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Saida Aden Said: I still have this horrific image in my mind.
翻訳: Moe Shoji 校正: Naoko Fujii
I could see people falling down,
(サイダ・アデン・サイード) まだおぞましい光景が焼き付いています
人々が倒れる様子が 目に浮かびます
I was so terrified.
Really, I was crying a lot.
Someone who knew my father and my mom grabbed my hand, and he said,
"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!"
私の両親を知る人が 私の手をつかんで言ったんです
And I was like, "Where's my mom? My mom? My mom?"
「行くぞ! 逃げるぞ!」
Noria Dambrine Dusabireme: During nights we would hear shots,
私は「お母さんは? お母さんはどこ?」って
we would hear guns.
(ノリア・ダンブリン・デュサビレメ) 夜には銃声が聞こえました
Elections were supposed to happen.
We had young people going in the street,
they were having strikes.
And most of the young people died.
SAS: We boarded a vehicle.
It was overloaded.
People were running for their lives.
皆 生きるため逃げていたのです
That is how I fled from Somalia.
そうしてソマリアから 国外に逃げました
My mom missed me.
Nobody told her where I went.
誰も私の行き先を 母に教えなかったんです
NDD: The fact that we did not go to school,
we couldn't go to the market, we were just stuck home
市場にも行けず ただ家にいるしかなかったので
made me realize that if I got an option to go for something better,
I could just go for it and have a better future.
より良い将来のために それを選びたいと思いました
Ignazio Matteini: Globally, displaced people in the world
(イグナチオ・マテイーニ) 難民の数は世界中で
have been increasing.
Now there are almost 60 million people displaced in the world.
今や世界で約6千万人が 難民となっています
And unfortunately, it doesn't stop.
残念ながら この流れは止まりません
Chrystina Russell: I think the humanitarian community
(クリスティーナ・ラッセル) 人道支援機関は
is starting to realize from research and reality
調査と直面している現実から どうも思っていた以上に
that we're talking about a much more permanent problem.
難民問題には終わりがないことを 理解し始めています
Baylie Damtie Yeshita: These students, they need a tertiary education,
(ベイリー・ダムティ・イェシタ) こうした学生は高等教育を受け
a degree that they can use.
仕事に結びつく学位を 必要としています
If the students are living now in Rwanda,
if they get relocated, still they can continue their study.
今後 他の国に移っても 勉学を続けることができます
Still, their degree is useful, wherever they are.
世界のどこにいても 学位が役に立つのです
CR: Our audacious project was to really test
(クリスティーナ)私たちの Audacious Projectは
Southern New Hampshire University's Global Education Movement's
サザン・ニューハンプシャー大学(SNHU)の Global Education Movementが
ability to scale,
to bring bachelor's degrees and pathways to employment
難民や他に高等教育を受ける術を 持たない世界中の人々に
to refugees and those who would otherwise not have access to higher education.
学士課程と就職への道を 提供できるかという試練でした
SAS: It was almost impossible, as a refugee person,
(サイダ)難民である身では 教育を受け続けて
to further my education and to make my career.
キャリアを築くことは ほぼ不可能でした
My name is Saida Aden Said,
and I am from Somalia.
I was nine years old when I came to Kakuma,
カクマに来たのは 9歳の時です
and I started going to school at 17.
Now I am doing my bachelor degree
with SNHU.
NDD: My name is Noria Dambrine Dusabireme.
(ノリア)ノリア・ ダンブリン・デュサビレメです
I'm doing my bachelor of arts in communications
コミュニケーション学の 学士課程に学んでいて
with a concentration in business.
CR: We are serving students across five different countries:
(クリスティーナ)私たちは5つの国で 学生たちに教育を提供しています
Lebanon, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and South Africa.
レバノン、ケニア、マラウイ ルワンダ、南アフリカです
Really proud to have 800 AA grads to over 400 bachelor's graduates
800人が短大士号 400人以上が学士号を取得し
and nearly 1,000 students enrolled right now.
およそ1,000人が在学していることが 非常に誇らしいです
So, the magic of this is that we're addressing refugee lives as they exist.
本プロジェクトの素晴らしい点は 難民の生活に対応しているところです
There are no classes.
There are no lectures.
There are no due dates.
There are no final exams.
This degree is competency-based and not time-bound.
この学士課程は能力に基づいたモデルで 時間的制約がありません
You choose when you start your project.
自分の決めたときに プロジェクトを始め
You choose how you're going to approach it.
どのようにアプローチするかを 自分で決めるのです
NDD: When you open the platform, that's where you can see the goals.
(ノリア)プラットフォームを開くと 目標が目に入ります
Under each goal, we can find projects.
When you open a project, you get the competencies
プロジェクトを開くと 身につけるべき能力や
that you have to master,
進むべき道筋や プロジェクトの概観が書かれています
(クリスティーナ) 本学の長所の決め手は
and overview of the project.
CR: The secret sauce of SNHU
パートナー機関と提供する 対面式の学習と組み合わせて
is combining that competency-based online learning
with the in-person learning that we do with partners
to provide all the wraparound supports.
That includes academic coaching.
It means psychosocial support,
medical support,
これによって 卒業率は95%
and it's also that back-end employment support
that's really resulting in the 95 percent graduation,
(ノリア)インターンとして ソーシャルメディア活用を担当しています
the 88 percent employment.
勉強中のコミュニケーション学と 関連しています
NDD: I'm a social media management intern.
プロジェクトからも実社会からも 多くを学んでいます
It's related to the communications degree I'm doing.
(クリスティーナ)構造化された インターンシップによって
I've learned so many things out of the project and in the real world.
学生はスキルを 実践に移すことができ
CR: The structured internship is really an opportunity
私たちはインターンシップを通じて 結びつきを構築し
for students to practice their skills,
for us to create connections between that internship
and a later job opportunity.
このモデルでは 時間的制約や
大学の方針や手続きを 中心に据えるのをやめて
This is a model that really stops putting time
and university policies and procedures at the center
(イグナチオ)SNHUのモデルは 根を張った木を大きく揺るがしています
and instead puts the student at the center.
IM: The SNHU model is a big way to shake the tree.
ここで高等教育を受ける伝統的な方法を 力強く揺さぶったんです
It's a huge shake to the traditional way of having tertiary education here.
弱い立場の難民であることから 大きく変容させ得るものです
BDY: It can transform the lives of students
from these vulnerable and refugee communities.
どこでも好きな場所で 働くことができます
NDD: If I get the degree,
自信を持って英語で 修士課程で学ぶこともできます
I can just come back and work everywhere that I want.
そんなこと前は 夢にも思いませんでした
I can go for a masters confidently in English,
自分にはできないのではないかと 恐れることなく
which is something that I would not have dreamt of before.
社会に出て 職場に向き合うだけの
And I have the confidence and the skills required
to actually go out and just tackle the workplace
(サイダ)ずっと地域社会で 働きたいと思っていたので
without having to fear that I can't make it.
SAS: I always wanted to work with the community.
I want to establish a nonprofit.
自分の経験を元に アンバサダーとして
We advocate for women's education.
I want to be someone who is, like, an ambassador
決して遅くはないと 伝えたいです
and encourage them to learn
and tell them it is never too late.
It's a dream.