字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Let's not pretend this isn't weird. やっぱ ぎこちないよね - Hi, Dad. - How you doing? - パパ - 元気かい? - I never wanted any of this. - You kind of asked for it, - こんなことになるとは - 自分のせいでしょ you know, with the roaming penis of it all. 浮気がバレたんだから This is where we are now. このざまだ I can't start over 離婚の噂も知れ渡ったし ここではやり直せない with every yenta in town talking about my divorce. 一日中パンチラ動画を見てるのね Well, you've been watching upskirt videos all day. チャドウィック先生も 見まくってたらしい Chadwick must've upskirted half the school. 聞いてるだけだ Hey, I'm not watching, I'm listening. 気に入らないわ You know, I really hate it. - 何が? - 先を越されるなんて - Hate what? - That they're smarter than us. - 10ドル? - おごるよ - Ten dollars, right? - These are on me. - 1つでいいの - え? - But I only asked for one. - What? 僕と飲みたいってこと? You want me to join you for a drink right now? ハーレー・ホーの完全勝利ね Dominating win for Hurley Ho. 提案してもいい? Can I make a gameplay suggestion? 手加減してよ Don't come out too strong. フックと仲直りした? Did you patch things up with Hook? 生徒会を違法活動に 使うのはマズいと思う It's just, I'm not comfortable using the Student Council 知ってる範囲では違法じゃないわ for illegal activities. 試合2時間前に売店を開けるよう フックに言って It's all legal as far as you know. それから 私を巻き込むような 悪いことはしないようにって Tell Hook I unlock the snack bar two hours before game time ねえ おかしいと思わない? 誰でも情報をシェアして and to not involve me in whatever legal thing he's doing. 世界中とつながることができるのに [upbeat music playing] 目の前にいる人が無視されるって [Farrah] Isn't it weird how we all have 怒りを共感するのに this amazing ability to share and reshare どうしてニュースフィードに ぶちまけるの? our connection to the outside world, 不正は目の前に 山積みなのよ but we neglect the one we're actually walking in? ハーレーはどこ? If we want to feel outrage, - Buzzfeed動画を見てないの? - 見た why do we bury ourselves in our newsfeed? やだ 最低 There's plenty of injustice right in front of us to go around. これ 子どもたちじゃない Where's Hurley? いつも通りね You seen this Buzzfeed video yet? 何かが近づいてくる音がする I saw it. 走って逃げる? Gosh, it's horrifying. どうしたの? I mean, these are children. 女子のクロカンとラクロスが 廃部されそうなの [drumline music playing] お金がないからだって - This is normal. - [loud clattering] 私 ブラ要らないよ Whatever that sound is, it's getting closer. これは抗議の証 60年代のブラ・バーニング風よ Uh... should we be running? それは作り話 Googleで調べてみて [clattering] なぜ突然 お金がなくなったの? What is this? 知らない けど 部活しなきゃ奨学金がもらえない The school is cutting girls cross-country and lacrosse. 遠くのウミガメの実態を せっせと投稿できるなら They say they don't have the money for them. 8歳からの友達のためにも 人肌脱ぐのが当たり前 I'm not getting the bras. 今朝の抗議 どうして広まらないの? It's part of the protest. Like bra burning in the '60s. 女子クロカン部とラクロス部なんて 誰も気にしない Oh, bra burning wasn't a real thing. 怒った女子が金属バットを 振り回したのは大ニュースよ It was a myth. You can Google it. ノーブラの写真ならクリック数が増えるかも Sorry. Why is there suddenly no money? ジェーンのDカップが 揺れるgifなら作れるよ I don't know, but if I don't play, セクシーとゴシップが好きなのは分かるけど I don't get a scholarship. 投稿は重要な活動にもなるわ Farrah: If you're willing to post a story about the treatment だから軽々しく扱わないで of sea turtles 1,000 miles away from home, 冗談だよ you'd better also be willing to fight for the friend できるだけ支援するよ who has stood by your side since you were eight. ありがとう - [mic feedback] - [theme song plays] 女子バレーボール部以外は どうでもいいよ ♪ In a manner of speaking ♪ 好きなのか? ♪ I don't think we'll be speaking at all ♪ あのブルマがたまらねえ How is the protest this morning not the top story right now? アメフト場の芝生入れ替え費用は あった訳でしょ Because it's girls cross-country and lacrosse. Nobody cares. スコアボードも新調したよね? Angry girls waving metal bats is a huge story. 男子アメフト部の試合には バス5台で応援に行く I suppose the no-bra angle could generate some clicks. なのに女子クロカン部には お金がないの? I can make a jiggle .gif of Jane with the Ds. グラウンドだけでいいのに どういうこと? Okay, I realize most of your posts are hot indexes 噂では 体育局長は 今朝 学校にいなかったとか and new-couple alerts, ジェーン いい手持ってるじゃん but sometimes the gig is actually important. カウハー校長は まだ隠れてるはず Don't make this about something it's not. だから 明日は学校の前でひと肌脱ぐの [quietly] I'm kidding. ノーブラ娘が正門にいたら この街は活気づくわね I will give the protest the juice it deserves. あなたたち何時に行進するの? [whispers] Thank you. 