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  • tens of thousands of people in England may still be unaware that they've been in close contact with someone who has covered a technical issue in transferring positive results from laboratories led to almost 16,000 missing cases.

    イングランドの何万人もの人々 は、検査室からの陽性結果を転送する際の技術的な問題をカバーした人と密接に接触していることをまだ知らない可能性があります約 16,000 の欠落したケースにつながった。

  • All those who tested positive were informed, but they're close.


  • Contacts were not, and thousands still haven't been.


  • Many of the cases are in parts of northern England already under local lock down.


  • The health secretary, Matt Hancock, told parliament the problems still haven't been resolved on the incident should never have happened.


  • The Shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth said the missing results were putting lives at risk.


  • His our health editor Hugh Pym.

    彼の健康編集者 ヒュー・ピム

  • Testing and tracing continues today but there yet more questions about whether the whole system in England is working properly, with thousands of cases not recorded, so contacts of those testing positive will not followed up.


  • The health secretary had to come to the Commons to explain what went wrong.


  • This incident should never have happened, but the team have acted swiftly to minimize its impact on DNA.


  • Now it is critical that we work together to put this right and to make sure that it never happens again.


  • Labor highlighted the failure to follow up contacts.


  • Thousands of people blissfully unaware they've been exposed, cove it potentially spreading this deadly virus at a time when hospital admissions are increasing on where in the second wave, This isn't just a shambles.

    何千人もの人々が感染していることに 気付いていません この致命的なウイルスを 拡散させる可能性があります 入院者数が増加している時に 第二波では、これはただの惨状ではありません

  • It's so much worse than that.


  • Here's what we were told at the time about the number of daily reported cases up until Friday, reaching around 7000 by the end of the week.


  • But now that the extra cases have been added in, here's what it looks like.


  • No above 11,000.


  • All the new data relates to England with striking increases in some regions.


  • In the north west of England, for example, there were more than 8000 extra cases reported on increase of 93% in the Yorkshire and Humber region.


  • It was more than 4000 extra cases on increase of 113% on what we were originally told.


  • Civic leaders affected by restrictions in the Northwest say policy must be reconsidered.


  • Somebody should be checking this.


  • This is a national government implementing the system are making decisions that are predicated on that evidence on the evidence.


  • Now we find as being faulty.


  • So how does the system work?


  • Tests of hospital staff and patients are analyzed.


  • It NHS and public health laboratories thes seem to be working well.


  • Testing for the public and most care homes that drive through centers or with kits is partly done by private companies.


  • They then send the swabs to the big lighthouse labs to analyze tests thes were set up by the government on a run by private companies and universities.


  • They then pass on results to Public Health England to be fed into the test and trace system for contacts to be followed up.

    その後、結果をPublic Health Englandに伝え、連絡先を追跡するためのテスト&トレースシステムに入力してフォローアップを行います。

  • This is where the I T problems have occurred, Phe says.


  • The issue has now been resolved, but wider challenges for people using the testing network remain.


  • A surge in demand caused delays last month on these air still happening.


  • Jared was tested on Friday and still hasn't had a result.


  • He and his flatmates, who are key workers, are having to isolate and stay off work.


  • Things should be in place by now, really, so it makes it difficult for people who are trying Thio to do the right thing, so so I can certainly understand the frustration, anxiety and stress that it produces.


  • Other people who may not be as lucky Thio have people delivering food and and, you know, support them through a challenging time.


  • Really.


  • The challenge for the government remains bolstering confidence in a testing system, which in recent weeks has fallen short of where it should be.


  • Cupid.


  • BBC News.


  • Well, let's talk to our correspondent Danny Savage, who is in Leeds, and there's plenty of concern about this error there.


  • Yes, Sophia, there's anger and worry here in the north of England tonight over the consequences of all of this.

    今夜はイングランド北部で 怒りと心配の声があがっています

  • Take leads.


  • For example, there's an extra 2177 new cases which have been added to the total after this recount following that error on the north of England.


  • If you like, is suffering a double whammy, it already has the highest infection rates.


  • But it also had a significant proportion off those under reported cases.


  • We're in this part of the country, so that means that the areas with the highest infections they were potentially thousands of people getting on with their daily lives when they should have been at home, isolating because they were the close contacts of those cases which didn't have test and trace acted upon them on.

