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Welcome toe watch mojo, and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10 fastest machines in the world faster than a speeding bullet on unlike any other aircraft ever built.
ようこそトーウォッチモジョ、そして今日は私たちのピックをカウントダウンしていきます トップ10最速のマシンのための私たちのピックは、これまでに構築された他のどのような航空機とは異なり、スピーディング弾丸よりも速く、世界で最も速いマシンです。
It raced the sun at one.
Britain's Thrust SSC team has broken the world land speed record in Nevada for this list will be looking at the machines with the highest recorded speeds, including aircrafts that are still in development or testing.
Care to go for a ride in any of these?
Race to the comments and let us know this video is brought to you by the new Motorola razor.
The flip herbal pocketable icon is back, and this time it's five g ready Discover mawr at the link in the description.
フリップハーブポケッタブルアイコンが戻ってきて、今回は5つのgの準備ができています 説明のリンクでmawrを発見してください。
Number 10 Baby Boom XB one.
10位 ベビーブームXBワン
The Boom XB one nicknamed Baby Boom, is a supersonic commercial jet currently in development.
ベビーブームの愛称で親しまれているBoom XB oneは、現在開発中の超音速民間ジェット機です。
Our goal is to build a supersonic airliner that carries passengers across the world featuring three jet engines.
The one is plans to be the first in a new line of commercially available supersonic aircrafts with a particular emphasis on comfort and sustainability.
But most importantly, speed the company behind the remarkable vehicle boom technology aims to cut current travel times in half when London is just 3.5 hours from New York, you can cross the Atlantic, do business and be home in time to touch kids into bed.
The XP ones cruising speed is stated to be Mach 2.2, which is around 1675 MPH.
That's faster than in F 16.
Baby Boom is set to take to the skies in 2021 for its first test flight.
And when XB one takes to the skies next year, it will be history's first independently developed supersonic jet.
そして来年、XB oneが空に飛び立つとき、それは史上初の独自開発の超音速ジェット機となります。
Number nine s R 71 Blackbird, faster than a speeding bullet on unlike any other aircraft ever built, it raised the sun on one.
The Lockheed S R.
71 Blackbird is, ah, high speed reconnaissance aircraft.
71 ブラックバードは、ああ、高速偵察機だ。
Although officially retired in the late nineties, the Blackbird proved instrumental in gathering intelligence during the Cold War as it was able to evade radar detection.
Through its design, Lockheed blackbirds, built with radical new methods of materials, astound even the experts designed under a top secret program.
They seem to come out of nowhere because it could fly higher and faster than its pursuers.
Not a single S R 71 was lost to enemy fire.
敵の砲火で失われたS R 71は一つもありませんでした。
The Blackbird typically operated at up to 85,000 ft and holds a speed record of 2193 MPH, or Mach 3.3.
Flying at three times the speed of sound and 80,000 ft three S R 71 is in its own private sky.
音速の3倍の速さで飛んで、8万フィートの3つのS R 71は自分のプライベートな空にいます。
There's no other traffic up here.
Or could there be so there's no threat of a mid air collision?
That being said, one pilot reports having one's pushed the plane above Mach 3.5 when dodging a missile.
We know what we're putting on our Christmas lists.
Number eight x 15 The North American X 15 was an experimental rocket powered aircraft that ruled the skies during the 19 sixties.
ナンバーエイトX15 ノースアメリカンX15は、1960年代に空を支配した実験的なロケットエンジン搭載機である。
The Wright brothers took us into the air.
The X 15 was to take us beyond it.
Using a million horsepower rocket engine, three x 15 was designed to break away from Earth's gravity and fly into space.
It would not orbit.
It would go into space and back in controlled flight.
The rocket plane was used in early test flights that came close, enoughto leaving the Earth's atmosphere that many of its test pilots air technically astronauts.
Some of them went on to become astronauts, including Neil Armstrong, the first human on the moon.
When he separated from the wing of a B 52 Armstrong fired his engines.
B 52アームストロングは、B 52の翼から分離したとき、エンジンを始動させた。
He accelerated it more than five times the speed of sound, reaching altitudes exceeding 200,000 ft.
Along with pushing the boundaries of altitude, the X 15 also set the record for speed in a man powered aircraft.