「あなたたち」って? I don't care what they do as long as they don't cut 私は運動部じゃないから - chick volleyball. - You're into girl's volleyball? 2時間前は 人権問題に抗議してたでしょ? I'm into camel-toe shorts. その後 デモでブラを外したのは 何だったの? How exactly did they afford インスタ映え狙い? to resod the football field this year? 一体 何に抗議してるの? And what about that brand-new scoreboard outside? 女子運動部はお金が集まらないって ことでしょ? Yeah, the football team takes 人身売買じゃないんだし 視野を広く持とうよ five buses of fans to away games. 男子チームは廃部されないのに? How do they not have enough money for girls cross-country? 女子は不利な扱いをされるのよ It's just girls and land. Someone needs to explain this. アメリカの女子サッカーは 男子の半分しか稼げない I heard the athletic director みんな すごい選手なのに wasn't even in the building this morning. じゃあ 抗議に参加した訳は? Ooh, and the Jayne's gettin' tricky. 周りの空気に合わせるためだけ? And I'm pretty sure Principal Cowher ワンダーウーマンを初日に 観に行ったあなたは? is still hiding under her desk, so. 常に戦うことに賛成よ Which is why we're gonna do it in front of the school tomorrow. 抗議以外にすることがあると思うんだ Ooh, braless girls in front of the school. 何してほしいの? - That'll wake this town up. - Uh-huh. お金の流れを知るには What time are you guys marching? 入ってくる金額を抑えなきゃ What do you mean "you guys"? 資金調達額を探れそう? I'm not on a sports team. 私の女子力を使えってことね? You were just complaining about human cruelty two hours ago. 戦わないとは言わなかったわ And you freed the nip in protest. 私にも女子力があるかも I mean, what was that, just a cool thing to do 女子力が欲しい? for a good Instagram post? じゃあ 切り札を出さなきゃ What are we actually protesting? YouTubeでブリッジ必勝法の 動画でも見てるの? I mean, the fact that the girls team didn't sell enough brownies? グレースに秘訣を教わったの This isn't human trafficking. 女子が協力し合うんだもの Let's keep it all in perspective. 守るべきは団結力よ How about the fact that no boys teams got cut? すごい不愉快 Sometimes girls sports just get screwed. [女子チームの廃部反対 ...男子はそのままなのに!] The US women's soccer team makes half of what the men make, 私たち5連敗よ and they're actually good. 一体 何を言ったのかしら? So what was all this for you? グレースが話した事より その理由が知りたいわ Just make some noise and hope it all works out? - ヒントを教えるのは受動的攻撃よ - マジで? - [scoffs] - What about you? グレースは どんな攻撃にも消極的よ You saw Wonder Woman the day it opened. 私たちを新しい友人として キープしておきたいだけよ I'm always down for a fight. 私たちはもう お呼びじゃないのよ Good, maybe we should do something 新しい友人ができたから a little more than protest. 臆病者だけど 頭の回転は速い What do you want me to do? あの子の選挙演説を覚えてる? Well, if we want to know where the money's going, 「さきほどアイロ候補に 『あいつ誰だよ』と言われました」 we have to know how much is coming in. 演説は ほぼ私が書いたけど その部分は書けるはずないでしょ Do you think you could find out how much アドリブでアイロの演説に 対抗して勝ったのよ - the fundraisers bring in? - Oh, so use my girl power. あの子は見過ごしちゃダメってこと I never said that I wasn't into the fight. 受動的攻撃も積み重なれば 攻撃的攻撃になるから I probably have a girl power, too, that I could use. 気を付けておくわ You want a girl power? Yが探りをいれる間 私は何をすればいい? How about a trump card, twat bags? 明日の抗議に顔を出して Are you and Plain watching "how to win at bridge" videos 私も今夜 探りを入れてみる - on YouTube? - Grace gave us a few tips. だから サッカーがいいの It's just girls working together. やりがいを感じられるから You should support the U-N-I-T-Y. でも1人じゃ何もできない That's incredibly annoying. 不安で逃げだしたくなる [drumline music playing] お願い パンツをはいて ...パンツだ! We've lost five games in a row. アレを隠して 手を上げろ! What do you think Grace told them? エロ動画を見てたでしょ? I think the question is why did Grace tell them? 何見てたの? Plushie? それともTime Stop? I mean, the tips are clearly a passive-aggression. 