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A fragile ceasefire has begun between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of Nagorno Karabakh after nearly two weeks of fighting in which hundreds have been killed.
Nagorno Karabakh is internationally recognized this part of Azerbaijan, but it's populated and governed by ethnic Armenians who broke away from Azerbaijan in the 19 nineties.
Our international correspondent, All A Gearan, sent this report from the Azzurri city of NAFTA land near the front line, the countdown to the ceasefire shelling till the last minute.
我々の国際特派員、All A Gearanは、前線近くのNAFTAの土地のアズーリ市からこのレポートを送ってきました、最後の最後まで停戦砲撃へのカウントダウン。
Both sides have been hit hard in the past two weeks, but here in Azerbaijan many don't welcome the truce like now, Dear Carbon Off, who has been fighting on the front line.
He can't bear to enter his house but wants us to show what happened inside.
Well, this waas, a busy family home on the table.
There still a pair of glasses on the accordion on the clock is still ticking over here on the counter.
The dishes are still out.
The attack happened in the evening.
Maybe the family was preparing a meal, but five lives were lost here in an instant.
Now, missing from this group matters parents, his wife, his niece Aunt Hiss son Shar er was the accordion player Onda keen footballer on all logic Unassociated They were innocent.
今、このグループの問題から行方不明の両親、彼の妻、彼の姪の叔母ヒス息子シャアは、すべてのロジックにアコーディオンプレーヤー恩田熱心なサッカー選手だった 無関係 彼らは無実だった。
They had nothing to do with this.
I'm serving in the military would have been fine if they killed me, but not them.
私は軍に仕えています 彼らが私を殺しても構わないが 彼らは殺さない
Hey believes ethnic Armenian forces will use the truth to regroup.
ヘイはアルメニアの民族的勢力が 真実を利用して 再編成すると信じている
They will take advantage of the ceasefire to get more weapons and power on.
They will cause the same sorrow to our people again.
Yeah but the sorrow, destruction and death are mirrored across the front line This was the scene in Nagorno Karabakh just before the ceasefire.
For ethnic Armenians here Azerbaijan is the enemy way Don't trust them, says Levon.
民族アルメニア人のためにここでアゼルバイジャンは敵の方法です 彼らを信頼しないでください、レボンは言います。
They will shoot again So we're on our guard on we're not afraid of them.
彼らはまた撃つだろう だから我々は油断していない 彼らを恐れていない
Project generations have been blighted by this conflict.
The folk memory on both sides is of hate and mistrust.