Butit's notdogfriendly, whichis a bummerbecauserightnexttotheDogBeach, yeah, youwouldthinktheirdogs, probablybecausewe'rethinkingaboutthewaytheyhave a drinkorsomething.
Wehadn't evengottenspotifweprobablynot, because I actuallywenttheretwiceandthefirsttime I went, I thinkitwas 1 p.m. Orsomethinglikethatwasintheafternoonanditwasdefinitelypacked.
ThiswasZoey's firsteverdogbeach e kindofnevertoldmethatthefirstspeechshewentShe's spoiled a powdersand e thinkthepowdersandKumalikethat a lottoo, because I remindedherlike a Floridascene, becausewhenshefirststeppedfootonthebeach, shekindofwentcrazy, e I wannarun.
これはゾーイの初めての犬のビーチだった e kind of the first ever dog beach e kind of the first speech she went that she's spoiled a powder sand e think the powder sand Kuma too like that lot, because I reminded her like a Florida scene, because she first stepped foot on the
So I letherofftheleashassoonas I could, but I waskindoffuntoseehergetsoexcitedaboutit, becauseitmightservehome.
They'renotgonnastaytherealldaywayJusthavetobepatientandwaitfor a spot, whichwhichwayCandywasactuallygonnadrivearoundandlookfor a spotwhile I tookthedogsout.
Yeah, I feellikethedogsfeltthatto e a littlebittiredwithfirstbeach, butmaybe I was a littlebitdisappointedwiththisplacebecauseeverybodynoteverybody, butsomeofourfriendstalkeditup.