君の変態ポルノの知識は あなどれないな Really? Grace seems kinda mousy for any aggression, あなたも同類でしょ even a passive one. - 何を隠してるの? - 何も Maybe she just wants to keep us as new friends. チャドウィック先生の テープ起こししてた Madame President doesn't need us anymore. じゃあ 紙はどこ? She has plenty of new friends. ここだよ The little mousy is quicker on her feet than you think. - 誰を見てたの? - 誰も Do you remember in her election speech 素早くパソコンを閉じたから 誰か知ってる子でしょ when she said, "Candidate Ilo said a few minutes ago 人見知り癖のある新入生だよ たいした事ない that you don't know me, but you do"? あなたみたいな? I mean, I didn't write that. I wrote most of her speech. わからない 無口で But I couldn't have written that part. ここに何しに来たの 僕に絡むため? That was Grace reacting to Ilo's speech やっぱり 女なのね だから 紙を裏返した? in the moment, and she crushed it. 違うったら All I'm saying is don't sleep on mousy 絶対に何かを隠してるわ because a pile of passive aggressions だって すぐにパソコンを閉じたもの usually leads to an aggressive aggression. それて「新入生」だなんて I'll keep an eye on her, but what should I do 「新入生の女子」と言わずに about the other thing while With-a-Y does her thing? うまくごまかしたわね Just protest your face off tomorrow. ごまかしてないさ I'll see if I can dig up anything tonight. その子が気になるって言えば? [girl] That's why soccer works for me. 可愛いところあるじゃん 名前は? I have a purpose on the field. 言う義理がある? But if I'm standing alone with nothing to do, 君だって ウィルとか 男の話をしたことないだろ I get antsy, and I want to leave. 嫉妬させたくないもの Please wear pants. Please wear pant-- pants! で 誰なの? Hide your stiff sock わかったよ ハンナ・ハンプトンさ and put your hands where I can see 'em! アイロの妹だわ Did I actually catch you watching porn this time? どおりで言わないわけだ What was it? Plushie? ねえ あなたには 他の誰より自分のこと話してのよ Time stop. Oh, begging. ハーレーのことも Your vast knowledge of weirdo porn is not going unnoticed. 校長が帰ってきたわ Eh. Birds of a feather. So what are you hiding? 母が目的で僕を利用するのか バカなことを Nothing. I was, you know, logging the Chadwick tapes. 利用してないわ Oh, yeah? Where's the paper? バカなことって言うなら It was there. 彼女のこと アイロにバレたら 痛い目に会うわよ Mm-hmm. Who were you watching? - 母を操るな - 私 気にいられてるもの - Nobody. - Well, you shut that laptop 先生 学校の基本目標は 秩序を守ることですが pretty quickly, so it has to be someone. 先生は強くて自立した女性で フェミニストで... It was just this freshman with social anxiety. そう思いたいものだわ It's not a big deal. ...しかも 規格外の息子さんを育てている Similar to yours, or... 女性を尊重する男性になるでしょうね I don't know. She barely says. そこまで求めていないわよ Now did you come here to ride me, 「規格外」は言い過ぎでした or do you actually need something? 言いたいことはわかるわ So she's a she. Is that why the paper was down? 芸術もスポーツも お金が無いと何もできない No, God, no. 特に女子スポーツはね Clearly you're hiding something でも 予算ってそういうものなの because you closed the laptop very quickly. 理解できないのは 新しいスコアボードが作れるのに Then when I asked you about it, you said it was a freshman 女子部を廃部するってことなんです instead of a freshman girl, スコアボードは女子サッカーも使うわ which is a very convenient leave-out. あなたの情熱は評価するけど お金は湧いてこないのよ It's not a convenient leave-out. 女子チームの応援に来る人が増えれば You can just say that you're interested in her. お菓子も チケットの売上も伸ばせるかも It's cute. What's her name? そうですね 私は全試合を見に行きますから Why do I have to tell you her name? 女子サッカー部は 試合中よ You never talk to me you about Will, では 試合に遅れて行きます or any other guys, for that matter. - さようなら - 失礼します カウハー先生 Yeah, because I don't want to make you jealous. 待って Now who is it? 何? - Fine, it's Hannah Hampton. - Ilo's sister. その態度は何? No wonder you didn't want to tell me. 全然張り合ってない And PS, I tell you way more about me than I do anyone else. 情報が分かったら いいの - Including Hurley. - [car approaches] 情報って? - Oh, your mom's home. - Using me to get my mom. It's a dick move. お金の流れについてよ 校長は関係ないってこと I'm not using you, and speaking of dick moves, - つまり? - 財布の紐を握ってる人が他にいる Ilo will totally kick your ass 女子サッカー部の試合 マジで行くの? if he finds out that you're interested in his sister. - 行くわ - なんで? - Don't manipulate my mom. - She loves me. ハンナのこと頑張ってね I realize that your primary goal is to keep order in the school, オカズはちゃんと管理してね but you're also a strong, independent woman [発信中 ジェーン] and a feminist. - もしもし - もしもし I like to think of myself that way. - 順調? - ええ And on top of all of that, you're raising a semi-normal son 探してほしいものがあるの who I'm sure you want to respect women. それには あなたの特殊能力が必要なの Okay, that's a little heavy-handed, Farrah. いいわよ 何? I know I went a little too far with the "semi-normal" bit. かけなおすわ I get what you're driving at. いつも試合中に商品を運んでくるの? It's devastating to lose funding ようこそ Wednesday Night Lightsへ for any art or sports, especially women's sports, まだ夜(Night)じゃないわ but that's just how school budgets work. ここでは必要なものしか売らないよ I just don't understand how we could have ボトル水は左側 a brand-new scoreboard on the football field, やばいドリンクは右側 yet we have to cut girls teams altogether. そうなんだ なかなか面白いわね Well, that scoreboard is used for girls soccer そうだよ 悪さするのも 案外 楽しいだろ? and field hockey. 