X 15は、高度の限界を突破するとともに、人力飛行機のスピードの記録を打ち立てました。
On October 3rd, 1967 William J.
Night flew the X 15 at Mach 6.7, or 4519 MPH, a record which remains in tax to this day.
ナイトはX 15をマッハ6.7、つまり4519 MPHで飛ばし、この記録は今日に至るまで税の対象となっています。
X 15 is the key to an operational procedure that will be directly reflected in the spacecraft on the space flights of the future.
X 15は、将来の宇宙飛行で宇宙船に直接反映されるであろう運用手順の鍵を握っています。
Number seven Holloman Rocket sleds.
Jack Holloman Air Force Base is located in New Mexico and contains a high speed rail testing area.
Since it first began operating in 1950 it's performed over 12,000 such tests and even has several record breaking launches to its name.
It's easy for me to look back with a certain amount of nostalgia and say, Ah, those were the good old days.
In a sense, they were back In 2003 unmanned sled, using a super Roadrunner rocket motor, set the record for speed for a land vehicle at a whopping Mach 8.4, or somewhere between 6416 and 6453 MPH.
ある意味では、彼らは戻っていた 2003年に無人ソリ, スーパーロードランナーロケットモーターを使用して, マッハ8.4、または6416と6453 MPHの間のどこかでとてつもなく巨大な陸上車両の速度のための記録を設定します.
However, this speed was eclipsed by a more recent test in 2019 which saw another rocket sled go 6599 MPH, or Mach 8.6.
しかし、この速度は、別のロケットソリが6599 MPH(マッハ8.6)を行くのを見た2019年のより最近のテストによって打ち消されました。
Locked onto the track and traveling in a straight line, these rockets leads give new meaning to the phrase going nowhere.
Fast gold speed is posted all over our facility, and that's mocked in number six, H T V to the Hypersonic Technology Vehicle two or H.
高速金速度は施設内のすべての場所に掲示されており、それは6番でコケている、H T Vから超音速技術車両2またはHに。
V two is a glide aircraft that the DARPA Falcon Project experimented with in the early 20 tens.
V twoは、DARPAファルコンプロジェクトが20数十年前に実験した滑空機です。
Built of lightweight materials and in an aerodynamic design, the H T V two is part of a class of gliding vehicles developed for military purposes.
軽量素材と空力設計で作られたH T V 2は、軍事目的で開発されたグライディングビークルのクラスの一部です。
They're more maneuverable than ballistic missiles and less likely to be spotted by radar.
The two tests of the H T V two yielded top speeds between Mach 17 and Mach 22 or between 13,000 and 16,800 MPH.
H T Vの2つのテストでは、マッハ17とマッハ22の間、または13,000~16,800MPHの間でトップスピードが得られました。
For comparison.
At its low end, that's double our last entry and almost Triple A, the high end.
Given its intended use as a one hour prompt global strike, it also makes for a frightening prospect Once this technology is perfected.
Number five Apollo 10 spacecrafts go fast.
5番 アポロ10号の宇宙船は高速で移動します
That's generally what tends to happen when you strap a rocket to something.
Yeah, however, this record setting speed wasn't achieved on the way up.
Apollo 10 saw astronauts sent on a mission to orbit the moon in preparation for the famous Apollo 11 mission, which would land on its surface.
Apollo 10 took along all those who had made, and we're making the conquest of the moon a reality.
The cruise journey, however, had them making history in their own right.
Upon re entry into Earth's atmosphere, the module reached speeds of 24,791 MPH, or Mach 32.
This impressive figure remains the fastest recorded speed of a piloted vehicle.
Astronaut Eugene Cernan described the experience as akin to being inside quote Ah, ball of white and violet flame.
Cernan was the last person on the Moon way Remember all three in the Apollo 10 mission for paving the way for history and then making some history of their own.
サーナンは、月の方法で最後の人だった 歴史のための道を切り開いてから、自分のいくつかの歴史を作るためのアポロ10号のミッションですべての3つを覚えています。
Number four Voyager one long range space probe sent to study the outer planets.
Voyager one was launched in 1977 and is still sending home data about the universe.
Despite having left our solar system in 2012.
It's currently farther away from Earth than any machine made by humankind.
