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Hi, everyone. I'm Jade. What we're talking about today is Skype job interviews. So I'm
going to give you some tips and advice that I know about... I work on Skype, I'm always
on Skype because that's how I teach on Skype so this is everything I know from my experience
of working on Skype. And I can compare how it was at the beginning... All the time when
there was like a technical problem and something went wrong, so I can share all that experience
with you to make your Skype job interview go more smoothly. Not just the technical aspect,
but some other things you need to consider for your Skype job interview.
So let's start with the basics of having a job interview on Skype. The reason you're
probably having a job interview on Skype in the first place is possibly because you're
being interviewed for a job in a different country. So when it comes to that, there's
something really, really important you need to consider and that's the time zone. Okay?
何か本当に重要なことがあるんだ 考慮する必要がある それはタイムゾーンだいいですか?
Because you need to make sure that you're appoint-... At the time of your appointment,
you're going to be there at the right time because it's really, really important to get
that first impression right by being there when you say that you're going to be there.
So you can easily find out online what time zone somebody is in in a different country.
One thing I want to mention: if you're dealing with the UK, a lot of people assume that they
know what time it is there. "Oh, they use GMT." Well, we do use GMT which means "Greenwich
Mean Time", but the time... The time will change. In the summer, it goes forward and
then we go into British Summer Time. So you need to watch out for that. Sometimes people
just presume they know what time it is in the UK and actually get it wrong by one hour,
so you need to check that out.
Before your call, here's some just general good practice for you. Swap your Skype IDs
通話の前に、一般的な練習方法をご紹介します。Skype IDを交換する
before because if your appointment is at 2:00pm and then you suddenly realize: "Oh, I don't
have the Skype ID. I better email them." This is all time consuming stuff, it's a time consuming
はSkype IDを持っています。I better email them." This is all time consuming stuff, it's a time consuming a
waste of time. Swap your Skype ID. But if this is your Skype ID, I recommend you get
時間の無駄。Skype IDを入れ替えましょう。でも、これがスカイプIDならば
a different one for your Skype job interviews; it's not going to look very professional.
You will also want to confirm before your appointment whether this is going to be a
webcam call. In my experience on Skype, it really depends. I often work with programmers,
and software engineers, and animators and these... These generally guys, I've never
actually had women doing those jobs, although I'm sure they're out there, I'm just saying
I've never had a woman who does those jobs. These guys don't use webcam, they never use
webcams. And I've asked them: "When you have job interviews, do you use webcams?" And they're
Webカメラを使用しています。And I've asked them: "If you have job interview, do you use webcam? " And they're
like: "No, we don't." So it probably depends on what area you're hoping to work in. But
のように: "No, we don't't." So it probably depends on what area you're hoping to work in.しかし
in some industries, it's not necessarily expected to use the webcam. But a good idea will be
to just confirm that before: will it be a webcam call? Because if it is a webcam call,
you've got some extra considerations that you need to get right.
So let's just imagine it is a webcam call. You need to think more about not just your
presentation of yourself and how your face and your hair looks, you need to consider
what's behind you. Okay? Because, generally, people will take a Skype call at home. So
後ろに何があるの?いいですか?一般的に 人々は自宅でスカイプ通話をしますだから
you need to consider what's in your background. Is it your bedroom? Do you want them to see
your bedroom? Or do you maybe want to go to a different part of the house where the background
is more neutral and not so personal? So you definitely don't want any mess in the background
or any like strange objects in the background, or whatever because people notice on Skype.
One of my Skype students-if you're watching this, you know who you are-had a giant cigarette
packet in the background. And we had many... We had many appointments and it wasn't usually
there, just one day it appeared. And then I was like: "Hey, what's that giant cigarette
packet?" And he was: "You can see that." He was really embarrassed. He had a party the
packet? " And he was: "You can see that." He was really embarrassed.彼はパーティーを持っていた
night before and some reason, there's a giant cigarette packet in his house. So if you have
your Skype job interview, you want to make sure that you don't have embarrassing objects
lying around.
But location means more than just the visual aspect of where you are. You really need to
consider the sound aspect. Another thing I used to do a while ago, I used to do hangouts
just for people to come and speak English to me. But one of the reasons I stopped doing
it was that the average person's house is just a really noisy place. Someone's watching
the TV really loudly, there's some kids running around, even just people talking. And when
テレビを大音量で見ていると 子供たちが走り回っています 人が話しているだけでもいいのですがそして
you're trying to do a Skype call, it's not... Let's just say it's unpleasant to have all
that extra background noise going on. So if you can manage it... No, I'm going to say:
you really need to make it so that where you're going to have your interview as a Skype call,
you need... It needs to be quiet. You need to ask your relatives to go out, you need
to ask whoever it is to turn the TV off because you can hear it on the other side in Skype
and it just... It's not going to give a good serious impression of you.
Let's talk about the connection. I've noticed really big improvements in the internet connections
around the world in the last couple of years. Connection isn't so much of an issue now.