2人がそんなに 女子サッカー好きだとはね I love your passion, but the money just isn't there. それとも お互いに好きとか? I mean, maybe if more people came out to support 何してるの? our girls, then we could sell more snacks - 女子サッカーの応援よ - なるほど at the snack bar and maybe even sell a few tickets. 箱を取りに行ってくる I know, I go to every single one of the games. フックとは何でもないの Girls soccer's playing right now. - そんなこと聞いてない - 誤解してる風だから Then I am late for a game. ここに来て グレースからブリッジの秘訣を 教えてもらってたと思ったわ - Bye, Farrah. - Bye, Mrs. Cowher. そうなの?グレース - Wait. - What? いつも勝ってたでしょ? 飽きると思って Who are you? That was not combative at all. 嫌なら手を引くけど And yet I got all the info that I need. いいえ 競争は好きだから What info? ここの売上げはどこに行くの? I need to know where the buck starts - フックの分は彼の儲け - あなたが売った分は? and where it ends, and neither is with your mom. 体育局の事務室よ どうかした? - Which means? - Someone else is holding the purse. どうもしないわ Are you really going to a girls soccer game? ファラの前で すごく気不味かったわ - I really am. - Why? Skypeセックスがママにバレたときみたい Good luck with Hannah. 売店でのこと? Don't ruin your entire sock collection. それとも 僕と一緒にいるのを見られたから? [players shouting] 両方だけど あなたのことが大きい [line out rings] 変に思うことないよ [Jayne] Hey, Fare. まだ 何もしてない - Hey. - Working on it. 「まだ」って? All good. 気不味くなった? I need you to find something else out. 完全にね And this requires use of your other special skills. [スポーツをバカにするな] Okay, what do you need? [男女平等] - [Plain Jane] What's the story? - I'll call you back. 失礼 Do you always deliver your product to the snack bar ねえ while an actual game is going on? これが資金調達額よ 私のわかる範囲だけど Welcome to Wednesday Night Lights. - 結構あるわ - 他には? - Except it's day. - Right. アメフトのチケット売場の 男子と話したんだけど No one of consequence is ever here. 売上は例の引退選手の 事務所に行くんでしょ So our real water goes here on the left, 大正解 and our loaded stuff here on the right. ソイツは11時まで 事務所に帰って来ないって Okay. This is actually kind of fun. 会いに行きたいでしょ I know. It turns out doing something naughty, さすがね じゃあ 11時15分にホールで kind of enjoyable. Who knew? [中庭で女子が抗議 女子出陣!] I had no idea you guys were such big fans of girls soccer. 計画は? Or each other. 体育局長に話しに行く What are you doing here? 大丈夫よ - Supporting the girls team. - [laughs] Okay. 学校新聞の取材ってことで I'm gonna go grab another load. うちは家族ぐるみの付き合いで Hook and I are just hanging out. 兄の進学でも世話になったし - I didn't ask. - I'm just saying so you know. アメフト部の評判がいいと 体育局長の待遇が違うのよ You know, when I first saw you, I actually thought 教え子たちも大学に入るでしょ? you were here to get more bridge tips from Grace. おそらく 給料は 公立高校の中でもずっと高いはず Isn't that right, Grace? 入りなさい Just thought you might get tired of winning all the time. - 要件は何かな? - タイガープレスの記者です But if it bothers you, I can back off. 抗議運動の取材をしています 録音してもいいですか? No, I like the competition. いいけど Where does the money from the snack bar go? ここに初めて入りました - Hook's goes in his pocket. - The stuff you sell. 現役時代はすごかったと伺ってます こんなにトロフィーがあるとは Goes to the AD's office. Why? サラ 元気かい? No reason. - 兄さんの学校生活は? - 最高よ 気にいってるみたい I don't know why that felt so weird with Farrah. そりゃ よかった It's like my mom caught me having Skype sex. さて 何かコメントが欲しいんだろ? Are you talking about setting up the snack bar thing? ひどい状況だね Or just about, like, getting caught with me in general? 廃部になる辛さはわかる Both, but really the you part. でも それは州の予算が削られたからなんだ You don't have to feel weird. 手の打ちようがない I mean, we haven't done anything yet. つまり 洗車やケーキ・バザーをしても Yet? バスや設備とか 予算のかかるものは まかなえない I assume things just got weirder? 