    この国のこの地域では 感染症が最も多い地域では 何千人もの人々が 日常生活を送っていました 家にいるはずなのに 隔離されていたのです 検査と追跡をしていないケースの 親しい人たちですから

  • That potentially helped spread the virus further in areas which already have high numbers of cases.


  • UM, one other thought tonight as well.


  • There's been sharp rises in cities such as Newcastle, Leeds and Sheffield.


  • All of those are student cities on give some detail on that, Manchester now has the highest total of infections in the U.


  • K.


  • At the moment of 495 cases for 100 0 people.


  • But the head of public health in Manchester has looked specifically at the student population in the city on reckons that the infection rate there is astonishing a 3000 cases per 100,000 just in the student population alone.

    しかし、マンチェスターの公衆衛生の頭は、特に都市の学生の人口に見ている感染率は驚くべきことであることを reckons、10 万人あたり 3000 のケースだけで学生の人口の中で。

  • So I think that the story going forward in the events of the next few days would have to watch closely at what those figures alike in student populations across the country, in areas with a high number of infection safety Danny Savage inlays.

    だから私は、今後数日間のイベントで話を進めると思います密接に見ている必要がありますどのようなこれらの数字は、感染症の安全性ダニー サベージ インレイの数が多い地域では、全国の学生集団で同様に。

  • Thank you.


  • The Welsh government is considering imposing quarantine restrictions on people who travel into whales from coronavirus hotspots in the rest of the UK The Wash health minister is looking at the options after Boris Johnson said he did not want to stop people living in parts of England that are under local lock down going on holiday in Wales after a sharp spike over the weekend in new infections.

    ウェールズ政府は、英国の残りの部分でコロナウイルスホットスポットからクジラに旅行する人々に検疫の制限を課すことを検討している ウォッシュ保健大臣は、オプションで見ている ボリス-ジョンソンは、彼が言った後、彼はウェールズの休日に行くローカルロックダウンの下にあるイングランドの一部に住んでいる人々を停止したくなかった 新しい感染症で週末に急上昇した後、ウェールズの休日に行く。

  • Because of that computer glitch, the latest data shows the number of new cases has fallen to 12,594 that were recorded in the latest 24 hour period.


  • There's still significantly more than we're being recorded last week.


  • It means the average number of new cases reported per day last week is now 10,937 Ondas.


  • New cases have climbed, so have daily hospital admissions, with 408 people being admitted on average each day over the past week.


  • This number doesn't include Scotland.


  • 19 deaths were reported.


  • That's people who died within 28 days off a positive covert 19 test.


  • It means on average.


  • In the past week, 53 deaths were announced every day and it takes the total number of deaths so far across the UK to 42,369 well Let's talk to shoot him.


  • Who's with me now?


  • Ondas Faras This computer error is concerned.

    Ondas Faras このコンピュータエラーが気になります。

  • We have any idea how many people are going to be affected by this.


  • Well, Sophie Labor think it could be as many as 50,000 people out there who don't know they might have come into contact with somebody who tested positive.


  • Now the government says that the contact tracing process started early on Saturday morning with extra resources.


  • And actually, quite a lot of these new cases were towards the end of last week, so they may not have been too much of a delay.


  • The fact no one's quite sure about the numbers is potentially concerning Ah, lot of questions going to be asked about this IittIe era.


  • It seems that it was an old format which was used to put data into templates to then be uploaded into the central system on the templates didn't have the capacity to take on some of the extra new cases.


  • The fact that nobody seems to have realized this for a week.


  • There were no I t alarm bells ringing, I think, is another big question mark over the whole thing.


  • So where are we with Cove in 19 now?


  • Or Matt Hancock says his assessment and health officials hasn't changed and the decisions made on restrictions wouldn't have been any different in the light of this.


  • But I think the fact that we now know that cases were going up in the UK throughout last week on their higher today without any extra added data suggests this will be watched pretty closely in the days ahead.


  • Thank you.


tens of thousands of people in England may still be unaware that they've been in close contact with someone who has covered a technical issue in transferring positive results from laboratories led to almost 16,000 missing cases.

イングランドの何万人もの人々 は、検査室からの陽性結果を転送する際の技術的な問題をカバーした人と密接に接触していることをまだ知らない可能性があります約 16,000 の欠落したケースにつながった。

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