3つの鼻の子音を取り上げます。 M、N、NGです。Mについては、次の単語を見てみましょう。

  • bummed. That means disappointed. We often use  it without. I'm so bummed out. Now in that case,  


  • because the next word begins with the diphthongwe link with the D --dout, --dout, bummed out--  

    次の単語が二音で始まるので、私たちはDとリンクしています --dout, --dout, --bummed out--。

  • bummed out-- i'm so bummed outLet's listen to an example of  

    bummed out -- i'm so bummed out. 例を聞いてみましょう

  • that one.


  • --dout,  


  • --dout, bummed out-- Now we'll hear two examples where  

    --落ち込んだ、落ち込んだ... さて、2つの例を聞いてみましょう

  • bummed is followed by a consonant. First, it's  dropped, and that's more common, and then you'll  


  • hear it where it's released.


  • Bummed that--  


  • I didn't hear that D at all. That  D was dropped. Here it's released.  


  • Bummed for, bummed for, ddd--  


  • a light release of the D. You know, I haven't  been talking about much when these ED ending  

    Dの軽い解放 これらのEDエンディングの時はあまり話題にならなかったな

  • words are at the end of a thought groupThere, it will usually be a light release.  

    の言葉は、思考グループの最後にあります。 そこでは、たいていは軽いリリースになるでしょう。

  • Let's look at an example.


  • Bummed. Light release. That's a fun word,  


  • isn't it? I'm feeling bummed. I'm kind of bummed  out. Or you can use it as a noun. It's a bummer.  


  • Oh, shoot! My favorite restaurant is closed  today. I wanted to eat there. That's a bummer.  


  • N. N is kind of special. N can make a T silentDo you know this rule when T comes after an n,  

    N.Nはなんだか特別なんです。NはTを無音にすることができます。 Nの後にTが来ると このルールを知っていますか?

  • it's not uncommon to drop that T like in  the word internet or interview. When D  


  • comes after an N and before another consonantit's pretty common to drop like in grand piano so  


  • it's really common to drop the D sound in these  ED endings when the sound in the infinitive,  


  • the final sound, was N and the next word  begins with a consonant. Let's look at several examples.


  • These are all with the word signed.


  • All with a dropped D. Now we'll look at drained.  


  • Also all dropped d's here.


  • and as always, when the next  word begins with the vowel or diphthong,  


  • we'll use the released D to  link in, like in this example:


  • Signed into-- into dadadadada-- with that D sound  linking. At the end of a sentence, we'll probably  

    Signed into -- into dadadadada -- そのDの音がリンクしている。文章の最後には、おそらく

  • release that D. What about NG? Well we don't have  many words here. A lot of those NG ending verbs  


  • are not regular like: ring, rang, sing, sangbut we do have the word long, longed. The noun is  

    のような規則的なものではありません: ring, rang, sing, sang, but we do the word long, longed.という名詞があります。

  • longing and this means to yearn for, to have  a strong desire for. I longed for my mother's  


  • attention. Or I longed for my newborn baby when  I was at work. Or I longed to be taken seriously.  


  • This is often followed by for, which  of course begins with a consonant.  

    これには for が続くことが多いですが、これはもちろん子音で始まります。

  • The ED ending can be dropped, but also this is  an emotional word and it will sometimes be more  


  • stressed. I longed for acceptance. And in these  cases, the D will probably be lightly released.  


  • We'll hear two examples. First, where  it's dropped and then when it's not.  


  • Let's move on to the voiced th. This is another  sound that's not very common in ED ending words  


  • we have: smoothed, bathed. These words will most  often be followed by a word that begins with a  

    we have: smoothhed, bathed.これらの単語の後に、ほとんどの場合は

  • vowel like 'smoothed out' or 'smoothed overor 'bathed in'. We'll lightly release the D  

    smoothed out」とか「smoothed over」とか「bathed in」みたいな母音。を軽く解放して、D

  • into that next sound. But when the next sound  is a consonant, it's much easier to drop the  


  • ED ending to connect. Here are three examples  dropping the ED ending with the word smoothed.  


  • The v sound like in: moved his car, moved  his, moved his, there I dropped the h in his,  


  • that's a common reduction, and so the D linked  into the ih sound because that's a vowel.  


  • Moved his dis dis, I moved his car. At the end  of a sentence, we'll probably release that D.  


  • He moved. He moved. But when the next sound  is a consonant, you'll hear both dropped and  


  • lightly released. Here are two examplesIn the first, the D is released. Moved me.  

    軽くリリースしました。ここでは2つの例を紹介します。 1つ目ではDが解放されています動かしてくれました。

  • In the second example, it's dropped.


  • Words were the infinitive ends in z like  


  • buzzed, the rules are the same. Release D into  a vowel or diphthong like in: buzzed about.  

    buzzed、ルールは同じです。in: buzzed aboutのように母音やジフォンにDをリリースします。

  • 'Buzzed about' means really talked aboutthere's a lot of interest about something.  

    "Buzzed about "とは、本当に話題になっている、何かに興味を持っているという意味です。

  • At the end of a thought group, it  will likely be released like here.


  • And when the next word begins with a consonantyou'll have either dropped or lightly released  


  • ending, here's an example where it's released


  • And where the ED ending is completely dropped.


  • We have one more sound here for rule two, and  it's the ZH sound. It's not at all common to have  


  • a verb that ends with ZH plus ED but we do have  barraged. Barraged means to bombard. Aggressively  


  • throw something at someone. And it might not  mean physically throw, you can barrage someone  


  • with words, or someone can feel barraged with  emails, they just keep getting too many emails,  


  • they can't keep up. This word is usually  followed by with or by, but you might hear  

    they can't keep up.この単語は通常withやbyの後に続きますが、この単語を聞くと

  • 'barraged us' followed by a vowel so you'll link  with the D. They barraged us with phone calls.  

    母音の後に "barraged us "が続くので、Dとリンクしています。電話で私たちを激怒させました。

  • Dus dus dus, barraged us, barraged us. At  the end of a sentence, I'll lightly release  


  • it. I was completely barraged. But followed  by a consonant, it will likely be dropped.


  • Or lightly released.


  • Whew!  


  • That is a lot for rule 2, isn't it? The  pronunciations of the ED ending depend on the  


  • sounds before and after. And the more you study  and watch examples on Youglish or Ted talks, the  

    前後の音が出てくるようになりました。そして、YouglishやTed talksで例文を見て勉強すればするほど

  • more you'll get used to how Americans pronounce  the ED endings, and you'll be able to smooth out  


  • your own speech and sound natural. Now let's have  you train with some of these rule two cases with  


  • a dropped D to make that feel more comfortable  for you. First, you'll hear a phrase then you'll  


  • hear just the two-word link in slow motion twicethree times, repeat the third time, it's important  


  • to not just learn something but to actually train  it, to speak out loud, to get used to it.


  • I did not expect rule 2 to take this long. We're  going to save rule 3 for another video coming  

    ルール2にこんなに時間がかかるとは思っていませんでした。ルール3は別のビデオのために 取っておくつもりです

  • out in a few weeks. While you wait for that  next video, be sure to check out this video.  


  • Also check out my online courses at Rachel's  English academy. You'll become a more confident  


  • English speaker. I make new videos every TuesdayBe sure to come back next week to watch more.  

    英語を話す人。毎週火曜日に新しい動画を作っています。 来週もぜひ見に来てください。

  • I love being your English teacher. That's it  and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.


Tell me if this sounds like natural English.  I watched my mom as she dragged the trash can  

これが自然な英語に聞こえるかどうか教えてください。 私は母がゴミ箱を引きずっていくのを見ていました。

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