状況を変えられるなら 変えたいよ A whole lot weirder. まあ 聞いてくれ [camera shutter clicking] 僕の娘もスポーツをしている Sorry. そうなんだ Hey. 女子スポーツには金が回らないんだ 信じてくれ All right, here's all the fundraising numbers コメントありがとうございました I could get my hands on. どういたしまして - It's not a little bit of cash. - And that other thing? こう着状態の緩和に役立つと思います The ladies and I had a little chat よかった with the dude who runs the football ticket booth. - どうも - お兄さんによろしく And let me guess, they drop off the cash すごく居心地悪かった at a former football hero's office. あの部屋の箱に何を隠してるんだろう? Why, yes, he does. ねえ 話聞いてないの? I also found out that this hero won't be in his office 家族が世話になってるのよ until after 11:00 just in case you wanted to talk to him. それはそれ 隠し事してるってことは別よ Rock star. Get a hall pass for 11:15. 「信じてくれ」って目を閉じるのは 嘘をついてるからよ [drumline music playing] ブリッジのときの プレインもそうなの [door opens] お昼に会いましょ - Hey. - Hey. So what's the plan? - 今朝の小突きは微妙だったな - 小突いた? We're gonna talk to the athletic director. わざと ぶつかっただろ It will be fine. さあね 覚えてないわ We're doing a story for the school paper. わざとじゃないかもね You know he's a family friend. 助けてほしいの He helped get my brother into college. 今度は僕に どんな違反をしてほしいの? Do you know what happens to an AD 前にもやったことよ who runs a successful high school football program? 母の鍵が欲しいとか? They get into college, too, and trust me, the salary 解決の糸口をつかんだの will be a lot better than at a public school like ours. 後は フィッシャーの部屋を 捜索するだけ [knock on door] 何か証拠がありそうなんだね? Come in. 資金調達額もチケットの 売上額も把握したから Hi, can I help you? 次はフィッシャーが 使った経費を知りたいの We're with The Tiger Press, つまり 君は フィッシャーが少し... and we're doing a story on the protests. - 言わないで - 言うさ - Do you mind if I record you? - Um, okay. 言ったら絶交よ I've never been in here before. 臭うんだね I heard you were a big deal when you used to play. 7時に迎えに行くわ But all of this? Wow. わかった7時に待ってる Sara, how you doing? - じゃあね - 待って How's your brother doing in school? えっと...僕と外食しない? Great, yeah, he's still loving it. 今からブリッジなの 好きじゃないでしょ? That's cool, good. 誰かと一緒にいるのは好きだけど So what, do you want-- want a statement or... そうか 頑張って Well, it's a horrible situation, right? いつも独りぼっちで 食べなくてもいいじゃない I mean, it kills me when any sport is cut あなたは面白いから 人気者になるわ because of some state budgetary reason, and these cuts, 自分をさらけ出してみたら? [scoffs] my hands are tied. ファラはいつもあんな感じよ I mean, car washes and bake sales - あれが普通 - そうかしら? are not going to add up to buses and equipment 夏に突然ステイシーと絶交して 理由も言わず 今は... and everything else that fattens our budget. いつから変だと思うようになったの? If I could change that, I would. 僕は関係ないよ Look, ladies, listen, なんで スポーツのことで 私に冷たく当たるの? I have daughters that play sports. あなたよ 関係ないって言ったのは - Oh. - Right. 遅れちゃってごめんね The money's not there. Trust me. やることがあったの Thank you so much for your statement. 悪いたくらみだな Sure. 何を話してたの? I know it'll do a lot to ease the tension out there. 何も - Glad I could help. - Thank you, Mr. Fischer. 私の席を返してくれる? Say hey to your brother. 今 気づいたんだけどさ That was so uncomfortable. ここからカフェテリアが 一望できるんだね What do you think he was hiding in those boxes in his office? 今 気がついたんだけど Do you even hear me? 上のキャットウォークからも 一望できるわよ He's been very good to my family. それもいいね I'm not saying he hasn't, but that doesn't mean では 両ジェーンの連勝を止めるわよ he's not hiding something. - 倒してやるから - あなたが? He said "trust me" and closed his eyes. この頃 勝てないじゃない Classic liar's tell. 勝ちを止めてやるわ Plain does it when we play bridge. この まぐれ連勝の前は ファラと私が35連勝したわ I'll meet you at lunch. ディールして [school bell rings] フィッシャーの件 進展あった? [drumline music playing] まだだけど 信じて - That's a subtle bump this morning. - What bump? わかったわ You nudged me on purpose. なんでステイシー・ムーアヘッドが 嫌いなの? Well, I don't remember. アイロの二股の相手でしょ? So it couldn't have been on purpose. そうだけど 私とアイロより前に [sighs] I need your help. あなたはステイシーと 絶交したじゃない What illegalish thing do you need me to do now? 両ジェーンに言えば? 彼女と仲よくなるかも Nothing you haven't done before. - 彼女たちのことじゃないわ - 訳があるのよ You need my mom's keys? わかるけど 抱え込まないで 人を信じてよ I think I know where the buck stops. つまり 私を信じてほしいの I just need to search AD Fischer's office a little. 