But you can... You can optimize your connection by using an Ethernet cable. So getting a cable
しかし、あなたはイーサネットケーブルを使うことで 接続を最適化することができますだから、ケーブルを手に入れることで
that goes straight into your router will make your internet faster, and also, it will mean
that you're the person who gets... Or most of the internet. If other people are using
it as well, you are the one who gets as much internet as they need.
When you're... When you're on a Skype call, especially if it's a webcam call, make sure
that you're not downloading stuff. If you've got other people in your house who might be
gaming at the same time online or streaming, you could ask them before: "Do you mind like
同時にオンラインまたはストリーミングでゲームをして、あなたは前にそれらを求めることができます:"Do you mind like.
just not doing it for the next 30 minutes while I'm doing my interview?" I'm sure they
won't mind for that short amount... Short amount of time.
Also to do with your connection, iPads are not as good for Skype because they don't...
The connection they receive is capped so you won't get a Skype call that's as good quality
on an iPad as you will on a PC or a laptop. Similarly, you could do your Skype job interview
on... Using an app for Skype on a mobile, but I've never... I find the connection is
unreliable and you would be better served and you would have a better result if you
decide for that call which is important for me: "I'm going to use my laptop."
私にとって重要なのは、その呼び出しのために決定する: "I'm going to use my laptop.".
And this is good practice as well. When you're doing a Skype call or you're talking to someone,
close the other chat windows because they can hear if you're getting notifications on
Facebook or sometimes other chat programs as well, so that's not going to look professional
if you are sort of following what's going on at chat... In chat at the same time.
So, yeah, moving on from the basics to some more technical stuff. I'm going to explain
a little bit more about using Skype and how you can optimize your call. So, in the Skype
settings, they have a place where you can go and check your audio. It's in the options
and it's audio options. In there, you can do a free... It's called a free Skype test
call. And you can check that your audio microphone, your headset or your webcam is picking up
audio from you. So you go there, you check it, and then you do the test call, and then
you say something and then you can hear yourself back. You should do that before your call
so that you know if there is a technical problem, it's not you. So if you get on your call and
the other person is like: "I can't hear you." You know that you've just checked, so then
他の人は次のようなものです:"I can't hear you." You know that you've just checked so then.
you can just politely put in the chat box: "I think my sound's working because I just
あなたは丁重にチャットボックスに入れることができます: "I think my sound's working because I just
checked it using the test call option on Skype, but I'll check it again." You know, you know
it's not you, but you're just kind of saying to the other person: "I think it's you." Yeah,
それはあなたではありませんが、あなたはちょうど他の人に言っているようなものです:"I think it's you." Yeah.
that's really important to check your sound because you get a lot of dead time in a call
if the sound's not working. And when you're nervous in an interview situation, it can...
It's this kind of small problem that can take you out of your positive, happy interview
place. So check your sound.
Before, you could also call a friend if you want just to make sure that your webcam is
okay. You can get their opinion. "Does my webcam..? Does my webcam look okay? Do I sound
はい、大丈夫です。あなたは彼らの意見を得ることができます。Does my webcam look okay?Do I sound
okay?" Because sometimes, people have their microphones up too loud and you can hear them
okay? " なぜなら、時には人々はあまりにも大声で彼らのマイクを持っていると、あなたはそれらを聞くことができます
breathing and like mouth action, and sometimes "puh-puh" on the microphone. So you want to
make sure that your volume of your mic's not too sensitive.
The best advice I can give you for improving the quality of any call on Skype is to invest
in a headset. So headsets, you can get ones with the microphone extending to the front.
You don't need to spend that much money and it will dramatically improve the quality of
your call. So I strongly advise you to do that.
As a less good, but better option, you can use earphones with... I think they often come
with iPhones and things like that, you can use those earphones with the microphone here.
That can be okay. It's better than the general surround sound coming from your laptop or
something like that.
And also, another technical thing just for you to know. When you Skype and you've got
your job interview, you might be tempted to put the busy status on Skype, it's a big...
It's a big red... Looks like that. It's this big red circle. "Busy. I'm busy. Don't talk
大きな赤だ...そのように見えます。It's this big red circle.I'm busy.Don't talk
to me." You can do that, but if you do busy, the other person can't call you. So perhaps
to me."あなたはそれを行うことができますが、あなたが忙しいを行う場合は、他の人があなたを呼び出すことができます't。だから、おそらく
in the job interview situation, I would expect for them to be calling you so you've got a
problem there. So I don't advise you to put yourself to busy. If your friends and stuff
start trying to chat with you while you're taking your call, you can just ignore them.
The other person can't hear that.
Let's talk now about the quality of your voice. Something that used to be true for me, believe
it or not considering I work on Skype all the time now, is I truly used to be like a
freak on the phone. I used to be really nervous on the phone. I hated talking on the phone.
