字幕表 動画を再生する
You know, Jeffrey Epstein was a lot of things to a lot of people.
He is an artist, a photographer and a provocateur known for creating controversy through his use of such unsavory elements as feces and bodily fluids in his work.
And now Andres Serrano has a new portrait to unveil one of the last known photographs of the late disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein, part of an exhibit of Serranos work called Infamous at the Photograph Fiscal Museum in New York City today.
そして今、アンドレス ・ セラノは、新しい肖像画を持っている故に失脚した金融家ジェフリー ・ エプスタインの最後の知られている写真の 1 つを公開するには、セラノスの仕事の展示の一部と呼ばれる写真財政博物館で今日ニューヨーク市のインファマス。
Jeffrey Epstein came for his portrait and uh, which was four months before he died.
ジェフリー・エプスタインが肖像画を撮りに来たのは 彼が死ぬ4ヶ月前だった
He looked to me like he always looked, meaning like a guy who was basically having a good time and didn't have a care in the world.
Epstein killed himself in August of 2019 in a Manhattan jail cell while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.
His suicide at age 66 came a little over a month after the well connected money manager was arrested and charged with trafficking dozens of underage girls as young as 14 from a least 2002 to 2005.
He had pleaded not guilty.
In the color close up portrait, Epstein is looking off to the left, his head turned, so the right side of his face is lit, showing what appears to be a relaxed, closed mouths to smile.
His gray hair and beard are close cropped, similar to how they looked in a law enforcement shot from March of 2017 when Epstein was forced to register as a sex offender.
Serrano told Reuters he had a very superficial acquaintance with Epstein.
ロイター通信によると セラーノは エプスタインとは表面的な知り合いだったそうだ
Epstein gave Serrano a statue of the Madonna in exchange for taking his portrait.
It's part of a pair of religious statues, the other being Saint John that Serrano now owns.
一対の宗教的な彫像の一部で、もう一つは セラーノが今所有している聖ヨハネの像です。
You know, it's a nice picture of Jeffrey.
Very nice picture.
And, you know, it makes me think that maybe there was a part of Jeffrey Epstein that was a good person.
That part has been for gotten all but for gotten.
And I'm not defending Jeffrey Epstein by any means.
決してジェフリー・エプスタインを 擁護しているわけではありません
I'm just saying that if you met him and you didn't know who Jeffrey Epstein was, you think he was a regular guy.
Epstein has been linked to several powerful people, including Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, who also has at his portrait taken by Serrano in 2004.
エプスタインは、2004 年にセラノによって撮影された彼の肖像画でも持っているビル ・ クリントンとドナルド ・ トランプを含むいくつかの強力な人々 にリンクされています。
The Epstein and Trump photos hang in the same room in the exhibit, which opens Friday and runs until March 14.