何か話したいなら You think you're gonna find a smoking gun, don't you? あなたを信じてるわ I know how much the fundraisers and the ticket sales bring in. 信じてるってば Now I just need to know how much Fischer's spending. でも 今は部活に戻れる方法を 見つけたいの So what you're saying is that something わかった? about Fischer smells a little-- - 待って 学校の外よ - ごめん - Please don't say it. - I'm gonna say it. 聞きたいことがあるの If you're gonna say it, then you gotta break in with me. こうなっちゃったからには Fishy. [chuckles] ファラと何があったか聞きたい I'll pick you up at 7:00. 何のこと? Okay, I will be picked up at 7:00. 本当に何もなかったの? Goodbye, Cowher. だってファラは友達だから 仲良くしたい Wait, uh... もう過ぎたことさ do you wanna hang out and eat with me? 過去を掘り返すのはちょっとね I have a bridge game to get to, and I know it's not your bag, 敵に回したくない ファラとは友達でいたいの but I actually like sitting with people. わかった That's cool, do your thang. ファラと僕は 小2のときから友達だ You know, you don't have to eat by yourself 何もなかったよ 僕を信じて up here all the time. ファラのことは彼女しかわからない You're a funny guy. People will like you. - 何? - 中古のジャージ?動かぬ証拠だ You just have to put yourself out there a little, you know? お金はここを経由してる I don't know, she seems like normal Farrah to me. 証拠があるはずだわ - Whatever normal Farrah is. - Really? バカだな パスワードなしだ Out of nowhere, she drops Stacey this summer そういや ハンナと話してたのを見たわよ and refuses to say why, and now-- どうだった? Since when does her keeping stuff from us seem weird to you? アイスを買ってたら 偶然いたんだよ Nope, leave me out of this. 偶然とは思えないわ Okay, and why is she icing me out of the sports thing? それも 初めてカフェテリアで食べた人に No offense, but you kind of said you didn't want to be involved. ねえ 私はあなたが 殻を破ってくれて嬉しいのよ Hey, sorry I'm late. Had to take care of something. 彼女と話せてよかった? Can't be good for someone. うん よかったよ [scoffs] What are we talking about? コイツ まじでバカ 完全無防備だ - Nothing. - Hmm. 何を見つけたの? Can I have my seat back? スプレッドシートが わかりやすく隠されてた You know what I just realized? この列は おそらく入金だ You can see the entire cafeteria from this chair. ということは... You know what I also just realized? 金額がほぼ一致してる You can see the entire cafeteria from your spot 大ショック ほぼ全額が 男子アメフト部に流れてる - up on the catwalk. - Love you, too. 女子チームが儲けた分まで All right, you ready to break the Janes streak? 男子バスケ部もタンマリ - We are gonna take you down. - Are you? フィッシャーのしてたスポーツだけ おかしいわね 'Cause you haven't even sniffed a win in days. 過去の栄光を取り戻すため 後輩に投資してるようだ Slow your roll, okay? 本当にズルい男ね Farrah and I won like 35 in a row before this lucky streak. そこの2人 ここで何をしてる? Deal 'em up. ドアが開いていたので ただ... So did you get anywhere with Fischer? 2人で楽しむ場所を 探してたのか? Not yet, but I will, trust me. 楽しむって? Okay. [laughs] 外野席の下で見つけたこともあるし Hey, why do you hate Stacey Moorehead? 屋上で見つけたこともある Weren't you fooling around with Ilo 教務室でもな - at the same time she was? - Yes, but we both know あのさ 僕たちを 二人きりにしてくれない? you fired Stacey before me and Ilo. ここで思い出を作りたいだけなんだ You can tell the Janes that they can be friends with her. わかった 俺にも若い頃があったんだ - It's not just about the Janes. - I have my reasons. 後で掃除する人に 気を使ってくれよな Yeah, I know you do, but at some point, わかった you're gonna have to trust someone other than yourself. ごめん I'm just-- I'm just saying that you can trust me この投稿は緊張するな if you ever want to talk about stuff or... 先週も匿名投稿したじゃない I do trust you. ジムのトイレで 誰かがおっ立ててたやつ I do. But for now, let me figure out a way to get you でも これはフィッシャーの 失墜だけじゃない - back on that field, okay? - Okay. シーズンど真ん中の 有望な若者も傷つけることになる - We're outside the school. - Sorry, you're right. これはアメフトのためじゃない I wanted to ask you something. 女子がスポーツをする 権利のために戦ってるの Now that this is happening, それだけよ I need to know your story with Farrah. でも アメフト部と関係者の恨みを買うんだぜ What story? 