It's traveling 20 times faster than a bullet sending messages home.
But while it was still in the solar system, Voyager one made several fly buys of the outer planets and their moons.
It was the gravity fields of the larger planets like Jupiter that helped Voyager one accelerate to an awe inspiring speed of 38,000 MPH, letting it leave our home system in a hurry.
Voyager is destined to wander among the stars bolted to its side is a gold plated record.
On it is a message from mankind to any alien intelligence.
It says.
This'll is a present from a small and distant world.
Number three New horizons?
3番 新しい地平線?
No, not the animal crossing game.
Although quarantine did help it get popular astonishingly fast.
We're talking about New horizons, the space probe launched with the aim of exploring Pluto's and the distant Kuiper Belt.
New Horizons was going over 36,000 MPH while leaving Earth's atmosphere New Horizons velocity at launch was the fastest ever, traveling almost 60 times faster than a jetliner.
New Horizons managed to increase its speed after leaving home as it was moving at 47,000 MPH.
After passing Mars's orbit and Jupiter's gravity increase its speed 2 52,000 MPH.
火星の軌道と木星の重力を通過した後、その速度を2 52,000 MPH増加させます。
Using the gravity of giant planet, it's to boost the spacecraft and decreased travel time.
Scientists were able to make a 13 year trip on Lee 9.5 years.
Its current speed is now less so.
It will never overtake Voyager one, but it's still traveling at truly incredible speeds as it passes through the Kuiper Belt and leaves our solar system Number two, Helios A and B.
The two Helios probes were a joint venture between West Germany and the United States to study the sun more closely.
Launched in 1974 and 76 these probes were the first of their kind to be constructed outside the U.
Or USSR and moved beyond Earth's orbit because they were headed toward the sun.
The stars, tremendous gravity accelerated their speeds toe over 157,000 MPH.
That's three times new horizon speed.
Helios would make one revolution every second.
The friction of space particles against the capsules body would be considerable as it curls through space at a speed of over 30 miles an hour.
Although the Helios probes remain in the sun's orbit, they stopped transmitting data after 1986 due to equipment failures and degradation.
They sure burned brightly during their initial mission, though before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions Thrust SSC, the fastest car ever made.
彼らは最初の任務の間、確かに明るく燃えていましたが、我々のトップピックに到達する前に、ここにいくつかの栄誉ある賞品があります スラストSSC、これまでに作られた中で最速の車です。
It's capable of 736 MPH.
Britain's Thrust SSC team has broken the world land speed record in Nevada.
Hyperloop ah proposed vacuum train with estimated speeds of 760 MPH.
In simple terms, the system is made up of two parts.
A tube designed to generate very low air pressure and a carriage or pot that contract all through the tube without touching the ground.
Cessna Citation 10 plus the fastest civilian aircraft.
It has a top speed of 606 MPH.
SC Maglev, the world's fastest train, can reach 375 MPH.
Ah, high speed rail.
So fast blink and you'll miss it.
Spirit of Australia.
The fastest boat on record.
It can hit speeds of 317 MPH.
それは317 MPHの速度を打つことができます。
A new world water speed record on still the mark today at an average of 317.6 MPH.
まだ317.6 MPHの平均でマーク今日の新しい世界の水の速度の記録。
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Number one.
The Parker Solar Probe, our fastest machine on record, is also the newest 3210 lift off of the mighty Delta four heavy rocket with NASA's Parker Solar Probe a daring mission to shed light on the mysteries of our closest star son.
Another probe aimed at studying the sun.
In this case, it's outer Corona.
The Parker solar Probe was launched in August 2018.
It will use repeated gravity assists from Venus to get closer to the sun's Corona.
As the probe passes close to the sun, it will briefly become the fastest machine ever built by humans, zipping along at a brisk 430,000 MPH.
A side effect of this is that the Parker solar probe speed will keep increasing over time due to the sun's pole and the slingshot maneuvers around Venus.
As of September 2020 the probe has been recorded at a speed of 289,927 MPH.
Not only that, this speed is set to reach well over 400,000 MPH by 2025 thanks to its design and destination.
This cool confident spacecraft is all set to explore.
We can just sit back and chill as Parker Solar Probe takes the heat.
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