I was really uncomfortable. My voice was really shaky. I got over that just through doing
it. Just I didn't like being like that, so I was like: "Right, I'm going to talk on the
と言っていました。ただ、私はそのようなことをされるのが好きではなかったので、私は次のようなものでした: "Right, I'm going to talk on the
phone. I'm going to get over this." The other person can hear nerves in your voice and it's
の電話をかけてきます。I'm going to get over this." The other person can hear nerves in your voice and it's.
not unusual to be nervous in a job interview. But what I'm talking about is some people
are nervous because they're like: "On Skype, never been on Skype before." Or: "This is
は緊張しているので、次のようになります: "On Skype, never been on Skype before." Or: "This is
So I think you need to pay attention as well to what I'm going to call centring yourself.
Just be calm before that call. Do something that makes you feel relaxed. Stop preparing...
Maybe do this: stop preparing for your interview the whole morning before. Spend some time
relaxing because it's better that you seem composed and calm, rather than: "I know everything,
リラックスしているのは、あなたが構成され、穏やかなように見えることが良いので、むしろ: "I know everything.
I know everything", but sounding very nervous.
Let's talk now about just some general tips that I think can improve your interview performance.
Get used to using Skype because if you've never used it before... I know it probably
sounds easy. "Well, what can be that hard? You just sit in front of your computer and
簡単に聞こえる "まあ、何がそんなに難しいことができますか?あなたはただコンピュータの前に座って
talk." Well, that might be the case, but I'm always speaking to people who've never used
talk." まあ、そうかもしれませんが、私はいつも、使ったことのない人と話しています。
it before and they make... They make lots of excuses: "Oh, I don't know Skype." And...
それを前にして、彼らは作る...彼らはたくさんの言い訳をします: "Oh, I don't know Skype." And...
Or they don't know where the chat box is and you try to give them instructions, and they
can't really follow what you're saying. So just get familiar with how it works, and that
can't really follow what you're saying.だから、それがどのように動作するかに慣れているだけで、それは
way, you're not going to seem like a real technical like newb or something, newbie;
way, you're not going to seem like real technical like newb or something, newbie.
doesn't know what they're doing.
You could practice your interview of your friend. Ask your friend to ask you questions
on Skype. Got some police going by. You could ask your friend to do some questions with
スカイプで何人かの警察官が通りかかったお友達にいくつかの質問をするように 頼んでみてはいかがでしょうか?
you so that you have experience then of doing a job interview on Skype.
You could record yourself. Get used to wearing your headset. If you... If you've not used
your headset before, that might make you feel uncomfortable, talking with someone with this
like pressure on your ears.
But generally, just prepare as usual. You will be asked the same kind of questions.
The main difference on Skype is you're not going to have to shake their hand, there won't
be any physical contact that you need to do. But similiy-, similarly, simily-, similarly
必要な物理的接触をすることになりますしかし シミリ-、同様に、シミリ-、シミリ-、同様に
on Skype, you do need to worry about your presentation; that's the way... That's the
way you look if you're using a webcam. So you might want to stand in your Skype job
interview. Some people like to... Like to stand on Skype.
You need to think about what you're going to wear. So if you're in your house-right?-are
you going to wear a formal, formal suit for your Skype call? I don't know. It depends
on what kind of job you're wearing. I would say that maybe a formal business attire is
a little bit much for just sitting in your house taking the call. But again, it depends
家に座って電話を受けるだけでは ちょっと多すぎますしかし、再び、それは依存しています
what job you're applying for. So something to consider.
If the camera is not going to see below your face, obviously you don't need to worry about
it so much. But I would say a better angle is one that's a little bit further away from
your face and gets the shoulder in... Shoulders in as well. And again, another aspect because
this is an online thing and not a real life thing - your profile pic is also part of your
これはオンラインのことであり、現実のものではありません - あなたのプロフィール写真もあなたの一部です。
presentation, so you could change that before you swap IDs if you don't think that your
profile pic represents you really well. You can chan-... If you get a standalone webcam,
you can change the position; there are lots of different positions you can do. But sometimes
camera right in front of your face feels a bit confrontational because when you watch
the other person, it's like you're staring into each other's eyes and you don't do that
in real life, so you... I generally do a little bit to the side, still looking at them. If
実際の生活の中では、だから...私は一般的には少しだけ横で まだ見ているようにしていますもし
I want to look at them, I can turn and look in the webcam, but it's less confrontational
for the whole time.
So this is everything I know about Skype job interviews, all the basics, the technical
stuff going from my experience, a lot of my time on Skype. I'm sure it will be useful
for you. But just remember the main thing is about: you can give your best when you
feel relaxed, so just make that part of your preparation. It's not only just about the
words that you use, it's about how you feel in a job interview.
If you did like this, please do subscribe to my channel. I've got stuff like this. I've
もしあなたがこれを気に入ったなら、私のチャンネルを購読してください。I've got stuff like this.私は
also got learning English stuff. I've got two channels as well, my engVid and my personal
channel because I've got two YouTube channels, so I want you to check them both our and subscribe.
Go over to the engVid website to find out a little more about this lesson. And until
you see me again, goodbye. Okay? I'm going to go and get on Skype. See you later.