脳しんとうが起きてもやめないんだから You were really never a thing? この投稿でやめるはずないでしょ 'Cause she's my friend, でも すごい波紋が起きるよ and I don't want to mess with that. いつもやってるじゃない A little late for that. だから問題ないわ Kind of asking post facto. よし Look, I prefer her as my friend [ウィル:ビデオチャットしない?] because I've seen her as an enemy. [もうベッドに寝てる] I get it. [じゃあ 手間が1つ省けた] Look, Farrah and I have been friends since second grade. - あなたとはしないわよ - しないって何を? Nothing's happened between us. Trust me. 服は脱がないわ She has her own thing going on. こうして記事になった女子は 山ほどいるもの [keys jingling] おやすみ ウィル What? - 待って - 何? Used practice jerseys. 学校の新しいトイレのこと ウィギーから聞いたよ We got him dead to rights. あらそう? [sighs] The money passes through this office. それと君のパパが家を出たってこと There's gotta be something in here. 近くにいてあげたい This guy is a total bozo. Not even a password. ありがたいけど 大丈夫よ おやすみ [scoffs] - やめろよ - 何を? Hey, I saw you talking to Hannah today. 俺がいるのに一人で抱え込むなよ How did that go? あのとき 隣にいたから どんなに辛かったかわかる I was buying ice cream. Coincidence, so was she. 何か月も前のことよ I don't believe in coincidences, particularly for someone 心配はありがたいけど 本当に大丈夫だから who never eats in the cafeteria ever. ありがたいの? What? I'm glad you're putting yourself out there. - おやすみ - 必要なときは電話して Did it feel good talking to her? わかった - Yes, it felt good. - [squeals softly] ねえ Did I say this guy was a bozo? I mean an ignoramus. こんな深夜に何をしてるの? Why, what'd you find? ビデオを見てただけ Very sloppily hidden spreadsheet. - 本当? - うん Looks like this column here is the money coming in. コナン・オブライエンの記事を 送っておいたから Uh-huh, and... 内気を治すために演劇の授業を取ったそうよ - Most of these numbers match. - Mm-hmm. ありがとう 読んでみる Wow, shocking, football gets most of the money, あらやだ コナンが誰か知ってるの? even the money the girls team raise. うん And boys basketball gets a ton, too. 何か気に障った? そうなら言って Weird how those are the sports that Fischer played. そんなことない 違うよ Looks like someone's throwing cash at the chance ねえ ファラを パーティーに誘ったら? to relive his former glory. あなたたち 友達なんでしょ? - Well, we got the weasel. - [door opens] そうだけど 誘うような間柄じゃない What are you two doing here? どういうこと? 時々 出かけるじゃない Uh-- the door was open, and we were just-- - 時々さ - 全然 理解できないわ Just looking for a fun place to do your thing? 多分 そうだろうね Our thing? おやすみ I've caught kids doing it under the bleachers. 夜更かししちゃだめよ I've caught kids doing it on the roof. わかってる I even caught two in the teachers lounge. それじゃ Hey, Al, do you mind if we maybe keep this between us? - 歌おうか - 嫌 I mean, my girl here, - お願い - 嫌 she just wants to make a memory, you know? - 歌って - 嫌だってば I got ya. I used to be young once, too. - ウソでしょ... - どうした? Just remember who has to clean up after you two. 君のパパ? You got it, dude. 撮らないで! - [door closes] - Sorry. 一緒にいるのは 教育長だ I'm nervous about posting this one. そうね Last week you posted a blind item パパがステーシー・ムーアヘッドの ママとイチャついてる about someone upper-decking the gym bathroom. もう 行きましょ I know, okay, but we're not just taking Fischer down. [フィッシャーの記事ができた] We are cutting the knees out of America's baby [「フィッシャーをさばけ」でどう?] right in the middle of its season. [男って どうしてバカなの?] We're not fighting football. [?????] We're fighting for a girl's right to play. [投稿して] It's cut and dry. [フィッシャーをさばけ 後輩を身びいき!] The football team's gonna hate this すごいことになるぞ and so is anyone who shows up at the field for the game. 性差別の争いのにおいがする Brain damage won't stop football and neither will your post. のぞむところよ I know, but I also know this is the kind of story フィッシャーをさばけ! that ruffles a lot of cock feathers. フィッシャーをさばけ! You ruffle your own cock feathers all the time, フィッシャーをさばけ! so that should be no problem. フィッシャーをさばけ! - Hmm? - Hmm? フィッシャーをさばけ! Okay. フィッシャーをさばけ! - [computer chimes] - I'm not doing this with you. フィッシャーをさばけ! Doing what? フィッシャーをさばけ! Taking off one piece of clothing. フィッシャーをさばけ! This is how a thousand horrible news stories start. フィッシャーをさばけ! Good night, Will. フィッシャーをさばけ! - Wait. - What? フィッシャーをさばけ! Woogie told me about the new bathroom at school. フィッシャーをさばけ! Oh, yeah? フィッシャーをさばけ! Yeah, she also told me your dad moved out. フィッシャーをさばけ! I wish I was there with you. フィッシャーをさばけ! Thanks, but, um, I'm cool. Good night. フィッシャーをさばけ! - Don't do this. - Do what? フィッシャーをさばけ! Don't pull this "I don't need anybody else" stuff with me. フィッシャーをさばけ! I was right next to you when you found out. フィッシャーをさばけ! I know how devastating it was. フィッシャーをさばけ! It was months ago. フィッシャーをさばけ! Look, I appreciate you caring, but really, I'm fine. フィッシャーをさばけ! - Appreciate? - Good night, Will. フィッシャーをさばけ! Call me if you need me, all right? フィッシャーをさばけ! Okay. フィッシャーをさばけ! - [door opens] - Hey. フィッシャーをさばけ! [door bangs shut] フィッシャーをさばけ! What are you doing out here so late? フィッシャーをさばけ! Just watching videos. フィッシャーをさばけ! - Really? - Yeah. 管理側の人が 自己の利益のために 善悪のけじめがつかなくなることがある [laughs] 自分はそうならないなんて 言えない I just forwarded you an article about Conan O'Brien, どんな立場でも起きると思う how he took acting classes to try to get over his shyness. 後輩を身びいきする奴にも 違法で酒を売る生徒にも Thanks, I'll read it. - 私にも分け前ちょうだい - え? Oh, my God, you do you know who Conan O'Brien is? 私のおかげで散々儲かったのよ - Yes. - You do? ホームゲームはあと7試合 - Yes. - Okay. Am I annoying you? - 私も儲けたい - 出ていけ Because if I'm annoying you, tell me. 女子チーム全部が 今学期に戦い始める You're not annoying, just... 正しい理由や正しい人のために 戦って解決できることがある Honey, why don't you have Farrah take you to some parties? 手作りクリスピーと フレーバーウォーターはいかが? I mean, you two are good friends, right? ボランティアに持って来させますから Yeah, but we're not-- we're not go-out friends. いくら? [laughs] What does that mean? I mean, you go out, right? でも 飲まない方がいいかも - Sometimes? - Sometimes a little, I guess. 添加物いっぱいだから I'm never, ever gonna understand this, am I? 代わりに普通の水を持ってきます - Probably not, no. - Okay. - 私の思った通りかな? - 彼女 隅に置けないね - [whispers] Goodnight. - Goodnight. どうする気? Don't stay up too late. 分け前を出さなくちゃ Okay. 今回のエピソードの 挿入歌はこちら [door opens, closes] - All right, sing it, babe. - No. - Come on. - No. - Sing it. - Ugh! I don't want to. - Oh, my God. - What is it? Is that your dad? - Stop taping them! - I think that's the superintendent with him. - It is. My dad's making out with Stacey Moorehead's mom. - Can we get out of here? - Yeah. [taps key] - Sing it, babe. - No. - Come on. - No. - Sing it. - Ugh! I don't want to. Oh, my God. - [typing] - What is it? Is that your dad? I think that's the superinten-- [sighs] [drumline music playing] [crowd chanting in distance] Ready for the fallout? Because I'm smelling a gender war. Bring it on. [girls chanting] Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! [men chanting in distance] Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! Gut the Fisch! [Farrah] Sometimes the people in charge let their own interests dictate what's right and wrong. I'm not saying any of us are totally above it. I'm just pointing out that it happens on every level, whether it's an ex-jock wanting to relive his past or just a kid illegally selling alcohol. - I want a cut. - What? You've been making a ton of money off of my good nature, and we have seven more home games. - I want in. - Screw off. All the girls teams will take the field this season. Sometimes it just works out that you not only fight for the right reason but for the right person. Would you like a flavored water with your homemade crispy? I can have my volunteer here grab you one. How much is that? You know what, I'm not gonna let you put that in your body. It's way too artificial. I'll get you a regular water instead. - Was that what I think it was? - Told you she wouldn't be easy. What are you gonna do about it? I guess give her a cut. [music plays] Music featured in this episode of Youth & Consequences. ♪ Take me to a time when we were younger ♪ [♪] [♪] ♪ Said I'm too sensitive ♪ ♪ She doesn't know that I'm just a big kid ♪ ♪ Girl glass, girl glass, girl glass ♪ ♪ Girl glass, girl glass, girl glass ♪
B1 中級 日本語 女子 ファラ アメフト 男子 抗議 サッカー Youth & Consequences (Ep 4) - Wednesday Night Lights 5 0 林宜悉 に公開 2020 年 10 月 23 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語